Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What I Pray and What I Say


Matthew 15:10b-11 10b “Hear and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” ESV

I have adopted a prayer that I pray most everyday and it goes:

Father in Heaven,
Today, I surrender total control of my life to You; accepting that I am to listen to You, obey You, and trust You to direct every move I make. I give over my thoughts, hopes, dreams, ambitions, pleasures, and preferences. I give over my frustrations, disappointments, and heartaches. I give over revenge and I will listen for Your voice, and do what You say. I pray for Your correction and discipline when I try to take the reins back. Help me, speak to me, and guide me I pray. Amen.

I give God my life and ask for His help in living how He says, not how I want. But a lot of days what I pray and then how I act are different; and I pray, then I disobey. And most of the time it’s the overflow of my heart that manifests itself in my speech. If you’re like me you know it’s a daily battle. I want my life – every bit of it – to line up with God’s heart and I want to win more of the defilement battles by speaking the truth in love…

Lord God,
As the Canaanite woman asked You, “Lord, help me.” So Jesus, I ask You to do the same for me – help me to live what I say I believe and to honor You with my thoughts, words, and deeds – in Your Name, amen.

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