Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A People Zealous


Titus 2:14 14 “…who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.” New American Standard Bible

Psalm 104 speaks of the majesty of God’s provision over creation and His goodness to all He has made. Verse 28 speaks of how He cares for wild animals; it says, “You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.” Good is what God is and does. It’s no wonderthen that His work in the world is to create, redeem and purify for Himself a people of His very own who are zealous (eager and awaiting) to do good. Make no mistake about it – doing good is doing no more or no less than what He tells us to do – period. To act on our own is lawlessness. We don’t live by law but by grace – and grace is for our success in accomplishing the good deeds Paul speaks of here in Titus 2. That His Kingdom come; that His will be done – that is our mission as His people on this earth…

So I will daily draw close that I may ask, “Lord what do You want me to be, so that I may zealously accomplish what You want me to do?” There is something for me to do and He will show me and I will by His grace, do it.

Father in Heaven,
You are in the business of redeeming those who will turn from their own way to following Yours. You are purifying those people and calling them Your very own. And You show them what to do and they are eager and enthusiastic to doing just that. Thank You that You’ve called me and are showing me to do good – I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, amen. In the meantime, Psalm 37.3-4!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Filter of Purity


Titus 1:15 15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
New American Standard Bible

Black and white, plain and simple; to the one whom God has purified through belief and association with Him is given the ‘filter’ purity with which to view and experience the world. So to that person is the ability to see that evil is purely evil and goodness is purely good – there is no mixture. But to the unbelieving there is no removal of defilement and everything is viewed and experienced through the ‘filter’ of error, confusion, uncertainty, fear and the like.

I look at this verse and remind myself of my need to read the Bible and apply its teachings to my life – in purity. My faith in God and my time spent in His truth help me in keeping the filter of purity clean as I make my journey through life. I need to read what God has to say everyday and I need to spent unhurried time alone with Him that I may maintain a level of faith that protects me and guides me as I trust in the Holy Spirit who leads me. To the pure, all things are pure…

Father in Heaven,
You blessing is the gift of purity and the ability to see the world as it is and not how I want it to be or think it ought to be. You have called me to walk not only in purity but to view the world in the clear view of what it is and what my purpose in You is as I live here. Help me this day to avoid anything that occludes my vision and my lead me toward unbelief. To the pure all things are pure – that is Your gift and that is my belief through Jesus Christ – in His Name, amen.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Big Deal


2 Timothy 4:1-2 1 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
New American Standard Bible

There it is again: this ‘solemn charge’ thing. What’s up with that!? We might read it like this: “Timothy, get this for it is of enormous importance – preach and proclaim the truth. If there is anything this world needs in any season, it’s the truth! So keep at it; don’t let your life grown idle, keep your foot on the gas! Take every opportunity to correct and chastise; and always to encourage. But do be careful to do it with wisdom and massive patience because yours will be assaulted and worn thin – repeatedly. Tim, this is a big deal!”

A solemn charge is what God makes to us – to me. And you know, I need to be reminded of this regularly – solemnly… because it’s a big deal; seeing people getting it is a big deal; seeing people get healed, helped and headed in the direction of heaven is a big deal. It’s not cute, it’s not a laughing matter – it’s a big serious deal and I need to approach it accordingly.

Father in Heaven,
You have made it a solemn charge because it’s a solemn deal and You love people so much You made a way for them to escape from the ravages of sin, sickness and eternal sadness. Help me to remember it’s a big deal I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Continue Convinced


2 Timothy 3:14 14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
New American Standard Bible

Continue – because the temptation is to give up and give in
Learned – what God has and is now revealing through His word and through circumstances and experiences, past and present
Convinced – a depth of understanding that endures and doesn’t fade or diminish in the face of difficulties
Knowing – observing the presence of God in others and embracing and emulating that faith
Whom – the depth of relationship with people; spending time and sharing life with them
Learned – watched, shared, celebrated, wept, pondered; all the necessary elements of time, fellowship and experience that cement these values and turn them into convictions

Paul reminded Timothy of these things because Paul (eyes wide open) had sent Timothy (eyes wide open) into the fray and out among wolves in sheep’s clothing. But Paul reminded Timothy that no matter how bad things may get, and how strong temptations might appear, God was on his side and had supplied him with everything he needed to succeed.

As I look at my life and its evolution over the last few months and years these words of Paul are to me as if he wrote them to me. God has changed my perspective and altered my value system and I will continue in the things I have learned and become convinced of because I know how I learned them, and who God used to teach me.

Father in Heaven,
You've made sure that my life has not been without teachers, mentors, influencers, and experiences that have helped shape me into the believer I am, and given me the convictions I now hold. As I look back over 26 years of walking with You, You've helped me endure in my faith and learn to get rid of some stupid thinking and grow into more maturity. I know we’re not done, You and me, but I trust what You are doing and like Abraham, I am following You into the unknown, knowing that You have a plan and purpose in mind. Thank You, in Jesus’ Name I am enabled; and I pray, amen.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Honorably Clean


2 Timothy 2:21 21 “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
New American Standard Bible

It really doesn’t matter what kind of dish, cup or utensil; it only matters that it’s clean, and isn’t crusted over with residue of canned dog food; cleanliness goes a long way to establish whether something is useful or not. And whether we are Tupperware or Gibson, Pfaltzgraff or Noritake, isn’t the issue – the issue is that we are clean when the God reaches for us for His use. Paul says the thing that transforms a vessel from dishonor to honor is self-cleansing (my part) and cleanliness (God’s part). That process only comes by the renewing of our minds, and that only comes through spending unhurried time alone with God and the reading and study of His word with openness and un-flexing honesty.

I must learn to take all of my thoughts captive and ruthlessly terminate my faulty thinking and habitual judging. I am to strive to judge my own thinking according to the word of God and to allow Him to direct my thoughts, words, and deeds. It means me taking the next step in surrender of my whole being to the Lordship of Christ. It means applying the divine strength given to me by the Holy Spirit to cleanse myself from sub-standard living and being prepared for every God-directed good work. As I do I might find that I am the old fork in the drawer God keeps reaching for…

Father in Heaven,
You expect Your children to be clean and You expect them to be ready when You choose to use them. You expect them to work at self-cleansing and that comes from spending time with You – the more the better. Help me to guard my schedule to spend time with You that I may be cleaned and be clean. Thank You for the cleanliness that is mine in Christ and by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Retain the Standard


2 Timothy 1:13 13 Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.
New American Standard Bible

What if an inch meant whatever you wanted it to be? What if you were no longer accountable to other drivers and could drive on any side of the road you chose, in any direction and they, the same? What if the words of the Scripture meant to some one thing in certain situations, and something else in others? Oh, I see, we already have that!

I’m told Jonathan Edwards, the great American theologian, spent upwards of 11 hours a day studying the Scriptures. His preaching and the impact of his words to this day bear that out. He retained to the standard of sound words. I’m not sure what Timothy did, but I assume he did the same.

My calling is not to preach whatever I think the Bible says, but to preach what it says. My calling is not to twist the words of Scripture to mean whatever I want them to mean, but to retain the standard of sound words and the sound teaching of God eternal message to mankind; whoever it is in mankind the Lord leads me to and commands me to speak.

Father in Heaven,
Your word is truly immutable. That doesn’t mean that men don’t try to twist Your words to suit their own tastes, but You said what You meant, and meant what You said. Help me Father to retain the standard of sound words and to share with like-hearted men who will do the same – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

True Gain Refrains


1 Timothy 6:6 6 But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.
New American Standard Bible

The contrast is between godliness and wealth and hinges on the focal word ‘gain’. It appeared to Paul that many so-called teachers were about and they were using their knowledge as a financial means to live, and some apparently quite luxuriously. But Paul’s response to this was to define the word ‘gain’ and to show that true gain is only when godliness is partnered with contentment. Wealth usually drives us to want more and more wealth; contentment tempers that desire and allows us to accept what we have from God without fearing or mistrusting that He is somehow going to forget us or leave us wanting…we can only learn that from Him.

As I read these words today, I realize the magnitude of my own mistakes with money and possessions and realize that I have resisted contentment. The pull of our materialistic society is very strong and my fight against it must be fierce or else I’ll make the same stupid mistakes all over again. The gain I now seek these days is to live and serve the Lord and to be content with what I have, where I am, and what the Lord gives me.

Father in Heaven,
You give big things to those who have been taught by You to handle it. I pray for more teaching and learning at the throne of grace to use contentment in whatever I do and to use the Holy Spirit’s power to fight against the pull of my culture to amass myself more and more of what delivers less and less – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Solemnly Charge


1 Timothy 5:21 21 "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality." NASB

Paul seems to be saying, “Timothy, whatever you do, do it as if in the presence of God and whatever you do, don’t just appoint the ones you seem to get along with – it may come back to bite you if you do.”

As Paul saw the Spirit of Christ at work in Timothy, he was teaching Timothy to look for the same evidences in the lives of potential leaders; ah, but the solemnity of the oath – why so serious?

Churches are supposed to grow, thrive and last. Through the community of believers is God’s abundant gifting for unlimited success; eternity is at stake! So whatever we do for (or against) the church needs to be done as if in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels to maintain the integrity, effectiveness and endurance of the church. It is serious business with eternal ramifications.

I think about the choosing of me by those who sent me to pastor a local church – where I no longer pastor. I think about the mistakes I made and the consequences of those mistakes for which I will have to answer some day. I think about starting a home church and trying over. I think about what it will look like and for what reason I want to do it. I want to do it for the growth, integrity, effectiveness and endurance of the church. I think about the Church in China where believers have to be extremely careful to choose leaders with extreme caution. I think about those trying to worship Jesus Christ in the Middle East and the efforts they have to go through to protect themselves so that the churches may grow, thrive and survive. It’s coming to America and I need to be ready as do others. But God has given us everything we need to do things His way and I will cling to that and receive Paul’s solemn charge, “…in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.”

Father in Heaven,
Strengthen Your servant to do this for the rest of his days on earth – he prays in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Take Pains


1 Timothy 4:15 15 Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.
New American Standard Bible

A Puritan teacher once said, "Impress the young convert from the very beginning with the conviction that God has called him into His kingdom to struggle with the corruptions of his heart." Now one might think God had called the young convert to love, purity, holiness and the like – and God has – but God has called all of His children to take pains with their faith and struggle (war, wrestle, contend) against the sin, weaknesses, and flaws in their own hearts. By doing so their faith will become real and their progress in walking in godliness will be visible to all.

So today, it’s into the fray for me. I will struggle and fight against my natural propensities and inclinations to sin and it won’t be pretty; it won’t be without scaring, wounds, and setback, but it will be worth it, and eventually my progress in the faith will be evident to others and my daily struggle will be pleasing to God…

Father in Heaven,
Your way is worth the pain of going after it. You have called me to fight against the things in me that are opposed to You. So again today, I pick up my shield and sword and put on my helmet and I go back into the battle not in weariness, not in futility, not in frustration, but with intention and diligence to take the pain of fighting against them. Whether others see my progress or not is not important – what is important is victory over my sinful nature. Help me today I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Credibility Game


1 Timothy 3:7 7 And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
New American Standard Bible

Often, maybe in every case, who we are, is determined by what we do. In order to have a good reputation with those outside the church our faith must be visible to them; what we say to them will be established by how we conduct ourselves. Jesus said, “… that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven…” The reason for a good reputation is not to win friends and influence people (although that might happen), but to allow the unbelieving to see the reality of our relationship with God in our everyday living and practice.

What good does it do me to poorly represent God in my work, in my community, and with my neighbors? What good does it do me to represent God well in those situations? I must remember that though I am not justified by those in the world, I am judged by them in the credibility game according to the way I live; they will quickly see if my words match my conduct– therefore, I must have a good reputation with those outside the church so that I may demonstrate that my love for God is the real deal… it even works at home too!

Father in Heaven,
You love even the people of the world; You love them so much that You planted Your life in people like me to show them what life with You is like so that perhaps they may see and believe. Help me to live above reproach and avoid the snare of the devil which is only there to discredit what I say I am in Christ to a watching world – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

According to Paul?


8 Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. 1 Ti 2:8
15 But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint. 1 Ti 2:15
New American Standard Bible

Paul’s theology and instruction had a knack of rubbing people the wrong way (cf. 2 Peter 3.15-16). I can imagine the reception he’d receive today if he told the men of our time, “C’mon guys, lift up your hands and pray in holiness and quit wrangling over politics, business and sports!” I can imagine the reception he’d get if he told the women of our day, “Ladies, stay at home and through your example, raise your children to be lovers of God!” Paul’s theology apparently is out of step with Americanism.

As a man, my role and responsibility is to follow God and pray. I am to pray when I get up and pray when I lie down. I am to pray at work and pray at play; my singular focus is to be on the Kingdom of God and what He is doing in the world – period…according to Paul. My wife is to be the keeper of our home and the teacher of our kids – according to Paul.

The question is am I willing to trust that Paul was accurately representing God as he wrote to this young pastor some two thousand years back – or do I continue to allow my culture and my country to dictate to me and my wife how we are to live? The choice is ours… the consequences are too…

Father in Heaven,
Your design is that Your children everywhere, whether married or single, whether male or female, young or old, rich or poor, focus all of their energy and resources on You and Your Kingdom, and what it is You are accomplishing on this earth. We men are to stay in faith and do the work of prayer and; our women are to continue to weave godliness, faith, love, and sanctity into the fabric of our families and into the lives of our children. Father, may our focus be refocused this day to trust Paul and do what You instructed him to write – give us, in this family, courage to do that I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Goal


1 Timothy 1:5 5 But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. New American Standard Bible

“…Grasp the club firmly, keeping your back straight and your knees bent; draw the club backwards with your left arm straight and then swing downward firmly allowing the clubface hit the ball…now the goal is to reach the hole on the green in as few hits as possible…” That’s the goal of golf…not how I actually play.

The goal of my devotions to the teachings of the Bible and fellowship with the Trinity is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith. A pure heart is a clean heart; a heart devoid of impurity. A good conscience is peace in my mind in light of my behavior as compared to the teachings of Scripture; and a sincere faith is a true and living, active faith – not just wishful thinking. There is a goal to Christianity and that Goal is God; according to Paul I get there by genuine love, godly conduct and unshakable faith; that is how I am to actually live.

So I devote myself to the Word (not just to read it but to live it) with the Goal of reaching God Himself as my motivation. Heaven isn’t my Goal; 72 virgins isn’t my Goal; popularity with the world isn’t my Goal; God is my Goal and here is what God said to one of His servants: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” (Genesis 15.1 NIV) My Reward is Abram’s Reward…

Father in Heaven,
As You spoke to Abram (Abraham) You had the rest of us in mind for he was to be the father of many godly people who recognized that You alone are our very great Reward. You are the Goal of my faith and my faith is a means to an end: You! Help me to increase in faith and help me to keep my eye always on the Goal – upon You; I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Devote Yourselves


Colossians 4:2 2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;
New American Standard Bible

I have reflected many times that the way of the believer is not necessarily what one does but who one is and in Christ, we is His. Naturally we ask “well, as children of God what are we to do?” If anything we are to do this: we are to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the beauty, majesty and freedom of the Gospel – it does no good to serve the Lord while being enslaved to worldliness. So we are to carry ourselves as His people and we are to pray. Paul said, “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving…” In other words, if I feel I need something to do I should pray but not as a option, but as a devotion – like two people are devoted to one another in marriage; continually on, constantly there.

I pray every time I open my Bible and read, asking God to reveal something in the Word to me. This morning, this verse stood out to me and reminds me to be diligent in prayer and stay alert praying by being thankful for the things God has done in my life…

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for loving me and saving me. Thank You for calling me into Your glorious Kingdom and reminding me to pray. I pray that my soul would sing Your praises all this day and that Your will be accomplished in my life and in the lives of Your children that I’m aware of this day, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The New Self


Colossians 3:10 10 and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him—
New American Standard Bible

The royal robe of the family of God is the new self which is being uniquely, individually, and collectively, renewed and conformed to a true knowledge according to the blueprint of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Wow.

Solomon’s extraordinarily dazzling and beautiful temple was covered on the inside with hammered gold; a process that took time, great skill and energy. Gold which is not only of great worth but is also one of earth’s most precious and sought after materials, is a picture of the worth of the life of the child of God because of the process of forming the image of Christ within them.

So in my mind as I read the verse above, I picture my life being hammered through knowledge, situations, and circumstances to fit the image (the pattern or the template) of Christ in the glorious temple of God He calls the Church. That is the new self – being molded, conformed, hammered to fit, the image of Christ in me in whatever situation, that the presence of Jesus and the glory of God may be revealed in me for all to see (not me but Him). My life consists of precious material fit for divine use to reveal the glory of God.

Father in Heaven,
You know what You're doing and You know the process takes time, skill and energy but the outcome of all of this process is glorious. May my trust of You grow as my understanding of what it is You're doing grows and as I continue to recognize who I am in Christ and for what purpose I was created to be like Him. And Father, may I see and value Christ in others as You carry out Your process in them – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Colossians 2:23 23 These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence. New American Standard Bible

As humans we are hard-wired by God to worship…but because of sin and selfishness we are corrupted and fallen. The original equipment is present but the operating system has been corrupted and so with all that God has blessed us with as humans, sin has ruined. In order then to try to fix it, humans came up with self-made religion, self-abasement and severe treatment of the body just to show others we truly have our act together. But these things have no value in true spiritual warfare and conduct; are dreadfully lacking and only mask destruction. In other words – they are a total waste of time.

I am called and hard-wired in Christ to be Spirit-led. I am to commune and cooperate with to the Holy Spirit who will lead me to where He desires me to go and show me what I am to do. He and only He can withstand fleshly, corrupt indulgence because He and only He brings true life and wisdom to the child of God who battles against the world, the flesh and the devil.

Father in Heaven,
You and only You are true. You original intent for mankind is true and though You’ve blessed us with freewill You never intended for us to go our own way. Help me to avoid the uselessness of the appearance of wisdom in my attempts at self-made religion, self-abasement and severe treatment of my body in order to put on a show for others humans to witness and be somehow impressed. Father I pray to be Spirit-led – I ask in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, June 15, 2009

His Power


Colossians 1:29 29 For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.
New American Standard Bible

Paul makes this statement in Colossians 1.24, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.” What he’s saying is that he is working not to complete something Christ left incomplete, but he’s working to repay what Christ did for him. The verse could be reworded: ‘what is wanting [unfulfilled, lacking] in the afflictions of Christ to be borne [carried, experienced] by me, that I supply in order to repay the benefits which Christ conferred on me by filling up the measure of the afflictions laid upon me’.(1) Paul wanted to be completely fulfilled by everything that Jesus did for him and participated in the Kingdom with that very attitude: “That I may repay Jesus for what He did for me.”

But the key is that all that Paul did, he did according to His (Jesus’) power that worked mightily within him; Paul wasn’t slugging it out on his own, he strove for Jesus by Jesus’ power (the Holy Spirit) which was in him, enabling him to do so.

This is important for me (and every other believer) because there is much lacking in me (and in us) of the fulfillment of Christ’s sufferings. What Jesus did, He did so that I/we may live the abundant life and so that I/we may be effective in sharing my/our faith. So today I am taught that I must take every spiritual advantage of His sufferings so that what He did for me may realize its divine purpose and eternal reward. I am here on earth to serve Jesus but I can never do that in my own strength, only His.

Father in Heaven,
You have given me all I need for life and godliness through the Gift of the Holy Spirit; may I walk in the fullness of His presence this day and rely on His strength to accomplish what You’ve planned for me to do in this abundant life that is mine in Jesus – in His Name I pray, amen.

(1) cf. Strong, J. (1996). The exhaustive concordance of the Bible: Showing every word of the test of the common English version of the canonical books, and every occurrence of each word in regular order. (Electronic Ed.) (G466). Ontario: Woodside Bible Fellowship.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Perspective Heart and Obedience


Philippians 4:17 17 “Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.” New American Standard Bible

What? The apostle Paul uses words like, ‘profit’ and ‘increases to your account’? Where’s he going with this – does it really all just boil down to profit and money and increase!? No

It boils down to perspective, heart and obedience. This church supported Paul’s missions work because they believed in God, and in what God was doing through Paul. Paul worked for God and God paid him through gifts from churches that supported his missionary work. The churches, and in this case, especially the church at Philippi, sent Paul money from time to time so Paul could do things like eat, buy clothes and travel. But they gave because they saw the big picture of God – that He was in the business of saving people; they gave because they were grateful for their own salvation and they gave because God put it on their hearts to do so and they obeyed Him. And that according to Paul was a ‘profit’ that was deposited into their heavenly bank account for a future day in the presence of God…

This makes me do a mental inventory of what it is I am doing and how I’m contributing to the treasury of Heaven where money given on earth somehow translate to reward in heaven and God’s blessing on my perspective, heart, and obedience. God is watching me and keeping my account.

Father in Heaven,
You have given me everything I need for life and godliness. You have given me blessing upon blessing and gift upon gift. Today I realize once again that I need to be depositing into my heavenly account by doing good and supporting those who give their lives to follow You. You’ve made me think and evaluate and now Lord, I need to act in the Spirit and love of the Philippians – and Your promise is what Paul said, “and my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” – it’s in His Name I pray and obey, amen.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Toppling the Temporal


Philippians 3:19 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things.
New American Standard Bible

"Whose death uncovers a completely wasted life, whose god is their drive and desire for anything and everything they want without limits; whose glory is in their arrogance and in an adolescent carelessness toward right and wrong; and who focus their minds only on this life…" (Paul Turk Version)

I am revolted by the god of desire and glorying in shame – these are fairly obvious to me and disgusting because I have firsthand experience in both. The more insidious though is the subtle setting of my mind toward what is here and now; like employment and the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness at the expense of my soul as if they were some kind of divine entitlement – they are not.

I must guard my mind and strengthen my heart against seeing only this life. I must guard myself from the temptation to live temporally. I must learn the discipline of Psalm 27.4: One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.

Yes, I know I must live a real everyday ordinary kind of life with all it entails, but the only way I can do that successfully from a Kingdom perspective and prevent the life displayed above is to live life from the practice of Psalm 27.4; everything I do or face needs to be lived out through those words.

Father in Heaven,
You have blessed me with the gift of everyday life and all it entails – family, work, and the works; but Your desire is to be my desire that, in the midst of everyday life, I find myself looking at all of life’s issues and activities from the vantage point of worshipping You and thinking about the things You think about – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, June 12, 2009

To Will and To Work


Philippians 2:13 13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. New American Standard Bible

God, according to this brief passage, is at work in me to get me to will and to work for Him. That’s reassuring. So when I see myself cooperating with Him and thinking with my right mind, then I can be assured that He is responsible for my acting that way. And when I find myself at odds with His will and working to serve my own, then I know that I am resisting His work in me – it’s that simple.

I am at a point in life where I really want to will and work for God – I’m just not sure how. I am conflicted with my employment and the future and haven’t resigned these things over to Him; time to repent of that!

So in light of that, I will work to will and work after His good pleasure; the furtherance of His Kingdom and the spreading of the gospel. After all, He is working in me to do the same thing, so I will strive to cooperate and fight daily against the temptation to have things my way, according to my agenda. It’s a fight but according to Paul’s words here in Philippians, God is already on my side!

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for loving all of Your kids and working on their behalf and working in each of us. Help me today to will and to work for Your good pleasure and to be a blessing to others, You guide my future, not me and Lord through the power of Christ help me to get that and cooperate – I ask in His Name, amen.

Thursday, June 11, 2009



Philippians 1:29 29 For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,

I’m told that in the old days when wooden wheels were made for wagons and carriages, the wheel-makers chose the wood from trees at the edge of the forest where those trees had been exposed to the most wind and thereby the greatest stress, thus making the wood of the trees more desirable in strength and quality for making wheels. Sounds good to me; sounds smart to me.

There is something divinely reassuring about the words, “…but also to suffer for His sake…” There is something strangely appealing knowing that the stresses of life where the winds of adversity blow have a positive effect on my faith and my endurance in patience; for Paul said to the Philippians, “For to you it has been granted…” that means suffering is a gift or a divine bestowment of something good.

The world in which I live is not getting better, it’s getting worse (2 Timothy 3.13). But that doesn’t mean the gospel is less effective or that God is losing control – it means that the faithful must remain faithful and one of the ways to remain faithful is to be tested and one of the ways to be tested is to be granted for Christ’s sake to suffer for His sake. Suffering makes the wood of the trees strong and desirable for a greater purpose… not fun, but proven.

Father in Heaven,
You are perfectly good and holy in all You do. You know that I need to be tested because if not, I’ll fail under pressure. So You lovingly grant suffering in my life that I may become the man You’ve called me to be. Your word reminds me, “My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His reproof, for whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.” Thank You for the gift – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Be Strong


Ephesians 6:10 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. New American Standard Bible

Again we note the presence and usage of the word, ‘be’. Paul urges his readers to ‘be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.’ We’re not to be strong in our own power; we’re not to rely on our own might because these are ineffective in producing any spiritual change and without spiritual change we remain naturally the same – impotent to love; powerless to be holy.

So I look at this and see Paul saying something like, “be strong in your relationship with the Lord and your times of communion with Him; and lean on His strength, wisdom and leadership to get you through.” For me to be strong in my marriage means I must be thoroughly vested in that relationship – for better, for worse; in sickness and in health until death do we part… My relationship with Jesus is nothing less than that (except that He never does worse and is never sick).

Paul could’ve just as easily quoted, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3.5-6 NKJV) Both these verses and Ephesians 6.10 are key to a victorious life and for fulfilled living – it’s all about Him

Father in Heaven,
You know that I am weak, broken, and prone to wander. You know that I need Someone else’s strength because I have none of my own; that’s why You’ve given me the Savior and why I'm to be strong in my relationship with Him – fully committed, fully surrendered and loving Him with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength – fill me with the Holy Spirit to do that today – I pray in His Name, amen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Holes People Dig

A Modern Economic Psalm
By Paul Turk*

Oh, the financial holes people dig now
Just to prove that they’re big now
And they’re living, ‘what the frig?’ now
Never caring where it leads

So they build all their lives now
With their kids and their wives now
Filling up their holes and hives now
And life continually bleeds

La-da-da da-da da-da-da
La-da-da da-da-da da-de
It’s the picture of humanity
And the holes people dig

So in panic they forget about
The things in life they can do without
When there’s no water comin’ from the spout
And it’s all crashing down

Their m.o. is to reach for the shovel
And try to dig out from their hovel
But real life ain’t a romance novel
And there’re real tears on the clown


Our credit debt is going through the roof
Our empty lives are the living proof
The American Dream’s nuthin but a spoof
Most of life has been a waste

If there was just a million more dollars
And a few less collections callers
And it was either all his or all her’s
And in freedom was a just a taste

Would we really live responsible lives,
With our children and our wives;
And turn our ears off to the lies
And trade our culture for God’s grace?

La-da-da da-da da-da-da
La-da-da da-da-da da-de
There could be freedom now for you and me
From the holes that we dig.

*Roughly based on the song, “The Games People Play”, by Joe South – circa 1969



Ephesians 5:1 1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
New American Standard Bible

‘Be’ not ‘do’. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a letter of marvelous theology and encouragement and there just aren’t that many ‘do’s’ to be found in this epistle. And come to think of it, the ‘do’s’ of the New Testament are, for the most part, do’s directed toward behavior and reflected in loving relationships.

But here in Ephesians 5, is a ‘be’ and I think it’s the best ‘be’ of all: ‘Be imitators of God, as be-loved children.’ In other words, imitate what God does and says. Love truth, wisdom, and caring about and for others. Serve with a loving heart – plan ahead for the goodness and well-being of others. Be creative in other-mindedness and take care of the weak and the poor.

That is imitating God, and that is what we, who believe on the Name of Christ, are to be: those who live, love, think, and act as He does…

Imitating someone is best done when that person rubs off on you – I will spend my days seeking God to rub off on me and to guide me into the circumstances and situations that help me to imitate His and reveal His heart in mine.

Father in Heaven,
How wise and wonderful You truly are. You have called me to live in such a manner as to be a reflection of who You are. Because of that calling may the prime focus of my everyday life be that of knowing You better that I may imitate You in every circumstance in which I find myself so that others may see not me, but You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, June 8, 2009



Ephesians 4.25 25 Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.

And as members of one another the hurt we may do to another we do to ourselves. If I am truly interconnected with my fellow saints and I treat them poorly, then I am doing hurt to myself and that is sickness of a very grave sort.

Speaking the truth may be sometimes hurtful as removing a sharp object from one’s finger is painful and yet even that pain pales in comparison to the pain of hurting another believer because of interconnectedness.

What eases all of this is: “…but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ…” (verse 15) What we love we take care of and Paul is telling us to grow up and take care of one another with truth and love.

So the bottom line for me is that I must speak the truth and do so in love but not fall prey to the temptation to be selective with whom I speak and how I speak. Paul’s admonition is to speak the truth in love with everyone – all the time for that is how God deals with us and how He expects me to deal with others.

Father in Heaven,
This is not a rule or regulation but simply a reflection of Your heart towards all people – You speak to us in truth with love; and You expect all of Your children to do the same. Help me this day to honor the interconnectedness I have with other believers and the potential of interconnectedness I may have with those yet to believer – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

An Ever-Present Help


Eph 3.16 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, New American Standard Bible

Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 is (to use my favorite word of late) massive. The presence of the Holy Spirit within us (John 14) is not a come-and-go presence; He is with us and within us all the time – never ceasing – an ever present Help in time of need which is all the time! We don't flip a switch and the Holy Spirit shows up; we don’t turn a faucet and out He comes – no, He is with us and within us forever.

That is why Paul prays and asks God that we be strengthened with power in the inner man so that we will have the spiritual capacity to have the faith, love and comprehension of the majestic presence of God within us that we may filled to the fullness of God – as they say, it don’t get any better than that!

I must quit thinking of the presence of the Holy Spirit as an occasional or part-time thing – He is with me and in me forever. I must pray Paul’s prayer for power (His in me), faith to believe; love to help others and the comprehension of Who and what Jesus Christ has done and is doing inside me that I may truly partner with Him in accomplishing His will right here in the world where I live!

Father in Heaven,
You have called me out of death and darkened separation to be in fellowship with You for all eternity and You have according to Your servant Peter, given me everything I need for life and godliness and so with that I ask that You would grant me to be strengthened with power by Your Spirit in my inner man so that by true and living faith, Christ may dwell in my heart; and that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and knowing the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that I may be filled up to all the fullness of God. I ask in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, June 6, 2009



Ecclesiastes 3:19 19 For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity. New American Standard Bible

The above verse is easier for me to understand if I insert the word life in place of the word fate. “For the life of the sons of men and the life of beasts is the same…” – all live and die; no exceptions. So, Solomon seems to be saying life in the sense of an appointed time (or allotment of time) is the same fate for man and beast – but quality of life is vastly different for both; and both have unique advantages that are unavailable to the other. My dog has never had to balance a checkbook or worry about what the boss thinks… But my dog never gets the privilege to know God up close and personal.

I get the privilege of knowing God – to commune with Him and to live life under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91). My dog(s) may or may not get the reward of eternal life, but unlike me, they don’t get to share in the inheritance of the sons of the Most High.

So, I agree with Solomon in a certain respect and disagree with him in another – yes, man and beast have a level playing field when it comes to the gift of physical life, but the advantage I have over beasts is indisputably this: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1.12-13 NASB)

Father in Heaven,

O to know You my blessed Redeemer, the Giver of life, and Author of salvation!
Yours is the power, the glory, and the riches of grace over men and all creation.
To all Your creatures the fate of living is the same;
But certain rights are given even to those who believe in Your Name:
Sons of men, children of God, from every tongue, tribe, and every nation

Who are we men that You care for us and cause us to live
As the recipients of Your love and grace and the gifts that You give
You measure our life and give us our breath
And at the end of our days we sleep in death
Bur awake to eternal life, the blessing we receive.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Friday, June 5, 2009



Ephesians 1:18 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, NASB

Whenever I read one of the older translations of the Bible I always read Ephesians 1 with the sense that though I know Paul is saying something wonderful, I’m just not sure what it is – but then I get to verse 18 and things fall into place a little better; I’m still a little unsure of his words but certain that God is up to something good!

I really need the eyes of my heart, that is, my understanding, to be opened or enlightened or illumined, that I may see more clearly what it is that God has for me and what He’s doing with me. I really want to know these things. And then I want to do exactly what He’s called me to do and do it well because of all the things He’s given me. But that requires some things that I already know to do anyway:

I must commune with God – because I live with Him I must accept His presence in all that I do for as roommates, we share everything in life
I must devote myself to reading, studying and conversing about His word – for in it I find the answers to my questions
I must devote myself to doing good – for that is the model for every saint of God
I must talk often with God not only about me but about others who struggle so with life and it’s mysteries
I must allow God to be the Focal Point of all I am and do that I may learn from Him and walk in greater and greater faith

Father in Heaven,
You have called me into eternal fellowship with You and have given me everything I need for life and godliness – I ask that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened, so that I will know what is the hope of Your calling, what are the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of Your power toward us who believe. I ask for direction this day and for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit as I live, work, and conduct myself as a child of the Living God – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

His Good His Edification


Ro 15:2 2 Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. NASB

Yesterday I noted the massiveness of the theology, insight, and understanding of the apostle Paul – today I am blown away again by what he said in Romans 15: “each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification.” What does that make life look like if we actually do it? I think it makes life look meaningful, intentional and fun. (I realize ‘fun’ is not totally necessary in life but it sure helps take the edge off of the hardness of some of our experiences…)

Paul makes it plain in his words that we are to please our neighbor which makes me think: how can I practically do that? Or what are ways I can please, say, my fellow employees, my family members, the people with whom I go to church or whatever and wherever I find myself in the present of people?

It starts by making my ‘neighbor’ my focus and not me. It starts by paying attention to others and living graciously in response to their quirkiness; and we are all quirky. It starts by controlling (or at least being aware of) my own propensities and preferences and yielding as much as I can so that others may express their own and just be themselves. That may mean swallowing hard at times, and allowing others to live freely from any judgment I may come up with because they don’t match my preconceived pattern for living. But it means living in love with my fellow men because they are God’s creatures and He loves them. It means self-control and replacing ‘saving face’ with giving grace…

Father in Heaven,
You go out of Your way to please Your creatures for their good, to their edification; You see us for who we can be and not for who we are – it’s not too much for me to live like You are, loving and gracious – help me to do that in Jesus’ Name I ask, amen.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Whatever Is Not From Faith

Romans 14.23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. NASB 

If there is one word that describes the apostle Paul, it is massive. Paul was not a massive guy – history says he was scrawny, bowlegged, and balding . Paul himself says he was accused of being unimpressive and had a speech problem (cf. 2 Corinthians 10.10). But if nothing else, Paul was massive – and massively understood by many. It’s not that he couldn’t or didn’t proclaim the gospel – he did – he just said things that left most with their socks and their theological preconceived notions blown away! Paul’s theology, his insight and his understanding were nothing less than massive. 

So massive in fact that I often miss it when he says something like, “…whatever is not from faith is sin.” Makes me want to take a closer look at my own life and see what it is I’m doing that’s not from faith. Maybe I ought to figure out what that might be and in faith stop doing it… The whole argument in Romans 14 is that we are to do what the Lord tells us to do and cut others some slack if they see thing differently. And whatever is not from faith – is sin; like judging people that they don’t see things my way and act the way I think they ought – hmmm. 

Whatever is not from faith is sin. Oooo! Massive words, those! 

Father in Heaven,

If Paul the Apostle was massive in his theology, insight, and understanding there is no measurement of You at all, for You are infinitely beyond that scrawny, bowlegged and balding servant of Yours who represented You so well, and had such a passion for Your truth. I ask for more of what he had and I’m not asking for just a little, I’m asking for the whole enchilada that I may make a difference in my world for Your Kingdom the way he did in his because he knew You, and he knew that whatever was not from faith, is sin – may I know that and live it, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Present Heart

A Present Heart

Proverbs 21:27 27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination, 
How much more when he brings it with evil intent! NASB

I looked up the references for ‘abomination’ and ‘abominable’ this morning and found 131 different places in the Old Testament where these words were used. From just from my casual glimpse, I found the overwhelming majority of times the words were used were when referencing idolatry or idols. Idolatry is an abomination to the Lord. Trying to manipulate the Lord by using religious expression is also abominable. As I thought about this I thought probably the closest thing to this in our human experience is rape or child molestation – the taking of forceful or manipulative sexual advantage of someone against their will. Why try to manipulate the Lord if there is no other reason that that of self-gratification? 

My heart must be in my worship of the Lord and my heart must be a sanctuary of the Lord – anything less than that is tantamount to abomination. Sometimes it is easy to fake it, or fake it until you make it, but these also are very serious breaches of relational trust with God. My heart must be with the Lord and must be a place where He dwells – alone with no competition; either motives, preferences or fear.

The sacrifice of the wicked is indeed abominable because his heart is not with the Lord and he’s only attempting to manipulate God and get God to cave to his demands – the sacrifice of the redeemed with an empty or absent heart or with the intent to manipulate is also a very serious thing. Be careful what you ask for and how you ask…

Father in Heaven,
You have called me to be Your own and to be Yours with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit this morning and the fellowship of Christ as I go about my day that I may keep my heart as a fitting abode for You and keep my motives, intentions and preferences pure before You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.