Monday, May 31, 2010



Romans 12.10b Outdo one another in showing honor. ESV

It seems fitting on this day of Remembrance to think about honor; what is, and why we should do it. Today we honor those who’ve given their lives on the battlefield or served to protect our freedoms as American citizens. We honor them by thinking about and remembering what they did for us and how many of them died to allow us to keep what we have. It’s a national day of remembrance.

Paul told the Romans to outdo one another in showing honor. That means in part, to celebrate our common faith, and to honor those who contribute to the family of God. If we’re to compete against each other in anything, it’s in how we show honor to each other in the service of Christ and in the Church.

Why show honor? Showing honor is a way of recognizing the importance of someone’s presence and participation. Honor is a way of saying thank you. Honor is the highly esteemed practice of encouraging someone to keep on keeping on. In the church, if we do it right, everyone is always more important than me; and I go out of my way to show it by honoring them.

Honoring is accepting others, thanking others, and encouraging others because our Cause in Christ is of infinite magnitude, and our victory in Him brings benefit to our world both today and forever. War is hell, but serving Jesus Christ is promoting righteousness, peace, and goodness forever – against which human conflict doesn’t stand a chance.

Father in Heaven,
You have caused me to live in one of the greatest nations in the history of the world but as great as the US is, it holds no comparison to the greatness of the Kingdom of God. I do honor those who’ve fought (and fallen) to protect my American freedoms of speech and religion; but I honor more greatly those who serve to share the Gospel of Christ and witness the presence of Christ in the world bringing the salvation of many through His marvelous Name, amen.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Am Free To Dance


Proverbs 13:7 7 One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. ESV

Both pretend because both are deeply concerned with what we think about them. Both are bound by what they have and desperately need to make an impression upon us by how they act. Why act unless there’s an audience? Both are desperate for control over their lives and are imprisoned by how they perceive they are perceived by the rest of us.

Why is it, that one pretends to be rich, yet has nothing? Does he think we’ll think he’s rich and that somehow we’ll like him more, envy him more or think he’s important? Why is it, that another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth? Does he think that all we’re interested in is his money and he’s not about to let any of it go? Both are caught up in materialism, self, and pride and it’s all based on what they think the audience thinks. Both serve a false god.

Freedom in Christ is singular focus upon Christ alone. That doesn’t mean the exclusion of others but it does mean that the control I want to have over my life is submitted to Jesus and I take my orders from Him; not worrying how I am perceived by the fickle audience of others. Freedom is freedom to be me in Christ, and then letting the chips falls where they may…

Father in Heaven,
You didn’t create me for bondage but for freedom; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. It was for freedom that Jesus set me free – so now may I surrender all my acting and striving to please others and simply live to please You, whereby others will be blessed as I do. I am free to dance…! Amen.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Belief and Behavior


Romans 10:9 9 "...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." ESV

I am not saved because of what I do; that’s a hard pill for a lot of humans to swallow because as humans we’re so caught up in our performance and/or production. We think that what we do is what gives us right standing with God, or gods, or people because we feel what we do is visible, tangible and for the most part measurable and therefore important. The question to answer however is: Why do we do what we do?

God always considers belief and behavior – but He never intends for behavior to be the qualifier for belief; He always intends for belief to be the qualifier for behavior; it’s what you believe that causes you to do what you do.

That’s why Paul made the assertion: "...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Belief in God is based on love and trust for God and from that belief springs behavior that matches belief – for God so loved the world… and God is love… and he who believes will walk as He (Jesus) walked – in faithful, loving, obedient relationship with God and in loving deeply and compassionately His fellow man.

So only if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, can I love God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength and my neighbor as myself. Belief and behavior come from loving God and believing that my righteousness is from Him and not me.

Father in Heaven,
You called me to believe and thereby behave and not the other way around. May I believe more deeply in the salvation that is mine through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and confess His Name in love to those around me that perhaps they may too believe and behave accordingly – in His Name, amen.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Not as Though


Romans 9:6 6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel... ESV

There are many today who think the word of God is a myth, and therefore, not the word of God. There are many who think Christians are miserable hypocrites because they cannot keep the word of God (which they hope is a myth anyway). There are many who go to church each week and their reasons for being there, right, wrong, or indifferent, are as varied in number as they are in number; but it is not as though the word of God failed.

Some seem to think it would be a better world if the word of God failed. Some seem to espouse that it’s better if we just throw up our hands and say like Tevye, Who can really understand what God is saying anyway? But it’s not as though the word of God failed, for not all who claim to really know God really know God.

A book I read recently said it’s not relationship with the Bible; it’s relationship with God. But we all have relationship with God through the Bible because that is the revealed source of His communication with us. But reading words on a page means nothing without a loving relationship with Him. So if anything has failed it’s our hearts; it’s our lives.

The antidote (yes, that’s really a word and it’s not anecdote which is also a word and the two are abysmally interchangeably misused) is faith in the calling of God. I must heed His call by faith and live my life by faith in what He’s said to me through His word – either His word isn’t working or I’m not – one or the other. I’ll go with ‘b’…

Father in Heaven,
You’ve chosen for me to live with You by Your word; keeping it, listening to it, and doing what it says. You’ve said the just shall live by faith and so I put my faith in You and Your finished work through Christ Jesus, my Lord – in His Name, amen.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Whole Becoming Wholly Whole


Romans 8:21 21 “…that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” ESV

It seems weird to personify creation. It seems weird to give all of what God has made – heaven, earth, space, black holes – personality, emotion, and yearning; I mean dirt is dirt – isn’t it? (It is if there is no God. Of course, it isn’t if there is no God…)

This verse makes me think of the outcome of things. My life has a godly-goal, a marvelous meaning and a practical purpose; God has intentions for me even being alive. In His infinite wisdom, He created me (and you dear reader). In His infinite wisdom He created all there is, and left it in our hands – according to this verse. God put all of His eggs into our basket and all of creation hangs on the outcome: our becoming what God truly intends, and creation being freed from the result our folly.

So that means I am free in Christ to live as God intends. That means the purpose of my life is to live out this freedom and because I (and others like me) do, the creation itself is eagerly waiting for us to get it right in order that it is restored to its original design – feeling the weight?

Today, as I read this I am reminded of the magnitude of relationship with God to the point that as His children get it, creation gets it too. My life isn’t some willy-nilly, helter-skelter game; it’s a part of the whole, whole becoming wholly whole restored to its original intent. And God smiles… and creation shouts, FINALLY!

Father in Heaven,
To think the creation was subjected to futility until Your purposes were accomplished in Your children – those who believe in You and in Jesus Christ. I think I think that I feel the weight, but most days I haven’t a clue. Help me today to live on purpose and to remember what You’re up to and the outcome of it all – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Inability


Romans 7:18 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. ESV

In this part of Romans Paul is writing to those who know the Law of Moses (see verse 1). And Paul establishes that the Law is good and was given for good reason; God only ever does good and only does it for good reason. But man cannot find good in what gives his evil nature strength; man’s evil nature feeds on the rules and grows with each new rule. God established His Law with the ancient Israelis to help them to how it was He expected them to behave – but as Paul said in verse 18, they didn’t have the ability to do so. To keep God’s law one must have God in his heart. They didn’t and couldn’t.

Like Paul, I can say that I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. I can say that I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out…by keeping the rules and apart from the Spirit of God.

I am to walk in fellowship with Christ; that is, in friendship and mutual love with Him. Then He shares His life with me and I learn how to emulate His life and walk as He walked in fellowship with the Father by the Holy Spirit – it cannot be any other way. Apart from fellowship with Christ is the inability to do what pleases God – period.

Father in Heaven,
Today, all over again, I commit to the truth that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I admit I think about that mostly when I am up against something beyond my skill and ability like work or something like that. But today I purpose to walk in relationship with You by fellowship with Christ through the presence of Your Spirit. Help me God – apart from You all I have is the inability…amen.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How I Think is Who I Am


Romans 6:11 11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. ESV

In Proverbs it says, “Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy; do not desire his delicacies, for he is like one who is inwardly calculating. “ Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.” (Pr 23:6-7 ESV). His heart isn’t with you because he cares about his money more than he cares about you and what he presents as generosity is really just a ploy for him to gain more of your money – he doesn’t care about you at all. We quote this verse often to make the point that what goes on in our hearts comes out in who we really are.

So when Paul says, “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” what he’s saying is, as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Considering ourselves dead to sin and alive to God is how we overcome and stay connected with God in true and lasting relationship; it’s all in how we look at ourselves.

One of the greatest ploys of satan is convincing the unsaved that he is; and the saved that he’s not. Paul’s answer: you also must [daily and moment by moment] consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God. That’s the point of our faith – how we believe in Who we believe.

How I think about my life and the purpose of my life makes all the difference. Not only must I consider myself dead to sin and alive to God but I must consider how I can partner with God to accomplish His purposes this day in His way.

Lord God,
How can I see it more plainly than the way You’ve already made it? You have given me life to overcome death and I am to believe what You say and consider myself accordingly. Help my mind to be strong and my consideration to be right – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Different as a Result


Romans 5:3 3 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance… ESV

Looking back over my long and storied history of stupidity and brainless stunts, I think about where I am today and the lessons I’ve learned. Some have stuck and some I’ve had to repeat until this day. But when the apostle Paul speaks of sufferings and rejoicing over them I now think differently than I did before. And here’s what I think: suffering isn’t so bad because of what it produces in my life. With God and suffering there is an eternal goal in view that far surpasses the stress of my present sufferings.

Many are the days and ways that suffering showed up at the doorstep of my life and many are the ways I tried to avoid it because suffering hurts. But now I realize that suffering isn’t what I thought it was because God works in me through suffering and Paul tells me today that suffering is a change agent that produces noble things in my life like, endurance, character and hope – and, if I accept suffering properly I can see God’s love at the beginning of it; in its midst, and at its end. And my life will be different as a result. Thank You God!

I’ll steal this from Beth Moore who encourages us to think of the worst circumstance that could possibly happen in our life and come to the place where we accept that as a result of it, we’ll find God; what if…then God! Not a bad way to approach the Giver of all good Whose gifts sometimes show up in dreadful wrapping.

Father in Heaven,
You work through the suffering in my life to produce good things in me and though I can’t say I rejoice over suffering, I can say that I trust You more with the process and the products suffering produces. Lord God, from You I do have a destiny beyond the pain and whatever that looks like I understand it to be eternal gain and I thank You for what it takes in me to get me to surrender fully to Your will and Your heart – in Jesus, amen.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fully Convinced


Romans 4:21 21 ...fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. ESV

What does it take for us to make up our minds about something? I am convinced that we have to be fully convinced that the path of decision is the best path to take. It may not be the path with the least pain or the most level; but it is the path that is best. Abraham was fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised He would do.

Regardless of how Abraham felt about parenting, heritage, or destiny; he was somehow fully convinced that God would do for him all his heart desired and more. God had made it clear to him that what he wanted, he would get. All Abraham had to do was believe.

In the circumstances in which I find myself I must pray in faith and then believe that God hears my prayer and acts on my behalf – I must be fully convinced in that process. God desires to do great things with our lives but we must be fully convinced of that and position ourselves accordingly. And that position is the fully convinced part that no matter what happens, we’ve dealt with the issue with God and it’s a settled fact – before it even happens!

The last two years have been a training period for me to help me to become more fully convinced. The more I walk fully convinced, the less my anxiety over the things I have no control. I am more free today to look to God in the midst of the mess and trust that He is able to do what He has promised me.

Father in Heaven,
You are my God and King. You have my life in Your hands and I surrender all to You because I am more fully convinced today than I was yesterday in Your goodness, greatness, and presence; and tomorrow is looking good as a result. Father may I share my faith with others and help them to see past the mundane to the miraculous that we may walk in the faith of Abraham, fully convinced that You are able to do exceedingly abundantly more than all we can ask or imagine by our faith in Your finished work in Jesus Christ – amen.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hang My Hat


Romans 3:27 27 Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith. ESV

Boasting is something I do when I possess something of value or have done something of importance; it’s simply me singing my praises over something I have or have done. But boasting gets me no where in the Kingdom of God because relationship with God and citizenship in heaven is not acquired on the basis of what I’ve done but on the basis of me believing what God has done. That is the law of faith. And it is an unchanging law that stands forever.

We understand or at least accept, the law of gravity and there is nothing we can do to change it – it is what it is and will remain so as long as the earth lasts. The law of faith is similar – it is what it is and will remain so as long as God lasts and His Kingdom remains. So I cannot boast in the law of gravity because I had nothing to do with it and I cannot boast in the law of faith because having been given faith, all I can do it accept that it is the way God planned it.

More and more I am less and less impressed with what I do. I see my limitations and my shortcomings. But rather than discourage me, this encourages me to cling to and trust in God because He is the answer to all my needs. Yes, I can do things but the only thing that matters is my faith in God and all He’s done for me through Jesus Christ; and there’s where I’ll hang my hat because my standing or righteousness is not based on my achievements but upon His!

Father in Heaven,
You have made the way and You have established the law of faith which goes against the conventional wisdom of all human achievement, potential, and pride. Father, increase my faith that I may do what You tell me to do, and that our relationship may grow in depth and beauty – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Number One Student


Romans 2.21b " you not teach yourself?"

What impact does the Scripture have upon us? What difference does it make in our lives? Are we better for it, or worse? Can we just quote chapter and verse or do we really live it? As Paul asked the Romans in his rhetorical argument, " you not teach yourself?"

The number one student in my life is me. When it all ends at the foot of God’s throne, I will only have to give account for me. I won’t be able to hide behind anyone, nor will I be responsible for any other life – I will have to give God an accounting of my life and how I used the gifts He gave, what I did with my time, and what I did with His word. Paul, did you not teach yourself?

The tenor, tone, and teaching of the Bible are directed at the core of my being which is surrounded by the decay of my fallen self. The teaching of the Bible is to make a difference in how I live; it's my tech guide, my owner’s manual; the Instruction booklet. Paul told his young disciple Timothy in 2 Timothy 3.16, 17: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Ti 3:16-17 ESV) The question I have to ask over and over is: is it working? Christian, do you not teach yourself?

My life is my testimony whether I like it or not. How I respond to others and what I say will testify to what I really believe, and what I really think about myself. If my life isn’t becoming increasingly godlier day after day then I have two reasons only: 1. the Scripture isn’t working; or 2. I’m not. The question to both of those reasons is: WHY? Do you not teach yourself or do you hide behind a religious façade and cover your wickedness with a cloak of spirituality?

Father in Heaven,
Help me this day to live as You intend and according to all the things You have given me to succeed in godliness as a child of Yours. I pray for a teachable heart and a repentant spirit that I may learn from You and grow ever increasingly into the man You’ve created me to be – because of Jesus I pray, amen.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Way that is Blameless


1 Kings 4:20 20 Judah and Israel were as many as the sand by the sea. They ate and drank and were happy. ESV

God always intends for His people to be happy and at peace. The problem is, and history shows, that God’s people get fat and happy – and then forgetful. Solomon’s reign was the golden years of Israel; but during the golden years even with the golden temple the people slowly began to forget Who it was that gave them their gold.

God is accused by many of being a spoil-sport. But those who accuse don’t realize or understand what strength of faith it takes to walk in prosperity and happiness in a fallen world. They don’t realize the magnitude of the magnetism of materialism; they don’t comprehend the slavery of self.

What was needed then is what is needed now – a people who will say as the psalmist in Psalm 101: I will [give my life to] ponder the way that is blameless. Most of us would agree that it is nice to be materially blessed, but most of us (I think) don’t realize how material things lead us away from God.

In addressing idleness in 2 Thessalonians 3 Paul said, “It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate.” (v. 3) Paul was in the business of giving himself to God so that he wouldn’t be burdened down by building empires of self on earth.

I am coming to the conclusion that my empires are mostly fantasies and that the kingdoms I’ve created have led me down worthless tracks. My desire is to follow God simply and with integrity that one day when I am called home I may hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Come inherit the kingdom prepared for you since before the foundation of the world.”

Father in Heaven,
You have given me good things but may I ever be giving these things back and striving toward that inheritance that belongs to the faithful who aren’t side-tracked by the materialism of this world – I pray in Jesus Name, amen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



Psalm 78:56 56 Yet they tested and rebelled against the Most High God and did not keep his testimonies... ESV

Most Americans I know are clueless that the skies have turned dark and that the life they once so thought so unshakable is disappearing right before their very eyes. They are in a word, anesthetized. And so were the ancient people of Israel who tested and rebelled against the Most High God and did not keep His testimonies – they didn’t listen and they didn’t tell.

A time of sifting is swiftly coming upon this nation that has become so consumed with political correctness and so devoid of truth, wisdom, and understanding. I have nightmares about it. I am not sure how to respond or react but I know I am to trust God and with every ounce of my being follow Him.


He has promised to guide me through this; and so like Solomon the king asked, so do I:

And now, O Lord my God... I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too many to be numbered or counted for multitude. Give Your servant therefore an understanding mind ... that I may discern between good and evil ... In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How I Really Live


Psalm 95:10 10 For forty years I loathed that generation and said, “They are a people who go astray in their heart, and they have not known my ways.” ESV

Say what!? You loathed that generation!? Wow! God, really!?

When God makes statements like this, it gets my attention and makes me analyze what I really think about Him. Often my rebuttal is something along the line of, “Loathe is such a strong word; maybe You were just disappointed.” Maybe He was; but this is a first-person statement and the word loathed is translated, grieved, wearied, or angered in other translations.

God loathes those who say they love Him but go astray in their heart, not knowing His ways. These are those who are either deceived, hypocrites, or superstitious. As God is the Real Deal, He is looking for real followers who will love Him in spirit and truth. He is looking for those who will check in with Him first in all areas of their lives. He is looking for those who will prove themselves faithful and obedience and who will go out of their way align their lives with His ways – the culture of His Kingdom.

Not only do I analyze what I really think about Him, but I analyze how I really live. Am I living the truth or living a lie? Do I live steadfastly and go out of my way to know His ways? If my relationship with Him isn’t making a difference in how I live, think, speak, and act, then either it’s not working… or I’m not.

Father in Heaven,
Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any [loathsome] way in me, and lead me in Your way everlasting! I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Knowing is My Going


Psalm 91:14 14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.” ESV

One year ago today, I wrote on this verse and how I saw that God protected David from an ugly power grab by Adonijah, his fourth son by Haggith. God protected David and caused his son Solomon to be anointed king because it was His will, and Adonijah couldn’t believe that.

Today, one year later, what stands out to me is the phrase, “…because he knows My name.” It is one thing to know the Bible and what it says; it’s another thing to know the Church and what it does; it is altogether above and beyond to know the Name of the Lord. And it’s not just to know His Name, but it’s also to live by His Name. Adonijah didn’t know God’s name; he didn’t walk and live in faith.

I am not to live by David’s faith, but like David I am to know the Name of the Lord and live following David’s example of faith. God’s promise to me is not to protect me according to what David did, but according to what I do and that is to know His Name and all that goes with that knowing; my knowing is my going.

Lord God,
It is hard to express what I really see here in this little phrase of words but it means a lot to me and promises that as I know You, I know that You are my Shield and Fortress; my Strong Tower and Deliverer. You are my Strength and Shelter; my Protector. But even these cannot be just words, they must be the core of my being and the compass of my heart. If they are just words, then I am really only depending upon myself and I know I am too small and weak to do that. Help me to know You more and to walk according to Your mighty and everlasting Name; it’s because of Your Name I pray, amen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pain has a Point


1 Thessalonians 4:13 13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. ESV

Pain is universal in this life and there is no one on the face of the earth who is exempt from it. Pain in its myriad forms affects everybody on earth and that includes higher mammals as well. In a fallen world, sociologically and physically all creatures great and small suffer from pain. And pain without hope or pain without reason or pain because of cruelty or pain because of negligence are pains that are painful – and if you will, enduring. Paul told the Thessalonians it’s okay to grieve provided they grieved with hope.

For the believer the thorniness of pain has a point (sorry, couldn’t resist that one). We may not like the pain but the assurance for the followers of Christ is there’s a good reason for it since God is in control of our lives; and God never does anything random – ever; love and random are incongruous. There is a point and a purpose to all that God does; and that includes everybody. But some choose to believe that and have hope, and some don’t; it’s freewill baby and we all have that too. It’s not pain that’s the issue, it’s the way we treat pain and the lessons we learn from it that count.

Father God,
You allow pain because You know what it accomplishes in our lives and everything You do to us, for us and though us is a result of Your love. I must be careful not to let pain be a pain but to be a close friend, counselor and mentor. I must always learn the lessons that pain teaches, and ever relinquish control of my life to You. You are in control and that makes me happy. Help me to grow up and get over stuff and worship You for the God You really are – in Christ’s Name, amen.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Motto of Heaven


1 Chronicles 22:13b Be strong and courageous. Fear not; do not be dismayed. ESV

What is your motto? Do you have one? As an American, are you content with the motto of the United States, e pluribus Unum; Out of Many, One? Mottos serve the purpose of giving us a sense of purpose and direction to follow toward that purpose. I can’t state it as fact, but it seems to me the motto of ancient Israel might’ve been: Be Strong and Courageous. Strength and courage, why?

Walking with God, whether as a nation or individually is going to require a minimum of these to character traits. Why? Well, because whether we like it or not, it is what it is; and it is this: the world of men (apart from God in their natural state) hates God and any who befriend and follow Him – it is today as it was then. This is pictured in Scripture by the historical accounts of Israel’s perennial enemies, and the wars that surrounded the nation as it was birthed by the exodus from Egypt, the conquest of Canaan, to the establishment of the Jewish kingdom.

Today as God’s people who live by faith in Jesus Christ, we are to be strong and courageous; our life is not because we are Americans, but because we are the people of God. Out motto ought to be (or I believe it should be), By Faith, Not by Sight. It’s the only way this life with God on this planet at this present time (or any time in the future for that matter) will work.

Father in Heaven,
Things in this world seem a little weird these days and the temptation is to fear and cower, but You have called me to live courageously by faith and to trust You no matter what I see. You have called me to be strong in Christ and courageous in my belief. You have said that I am to walk by faith in You no matter what. God help me this day to live by the motto of Heaven, By Faith, Not by Sight – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do Not Stay Your Hand

2 Samuel 24:16 16 And when the angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the Lord relented from the calamity and said to the angel who was working destruction among the people, “It is enough; now stay your hand.” And the angel of the Lord was by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. ESV

I am glad that the Lord, the Unlimited One, knows when enough is enough. All of us need trials, testing, and discipline, but God knows when He’s made His point and we’ve got it: No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Co 10:13 ESV)

David had been tempted to count his army so he could see with his eyes how great he was – the sin was not living by faith in God who isn’t impressed with the size of any army but with the size of everyone’s faith. This action that David took was not without consequences and as we can see above, the Lord said, “It is enough; now stay your hand.” God had made His point and David got it.

My prayer to the Lord today is, do not stay Your hand, but do whatever is necessary in my life so that I get it – please. I want to get it and I want to endure in what I am taught. Because I forget, or get distracted, or succumb to temptation. So I rest on this: God is faithful and He will not let me be tempted beyond my ability, but with the temptation will provide a visible way of escape, that I may be able to endure it. And as they say, that’s what I’m talking about!

Father God,
Your hand is upon me and You are guiding my life. I pray for correction, discipline, reproof and instruction in righteousness. I pray that You not stay Your hand until Your purposes reach their fulfillment. As the Psalmist prayed, O Lord, be my helper – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dealing with the Damage Done


1 Thessalonians 1:6 6And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit... ESV

My reading today included a chapter in 2 Samuel where David inquires of the Lord for a drought and God reveals to him that it is because of a sin Saul committed against the Gibeonites that was never made right – it was, so to speak, an outstanding unpaid debt. As the king and the leader of his nation David asks the Gibeonites two very important questions: “What shall I do for you? And how shall I make atonement, that you may bless the heritage of the Lord?”(2 Sam. 21.3 ESV) And subsequently, seven of Saul’s descendants are delivered over for execution at the hands of the Gibeonites…

So as I think about my life and outstanding debts I may have, what is my response; how can I make atonement; how do I deal with the damage I’ve done? Here’s how: And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit. I am to give my life over to God in a way that it reflects that I imitate my spiritual parents (those strong in Christ who’ve influenced me) and the Lord (that I study His life and do by the Spirit what He did). Where I can make restitution I will, and where I can ask forgiveness I will; but I will imitate Jesus and receive the joy of the Holy Spirit in return.

Father in Heaven,
You have called me to turn from wickedness and idolatry (in its modern forms) and follow You. I am to deal with the sins of my past as I am led by Your Spirit and as I imitate the Savior and those whose lives are strong in You. Help me God to do what’s right and by my imitating Your ways, to bring honor and glory to Your holy Name – amen.

Monday, May 10, 2010



Matthew 27:19 19 Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream.”

I don’t know if we’ll ever be told what the dream was about that Pilate’s wife had – whatever it was it was a nightmare. And she did come to the conclusion that Jesus was a righteous man.

I could speculate that God was trying to communicate with her and she was responding the only way she knew how: RUN; judgment and conviction often can do weird things to people. I can also speculate that her message to her husband caused him to chicken out on how he should’ve handled the situation – sometimes such is the influence of a spouse.

I can speculate that whatever the dream was it scared the crap out of her, and she had to do something – like run; pagans aren’t comfortable in the Presence of the Real Thing.

And, I can also learn that when God reveals Himself I can listen, learn, and respond. Where Pilate’s wife stopped short, I can keep going – God what do You want; what do You want me to do, to know!? Responding to God, no matter how fearful, is better by far than running from Him because running is an exercise in futility… One way or t’other, God always gets His man (or woman or child…).

Father in Heaven,
Your grace caused You to reach out to that pagan woman and she did only what she knew to do. I ask that You help me to do what I know to do when things get nightmarish – may I run to You with my heart open to hear and my soul willing to obey. Father, help me to hear and obey today; I pray in that Righteous Man’s Name, amen.

Sunday, May 9, 2010



Matthew 26:39 39 And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

The temptation for me in reading Matthew 26 is to possibly arrive at the conclusion that Jesus was somehow wimping out at the last moment in the garden before He was betrayed, tried, and crucified. We might read this and think He wasn’t so strong after all. But the writer of Hebrews helps us out by saying, “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2 ESV) Yes, the Lord did a tough thing; yes, it was unimaginably difficult but He wasn’t wimping out; He was submitting Himself to God’s plan.

That’s what I’m called to – submission; and often submission is difficult and humiliating but it is God’s will for my life no matter how I feel about it; and the sooner I get it, the better.

Jesus’ death on the cross was way nastier than I imagine and what I don’t see some 2000 years later, is the full picture – that viewpoint awaits me in heaven. All I know is this; however difficult it was and no matter what it may look like in my fallen mind, Jesus went to the cross with the greater view in mind and if that’s what it took to secure my salvation, then praise His holy Name! It’s not that difficult for me and I can, when looking to Him, say to God in my circumstances (whatever they are and however painful or embarrassing they may appear to be) “Nevertheless, not as I will but as You will!”

Father in Heaven,
You are looking for hearts that will trust You and submit. I am called in Christ to submit knowing at least in part that every time I do something is gained in heaven and my heart is further strengthened to withstand some of the present onslaught for which Jesus Christ gave His life. Lord, help me – not as I will but as You will! In His Name, amen.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Covered and Cover-Ups


Ps 32:1-2 1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. ESV

There is a big difference between covered and cover-up. A cover-up cost a US President his job in 1973. A series of cover-ups nagged and limited another President for eight years. There is a huge difference between covered and cover-ups.

Covered means the debt is paid. Covered means a hideous wound has been adequately bandaged. Covered means forgiven. And blessed is the person whose sin is covered. It’s all in how one approaches sin for the writer goes on to say that a blessed man is one against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. He knows the truth about what he’s done, owns up to it and seeks to modify his life so he doesn’t repeat it – he’s covered; he’s taken care of, and the matter is dealt with; with no remaining balance on the statement.

In order to be covered I must go to the Lord and admit my transgressions and sin. In order to be blameless I must own up to my true condition before God and seek His covering – not my own cover-up. What is covered is forgiven and forgotten; what is covered up will one day be revealed and all will know who I really was and what I really did. That sounds really bad, humiliating to the highest degree, and very painful with deep consequences.

Lord God,
Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the [one] against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. Father, may I learn the blessing of true confessing and may my sins be covered. Help me to be truthful and not deceptive – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Even You


Mt 24:4 4 And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. ESV

See that no one, even you, leads you astray! Jesus knows we’re suckers for snake-oil. Jesus knows that we’re wowed by flashes in the pan, things like American Idol and those we elevate to hero status for whatever reason – they look so good, they sound so good; they look so successful; they preach so well. So when He says, see that no one leads you astray, He’s commanding us to be vigilant and watchful and He’s telling us to beware of us and our, “But wait! There’s more! If you call right now, we’ll throw in… all for just 19.95 plus shipping and handling!!! Have your credit-card ready and call 1-800-……!”

I am so stupid at times. I get fooled into thinking I have to have, or believe something, and all judgment goes out the window, and off I go after whatever. This is a very dangerous thing in spiritual matters because my heart is sometimes so untrustworthy and so easily duped. It’s no wonder James wrote, ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.’ (James 1:5-6 ESV) These are very uncertain days and you and I must not get caught up in our own fancies about the outcome and how we’ll fare. I am to seek God and trust Him.

Father in Heaven,
You have warned us not to get lead astray and that requires our being diligent, vigilant, and in quiet, but constant communication with You. I am often my own worst enemy. Help me today to be wise, thoughtful and please give me insight I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, May 6, 2010



Psalm 51:3 3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. ESV

How well do we know our sins? How acquainted are we with our weaknesses? I’m not talking about living in the past – that is fruitless. I’m not talking about living for tomorrow; it’s never here – I’m talking about right now. How well do we know our sins, our propensities; our weaknesses?

If we knew our sins we’d guard ourselves against them. If we knew our weak spots we’d do what’s necessary to avoid them. Most of the time we just avoid the knowledge of what is plainly evident or ignore it – and it ain’t pretty!

David wasn’t just confessing his affair with Bathsheba and his conspiracy with Joab in the murder of Uriah (Bathsheba’s husband). No, David was confessing his condition before God – he was a sinner, not because of what he did on one specific occasion but because of his condition as a human from birth: he was conceived in sin because of the fall of the human race in Adam and Adam's original rebellion of disobedience in the Garden of Eden. How well do we know our sin and our condition before God? Does it make us think about the way we behave and the things we say we really believe? It sure ought to if it doesn't.

I admit that apart from Christ I am nobody with nothing headed nowhere. I admit that I am capable of some very evil things. I admit that I am becoming more and more aware of things that I shouldn't do and be in order to become more of what God intends for me. I admit it’s a battle but one of the keys to my success is: forewarned is also forearmed. My sins, like stray cats, will hang around as long as I feed them…

Father in Heaven,
Your servant David knew he was a sinner and without You he was doomed. He knew that if anyone could save him, it was You and You alone. Thank You for Your salvation and for helping me to know that despite my natural condition, You love me and have provided for my salvation through Jesus Christ. Help me to see my weaknesses even more clearly that I may abide in You and avoid them in Christ – I pray in His Name, amen.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Loving God and Loving People

Matthew 22:40 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

The mission statement of a church I used to attend was “Loving God and Loving People”. As staff, we had lengthy discussions as to whether this was mission or purpose; and I’m not sure we ever solved the semantics of it all, but Jesus sums it up for us in this passage in Matthew; all of the Christian life boils down to this: Love God and Love People.

If ever there was a weak spot in me, it’s the love people part. I don’t have much of a problem with God, He’s not mean to me; He’s not stupid, or selfish, or hurtful. People on the other hand are all of these things and more. The worst part is as people have done to me, I have done to people.

Heaven will be (when we get there because it already is) a hurt-less place; no hurts in heaven. And I believe I am bound for heaven, and being trained in this life to live in and understand the hurt-less culture of heaven. But that means dealing with the hurts of earth in order to be trained for heaven where there are no hurts. And Jesus tells me the best way to handle hurts of all kinds, is to be filled with the love of God upwards to Him, and outwards to people… because His Kingdom is a Kingdom of love.

Honoring God is loving Him, and loving Him is loving His handiwork in people.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve called me to love as You love and Lord, I admit that most days my love for people is really only an arms-length toleration of them. Help me to love more deeply and deal with hurts by loving more deeply. You know I struggle here and I ask for Your help because I know You know I need it – thank You. Amen.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Is Faith?


Matthew 21:22 22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” ESV

In Mark’s gospel this verse is qualified with, “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25 ESV) So this leads me to understand that not only is faith required for answered prayer, but so is forgiveness.

What is faith? I have been praying for about a year now for a job with better hours, Sundays off and no evening shifts; I start that job one week from today. What is faith? I have been praying for missionaries, family, friends, pastors, churches, government officials and on and on. What is faith? Faith is not an exercise of wrestling God to the ground to get Him to agree with me and give into my requests. Faith is not going down my check-off list; faith is aligning my heart with God’s that I may be a part of what He is doing believing that this is what He desires for my life. And faith is the act of believing that God hears me and acts on my behalf. Jesus doesn’t limit what I ask for; He limits my prayers to the realm of faith.

I will make my requests to the Lord in faith knowing that He hears me and answers my requests (either ‘yes’ or ‘no’). That knowing is the understanding and belief that He’s given me that He hears and acts when I pray…

Father in Heaven,
Because You hear and act, here’s my prayer: I pray for increased faith and I pray for increased forgiveness. I pray for Your help in every area of my life – the ones that seem to be under control and the ones that don’t. Lord, thank You for answered prayer about the job; I believe You heard and acted because I believe You have something for me to do; the future will reveal that. Build my faith and because I know You will, thanks. Amen.