Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On Display


Titus 2.5b "...that the word of God may not be reviled." ESV

Every life is a sermon illustration. Every life is a testimony of relating to one another and relating to God. Some rightly relate and some don’t. The bottom line is that all of our lives are impacted by God in some way or another and that shows itself in relationship. How we relate demonstrates our nearness or far-ness in relationship to God. The closer we are to Him, the more obvious it ought to be to others. Paul told this to Titus because he understood human interaction is the crucible for godly interaction and where the proof of the impact ofGod shows up.

What impowers goodness, mercy, grace, love, kindness, gentleness and the like? It doesn’t just happen; it happens because God is present. And the presence of God ought to lend credence to the Scriptures which teach goodness, mercy, love, etc.

If I am rightly related to God, then I spend time in His word and in prayer that the characteristics of God are evident in my life so that His word is shown to be the life-transforming medium that it truly is. Otherwise His word is reviled as faulty, useless, mythical, and a psycological crutch. Sound familiar?

My life is on display everyday that the word of God may not be reviled because of the choices I make, the words I use, and the actions I take. At the store where I’ll work today where all of our merchandise is displayed so will be displayed the reality of my walk with God…

Father in Heaven,
You chose relationship. You chose to relate to Abraham and his descendants and You’ve chosen to relate to us through Your word – both spoken as it was in days past and written as it is today. May my life rightly relate to You that the word of God is not reviled because of how I live. Fill me with the Spirit of Christ today to do as He did and to walk in faithful goodness before You, and my fellow man – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Results Of

Titus 1:13 “Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith…” ESV

Yesterday the wife says to me, “If you were to go and start a church, you wouldn’t have many people for very long – they wouldn’t listen to that!” Sometimes wives are so inconveniently spot on! I believe in this verse. I mean it’s not my whole theology but I believe in this verse. I believe in the results of this verse: that they may be sound in the faith. That is a worthy result of sharp rebuking.

But many people do not share my belief in this verse. Many are too offended by someone saying to them, “You shouldn’t do that, you should do this…” Many are the people around us who will, after a sharp rebuke, demand, “Who the (bleep) are you!?” That is usually followed by, “(Bleep) you! I’m not gonna listen to this!” Or, “I’m just not getting fed anymore; I’m gonna find a church where I can get fed.”

Any readings of the prophetical writings of the Old Testament will show that Paul’s words to Titus were nothing new because the Old Testament prophets rebuked the people of God sharply because the people of God repeatedly (and carelessly) wandered off into sin and false religion. Somehow that is lost on us today…

I need sharp rebukes because I do some really idiotic things and need to be driven, at times, back into the grace of God. Without the sharp rebukes I wouldn’t think anything was wrong…

Father in Heaven,
If nothing else Lord, sharply rebuke me that I may know how and when to rebuke sharply that hearts and lives may be changed and that there may be soundness of faith in the lives of those You allow me to instruct. But if no one shows up then so be it – may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done – amen.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Have Loved


2 Timothy 4.8b “...who have loved his appearing.” ESV

Maybe it’s because I watched The Book of Eli the other night that the books of the Bible seem to have a different tone these last few days. I realize that movies are movies and Hollywood’s best attempts at expressing something of spiritual value fall woefully short of reality. But I see a sense of urgency in Paul’s words to Timothy and there is something in his language in 2 Timothy that makes me stop and think. Note Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 4.8: “...who have loved his appearing.”

“Have loved” means already done or already past or already established. The NIV says, “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

You don’t get the longing without the loving. And those who have loved His appearing are used to His presence by faith today, so that tomorrow when faith is replaced with actuality, the reunion between the Lord and those who have loved Him is glorious and the tears of joy flow like a massive flood of thankfulness and release.

I have loved His appearing in these days and I long for His appearing in the days to come that when that Day arrives I will rejoice at His presence face to face. It’s not hard to talk oneself out of faith when one looks at the monstrous madness of men marching under the monument of mankind and all his machinations, but the reality is that all that stuff will be blown away like fine powder by the appearing of Jesus Christ – that is worth loving, longing, and living for.

Lord Jesus,
You are God and You are coming back. But for now I love Your appearing to me in these days by faith so that on that Day tomorrow I will see You and enjoy You face to face. May I like Paul keep the faith by maintaining my relationship with You by faith; always, always, always, looking, longing, and loving Your appearing to set things back to the way You originally intended. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done! Amen.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lovers Of


2 Timothy 3:1-4 3 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God… ESV

Sure sounds like today – perhaps we are in the last days. We are what we love; we are where our affections are found and everyone has affections of one kind or another. The roots of our culture grow deep into our souls and we love what we know and what we’re used to and what feeds the self – mostly.

Today is the day to change affections or at least admit what it is I really love. Today is the day for me, by the Holy Spirit, to admit before God what I love about my culture and to assess how deeply the roots of that love have grown into my being. And today in the light of this passage, it is time to intentionally start weeding; then pleading for the Spirit’s power to overcome these loves.

Reader, have you ever inventoried your deepest affections and questioned those things you possibly take for granted? As you read this passage in 2 Timothy are there strains of this brutal selfishness present in your own life that need dealt with before God?

We are called in God to be brutally honest about our passions and desires and to bring our lives into perfect alignment with His heart, purpose, and mission in our world. I pray that we begin to do so.

Father in Heaven,
Please rid me of the self-focused, inward, self-seeking nature of those listed above. May I find strength and courage in the Holy Spirit to divorce the deeply held loves that I have because I’ve long ignored You in these areas over the years. I pray for my friends that You help them as well and that all of us become true lovers of God – in Christ’s Name, amen.

Saturday, June 26, 2010



2 Timothy 2.22 22 So flee youthful passions... ESV

My Bible reading guide for today led me to Jonah and then to 2 Timothy. In both portions of the Scripture I noticed the word flee. Jonah decided to flee from the Lord when God told him to go to Nineveh and preach repentance; and Paul told Timothy to flee youthful passions in order to be more effective as a mature preacher and teacher of God’s word.

Perhaps it was youthful passions that caused Jonah to flee from God’s command. Perhaps Jonah was all hyped up on arrogance, anger, revenge, and prejudice, and the thought of going to the Ninevites to offer them salvation was more than he could bear. Perhaps Timothy had a tendency to get caught up in matters of the heart that would hamper his presentation of God’s word – repeatedly Paul brings up the issue of wrangling over words (1 Timothy 6.4; 2 Timothy 2.14 &c).

Youthfulness tends to be defensive and defensiveness tends to alienate people who are older, knowledgeable, and more experienced in life. Youthfulness is often argumentative, hot-headed, and arrogant. Youthfulness often lacks humility. Youthfulness, by age and stage, has not grown-up; life hasn’t yet had a chance to temper youth’s temper and kick the crap out him. The crap-less are worth listening to because God has enabled them to be a resource to others by the wisdom gleaned from the trials and troubles of their experience. Hopefully they learned and their youthful passions were put to rest…

Father in Heaven,
I am grateful this day for the crap getting kicked out of me by the trials and troubles of my life. I am grateful that You’ve done the kicking; and I’m grateful that I am now finally beginning to learn. I pray that I would be a resource to others and would continue to learn to grow up that I may be more useful as these days go by. May I continue to flee youthful passions, and be a godly man as I serve You and share Your Gospel – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, June 25, 2010



Joel 2:17 Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’ ESV

The question is rhetorical; but the truth was they had so forsaken the Lord that they were unrecognizable as the people of the Lord; their lives were in such disarray that one would never know that they ever knew the Lord.

Why read the Bible if one isn’t going to adhere to what it teaches? Why go to church and lift up praises to God if there really isn’t an accompanying life-transforming relationship with Him? Why should anyone ever say of believers, ‘Where is their God?’

The battle I face everyday is the battle of standing my ground for Jesus Christ in what seems to be peace and calm. I am not faced with open persecution – at least that I can see – nor torture nor sword nor prison; my life is mostly quiet. But the battle I face is holding onto my faith in the midst of peace; in the midst of affluence; in the midst of calm. I fight the battle of boredom. But even in the midst of that, does my light so shine before men that they see my good works and glorify my Father who is in heaven? (Matt. 5.16) Or am I simply viewed as just another good guy in a sea of good people who live good lives, work their jobs, eat their food, and pay their taxes? Where is their God?

In these days of relative quiet, as our freedoms are slowly and steadily evaporating by a mindset that government is god, the question is, “Where is their God?” What sets the children of God apart from the children of the government? What sets me apart – or am I unrecognizable from everyone else?

Father in Heaven,
You’ve called me to worship You in secret so that Your life in me may be visible in public. Help me God to fight the fight and to hold my ground that I may not become unrecognizable as Your servant in a world that seems to have found a suitable substitute deity to meet their needs. Strengthen me I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Fight


1 Timothy 6:12 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. ESV

The fight is a defensive fight protecting the integrity of the truth which man is ever trying to distort and pervert to his own use, to justify his own behavior at the urging of satan, and in rebellion to God. The good confession is that the truth is the truth.

The fight is relentlessly and tirelessly doing whatever is necessary to line one’s life up with the truth so that the glory of God shines forth in life in the presence of others. And to fight is to remain true to the truth. As I said, it’s a defensive battle. The only time we’re to go on the offensive is when presenting the truth in the face of error, and only so that others may hear the truth and make the good confession. The fight is only won in defending what will set others free.

So I must have God – and I must have His word; and I must live life in the light of the good confession – that I believe His word is true, and His word has set me free.

Father in Heaven,
You have given me Your word that I may life offensively on the battlefield of defending the truth. Equip me and help me to fight the good fight today and to crucify the flesh in me that would give way to error and somehow tarnish what I have been shown by You to be true.
The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001 (). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Blessings Thereof


2 Chronicles 23:16 16 And Jehoiada made a covenant between himself and all the people and the king that they should be the Lord’s people. ESV

I know circumstances, seasons and society were different in the days of Jehoiada the priest, but here was a man determined to refocus his people in the right direction – towards God.

Many people today want our youth to be courteous and respectful and to lead productive lives but yet they want nothing to do with our youth having relationship with Jesus Christ that makes what they want possible. It was no different in the days of Judah under the kings – people wanted peace and quiet to do the things they wanted to do but didn’t want anything to do with God in the process. And so because of this societal attitude, Jehoiada took action as an influencer and made a covenant between himself and all the people and the king that they should all be the Lord’s people and reap the blessings thereof. It was as if he was saying, “The only way we’re going to make it is with God.”

Like Jehoiada, I see my life’s mission is to be an influencer for the Kingdom of God; I want to help people to come into covenant with God and reap the blessings thereof. So in my church, and on my job, and in the relationships that I have, I will try to influence as many as I can to have real relationship with God that we all may benefit from the blessings thereof…

Father in Heaven,
Lord, help me today to take a stand for righteousness and for covenant relationship with You that I may influence others to do likewise and that we all may benefit from the blessings thereof. God, point me to the people who are like-minded that we all may influence those around us to come into relationship with You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Hope


1 Timothy 4:10 10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. ESV

It is a fact that God is Savior of all people but as Paul says here in this verse especially of those who believe; sounds kind of like a double standard, but it isn’t.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Peter 3.9) – God’s backup plan to our race’s sin and rebellion is to save us from His wrath and that is for all people in truth but only for those who believe in practice. Salvation is truly a gift and is freely extended to all, but becomes worthy only when it is accepted by any. So, as Paul said, to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God.

Hope is not a small word to be thrown around by politicians; it is a great word of expectation and anticipation to those who look to God to come through on His word. I have hope because God said it, and I eagerly expect it to come to pass.

Father God,
Your salvation is the promise of today and the reality of tomorrow; and Your promise is as good as the real thing. So for that reason I am toiling and strive for Your Kingdom today because my hope is secure in tomorrow – whenever that happens to be. My hope is in You, Lord… amen.

Monday, June 21, 2010



2 Chronicles 20:33 33 The high places, however, were not taken away; the people had not yet set their hearts upon the God of their fathers. ESV

If the United States is to survive as a nation, there must be a wholesale returning of hearts to the Lord. I know that sounds impossible but it’s true; we cannot endure in the world without God – that is our biggest problem.

The high places referred to here were places where the people engaged in superstition and in the worship of pagan deities. These originally existed at the time of Samuel but became thoroughly pagan under Solomon and had endured through Jehoshaphat’s reign. Apparently there were so many of them, and Jehoshaphat, though a godly king, allowed them to remain because of their popularity with the people. They were a snare to Israel and Judah.

A divided heart is an unfaithful heart. To have a faithful king and an unfaithful people is disaster. To have a faithful king who will not take action is disaster. To have a people who set their hearts on anything but God is disaster.

I must carefully examine my intentions and my motives in these days of a tough economy. I must be careful that I don’t lose sight of God and His providence because the work of the Kingdom cannot be left idle in my pursuit of more money and more stuff in hard financial times. My heart must be fully set upon God.

Father in Heaven,
I’ve long been taught and have believed that affluence and success, according to my culture, are things I must seek after at any cost. That is Americanism. I pray, even in these days, that my heart would be fully set upon You and that I would find courage to depend on You fully to provide for my needs and that the work of the Kingdom may be done in my life and with my time. Amen.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thankfully Looking


Colossians 4:2 2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. ESV

Yesterday a piece of paper was delivered to our home that caused me to stop and think. Not only did I stop and think but I began to think about the prayers I have prayed regarding our home and the help we need from the Lord to keep it or sell it. Now we have notice and I was reminded that it ain’t over ‘til it’s over and God is the only One who determines that. So, I'll talk to Him about that...

What does it mean to be watchful [in prayer]? To be watchful means to be looking; to be alert; to be focused. These adjectives are not ones I would use about my prayers but they are certainly ones that I will adopt. I will be steadfast, thankful and watchful in prayer because I got stuff – and stuff happens, and the stuff never seems to cease…

Father in Heaven,
Your Apostle Paul said to pray with our not only with minds but also with our spirits. Here he told us to steadfastly pray with thanksgiving and watchfulness. So Lord, thank You for the reminder and thank You that I can pray expectantly that You not only hear, but act upon my behalf. May I look for Your response and may I see by faith that You are accomplishing Your will all around me in the lives of others and in Your work in the world.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eternally Free


Colossians 2:14 14 …by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. ESV

Today, the Federal Government has amassed such a monetary debt, that unless we change fundamentally as a nation, will stand against us in a way that we will never, ever be able to repay. It is a record-breaking record of debt that leans upon this nation as never before and, unless we change, will crush us and our children and their children until we cease to be one of the greatest nations on earth. And as this nation ceases, so ceases the impact and effectiveness of the American Church as we know it.

To me this massive debt is a picture of the massive debt of which Paul spoke of in his letter to the Colossians; the record of the debt of sin that stands against all of humanity, and its legal demands. It is a debt that all of humanity in all of their efforts, with all of their collective intelligence, wisdom, creativity and ingenuity, can never, ever repay. It must be canceled by the One who holds the note – that One is God. So God in His love and mercy did that for us in the One Jesus Christ – and those who believe that, have their debt canceled.

All I can do is trust God to help me in these days and thank Him every time I can for His canceling my debt, the debt of sin I’d amassed against Him. He canceled my debt by nailing it to a cross long before I ever existed. And what stood against me, with all of its weight, misery and legal penalty, is gone in Christ and as a result, I am eternally free.

Lord God,
You have, in Him – in Christ – canceled the debt that was against me and freed me from its legal demands now and forever. In light of that, may I walk in that freedom and live in a way that reflects my understanding and appreciation of that freedom. Lord, I ask for help with my other debts, the ones that I’ve created and I trust that You will provide a way – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



Colossians 1:24 24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church... ESV

There is nothing lacking in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and in His resurrection; it’s a completely done deal. So what could the apostle mean when he says he rejoices in his sufferings for their sake, and in his body he is filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the church?

I think we need to think of it this way – what Jesus did for us on the cross and by His resurrection was accomplished in a place in time when many of us weren’t present – darn near all of us. So it isn’t that His suffering for us was insufficient, it’s that our experience of His suffering apart from Him that is lacking. Suffering for Christ and for the sake of the Church is to be the real experience of every child of God because of the hatred and misunderstanding of natural men for the truth; and because the Kingdom of God smacks up against the ebb and flow of the world.

And, as Jesus procured salvation for us through His suffering, it’s fitting that our complete experience of His precious gift be consummated through the same kind of suffering that He experienced, save the cross. We’re going to suffer by carrying our own cross and dying to self that we may truly become His disciples and fully participate in His plans and purposes for our lives in this present age. We’re going to suffer for our faith in Him which the world vehemently decries as useless, ridiculous nonsense, and then persecutes those who dare not agree.

Father in Heaven,
Your love for me and Jesus’ life for me isn’t lacking anything but my experience of it and His experience included suffering. Suffering isn’t a bother or nuisance – it’s a gift from to help me keep my eyes and my faith in the right direction. May I fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions in my life that I may truly serve and participate in Your will for my life – I pray in His Name, amen.

Monday, June 14, 2010

In Me or in Him


2 Chronicles 14:11b b O Lord, you are our God; let not man prevail against you.” ESV

On one occasion King Asa, a good-guy, was attacked by an army of over a million soldiers (see 2 Chronicles 14.9ff). He was greatly outnumbered but knew he had to fight because the Ethiopian army didn’t go to all that effort to just go away; so Asa prayed, “O Lord, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O Lord, you are our God; let not man prevail against you.” (2 Chronicles 14:11).

I noticed he prayed, “…let not man prevail against You.” Asa had it right; the battle was the Lord’s, not his. Asa didn’t pray, “let not man prevail against us.” And it’s important to know why – the battle was not his, but God’s.

When I face difficulty, adversity, pain, calamity – any manner of troubling circumstances in which I might find myself, I must remember that it isn’t my problem, it’s the Lord’s; and how I respond will show just where my heart is – in me or in Him. Part of the reason I even have battles is to show me where my heart truly is…

Father in Heaven,
Your’s is the battle, the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. You said You would fight my battles and in You, I am never alone. Father, help me to believe in Your provision and protection, and to know that when I fight, I fight for Your Name, not mine. The battle is not mine but Yours that I may know upon whom I depend – not me but You! Amen.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Born-Again Free


Philippians 1:1414 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. ESV

Fear inhibits, fear bonds, and fear is the absence of faith. Most of the time fear causes me to believe something that isn’t true (false evidence appearing real). But in Jesus Christ, I am not called to fear but to faith and in Jesus Christ I am given the gift of freedom. In Him I am freed to be a partaker in the mission, ministry, and marvel of heaven; right now today on earth.

Whatever I struggle with, whatever sins or temptations – whatever they are – these point to areas in my life where I am still in fear. Jesus didn’t die and resurrect to give me fear but to give me freedom. So part of the undoing of fear is to accept the gift He’s given and live accordingly. Most of the brothers, made confident in the Lord by Paul’s circumstances, were strengthened in the Lord to step out and speak out the gospel without fear – confidence kills fear.

Things that encourage me are the fearless and faithful actions of others who call Jesus Christ Lord. My faith increases when I accept and walk in the freedom that Jesus has given me and can hold it as my very own – no one or nothing can take it away. Fear must be dealt with by remaining riveted to who I am in Christ and what He’s called me to: speaking the truth about Him to my fellow man without fear; fear of what they think, and how they’ll react.

Father in Heaven,
You have set me free from all this world holds against me. May I walk in the gift of Your freedom today, and may I seek only to please You by using the gift You’ve given – in freedom I pray, amen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Good People


Ephesians 6:8 8 …knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. ESV

It is comforting to know that when we do good to others, we are paid back with goodness by the Lord. If ever there was a case of give to get this may be it; Jesus loves it when His people are good to others out of love and devotion to Him. It’s like putting money into a savings account.

Like the Lord is so should His people be – good. There is not enough goodness today in the world of men. There is not enough self-less-ness, so it is fitting that peace on earth and goodwill toward and among men should be one of the supreme goals of every believer; it is the Lord of Goodness we serve.

Long have I complained and groaned inwardly when people referred to Jesus as the Good Lord; like there’s a good one and a bad one. And usually the title is thrown around by those I would deem as marginal in their beliefs. I don’t do that anymore – He is the Good Lord; and His people should be the Good People. And marginal or not, if you want to call Him who He is – go for it!

Today, I will sow good among my fellow man. Today, I will walk as a good person made so by the blood of Christ. I know this is what pleases the Lord and He always pays back His obedient ones…

Lord Jesus,
You are indeed the Good Lord. You deal in love, goodness, kindness and mercy. Your grace is sufficient and Your ways are perfect. Fill me Jesus, with Your Spirit to sow love and goodness today, to reflect Your Name and Your goodness. Amen.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Profound Grasp of the Obvious


Ecclesiastes 10:19 19 Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything. ESV

At face value this is a very odd statement in Scripture; but in actuality, it’s a profound grasp of the obvious. That’s what I love about the Bible, stating the obvious in such simple terms that, even a caveman could understand it!

A former pastor of mine often wryly observed that ‘one has/had a profound grasp of the obvious!’ In other words, it requires one to have such an overtime- working depth of insight and understanding to see what everyone else just knows! We, his congregation, usually laughed when he made this remark; we were all so wise. So if a profound grasp of the obvious is a P.G.O.; then a profound omission of the obvious must be a P.O.O. (I tend to dwell more often in this realm than the other – dunce-icity is a familiar traveling companion of mine.)

The point is this: if Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived got it, then I must ask, what’s my problem; me to whom is promised the mind of Christ? Solomon closes out the book of Ecclesiastes by saying, ‘Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.’ (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) That is a profound grasp of the truth. Bread, wine, and money may do certain things and we certainly need to understand that; but I cannot forget to keep after my relationship with God because one day I will stand before Him and explain why I either, grasped or omitted the obvious, and why.

Bottom line: Paul, keep it simple and like glue, stick with God always.

Father in Heaven,
Everyday is a profound gift from You to be used to know You and seek You more. Lord, I am to make the best use of my time for You and for the Kingdom because the days around me are evil. Father, lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Help me to see and to know and to learn so that I may make the best use of the time I have from You, for You. Amen.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Everyday Me


Ephesians 4:15 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ... ESV

How do I grow up? For sure I age and grow up physically. For sure I learn (some) and grow up intellectually. But to grow up and be of value to others, how do I do that? By submitting to Christ, is how I grow up to be something and someone of worth to others. By taking His word seriously, applying it to my life, and obedience, I grow up to be of true value to others.

For years I thought I was making progress only to find in me rage, bitterness, jealousy, wrath and the like. I read verses like “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” It sounded so good but my behavior was everything but. Only by getting to that place where I realized Jesus really meant business with the everyday me did I realize how hypocritical, pathetic and stunted I really was. I was of little use to others.

When I recognize my bad behavior these days, I ask myself, “What’s not working here, the Spirit of God or me?” It has to be one or the other and He’s not broken. It is way good for me to exam my heart and my motives and allow the Spirit of God to help me so that I truly can speak the truth in love and say and do things that build others up – not tear them down; and by doing so reflect the honor and glory due the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Father in Heaven,
You know that I am still a long way off and that my successes are way smaller than my failures. But Lord You don’t look at my failures and You are leading me to realize that You mean business in all aspects of my life that in every way I may grow up into Him who is the Head, the Lord, the Savior – Lord, please help the everyday me - I pray in His Name, amen.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Infinitely and Unimaginably


Ephesians 3:20 20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us... ESV

There is power in the life of every human – always has been and always will be as long as the race endures. God has given to each the power to live for a certain length of time. God has given us the power to communicate and procreate; He’s given us the power of intelligence, creativity, and problem solving. These are the gifts of God to every individual on the planet. But to those born again through faith, He has given His Spirit by which He is able to do in us far more abundantly than all that we ask or think – His Spirit is the power within.

More and more I am coming to the conclusion that my life – robust and rewarding as I think it is – is not about what I accomplish but for Whom, in Whom, and through Whom I accomplish. God’s purposes, universal in scale and scope, are far greater – infinitely and unimaginably – than all my right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness – as blessed as that right may be.

Because of Him who is able to do far more abundantly that all that I ask or think, according to His power at work in me, I am drawn to ask, ‘God, please show me what that is’ and to conclude how wonderful that must be in comparison to what I deem worthwhile in this life –infinitely and unimaginably more so…

Father in Heaven,
Your power is at work in me – what a magnificent truth. In all that I set my life to, Your power is at work in me. Today, Your power is at work in me and by Your power, You turn my heart and mind toward the godly purposes of love, grace, mercy, freedom and friendship. Father, help me to value what You value and to set my heart after those things. May Your heart be prominently on display in me so that others may see and that we all may rejoice in what You have in store for us now, and eternally in the future – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Knowing God


Ecclesiastes 3:11b Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. ESV

I don’t know if I want to build a theology on this verse or not but it has a certain ring to it that I just can’t ignore. It says in effect, God has wired an eternal element into our hearts but only in such a way that we can’t know the end from the beginning. Now, I don’t think this means God is hiding things from us, but I do think it means He’s only ever going to give us according to our capacity to learn and in eternity it is more than we can ever hope for or imagine.

So here’s what I think that means: Mankind has a thirst to know. God made us that way. We’re thirsty to know all there is to know and why what is, is; and how what does, does. That’s who we are. Solomon said in his writings that he set out on a quest to know. But Solomon quickly discovered that knowing is one thing and knowing God is quite another. I still think it all boils down to our capacity – and what God deems important or beneficial for us to know.

It’s possible to have a full head and an empty heart. Therefore my response to God is to allow Him to fill my heart (life more abundant) throughout all of my eternal existence; quality vs. quantity. What I yearn is for God to teach me, not all there is to know, but all I need to know. And then I’ll spend the rest of all eternity, in its glory, adventure, and freedom, walking with God discovering all He desires to impart – of Himself; of His heart.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve planted eternity in my heart because You don’t plant anything other than who You are; and eternity is not enough time for You to teach me all there is to know about You. But I trust that our eternal adventure will be full of all You desire for me to know and that my hunger and thirst to know will only be sated as You reveal all that is on Your heart for me to learn – throughout eternity! How good and great You are! Through Jesus, amen.*

*Dear reader, I hope this makes some semblance of sense to you, or that it helps you in your own quest to know God. I find conversations like these to be very difficult to articulate; I recognize I see something, but realize I have difficulty saying it...


Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Whole Enchilada

Ephesians 1:33 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places... ESV

How many is every? To us, every is all, entire, complete; every is the whole enchilada. Every to you and I means the whole deck and nothing is missing. Every, is a lot and there ain’t no more.

How much is every to God? Every to God is beyond number – we cannot fathom every in God’s perspective. But here Paul writes to the Ephesian church, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in [of] the heavenly places…” In Jesus, there isn’t one spiritual blessing omitted; nothing is left out; and with the blessings come everything we need to live victoriously in this life over sin, death and evil as we await the next phase of life where sin, death, and evil do not exist.

I’ve always wanted to interpret this verse and teaching as the blessings are real but future. What good are future blessings today? This morning I realize they are future blessings but also present blessings because to God, there is only ever right now. And for me, truly, there is only ever right now. So what I have in Christ, I have right now, forever.

What a light this casts upon today. What a reality is mine in Christ this moment and forever! I am blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing that is available in the heavenly places because those places are just as real as earthly places where I am in relationship to God Almighty through His Son and by His Holy Spirit! Amen and amen!

Father in Heaven,
You are not far away and Your blessings are not promises of something down the road; Your blessings are for right now, this day – as I go off to work, and as I serve my fellow man upon this earth. Strengthen me Lord to remember what is mine right now, and that is every blessing that is available from the storehouse of blessings in Heaven. I am gifted, equipped and blessed right now in You! Amen.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The God of


Romans 15:5 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, ESV

The God of endurance, encouragement, hope and peace – what more could we ask for? God is all of these things and more!

Who is your God? Whom do you serve? I serve the God of endurance and I am enabled to keep going; not every day is a burden. I serve the God of encouragement; lovingly urged to do well, seek good and be a blessing. I serve the God of hope – not wishful thinking but the fixed reality that all He has said will ultimately come to pass. I serve the God of peace for my relationship with Him is solid forever for He has said He holds me in the palm of His hand and my enmity toward Him is gone.

I cannot out-give God. I cannot out-love Him. But I can accept that He is wonderful and gracious and loving to me even at my worst; and He keeps encouraging me to stay the course and finish the race until my work is done on this earth. That is my God and I will ever praise Him!

Father in Heaven,
Long were the days when I listened only to what the world said about You. Long were the days when I thought You were hard and mean and stern. But You are to me now the God of endurance and encouragement; the God of hope and peace. For these things are what You’ve always been even when I can’t recognize them. Help me to see You in the light You are and to live in service to You ever encouraged, full of peace and hope – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Make the Decision


Romans 14:13 13 Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. ESV

One of the things I think about is to not be the one who causes pain; I don’t want to be the source of someone else’s pain. Pain is going to come but I just don’t want to be the one to bring it. The apostle says, “Well alrighty then, in light of that, decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of another believer.”

Living in the family of God is living in love for our fellow family members and living in love for them means not hurting them by what I do, say, or think; there is no room for selfishness because selfishness destroys love. So rather that hurt, I am called in Christ to decide to help, with the goal of not being the source of someone else’s pain.

Today, I am stretched and caused to be more thoughtful of the things I do and say. If my motive is to not cause pain, likewise it cannot be to not interact at all – I must deal with others as I am called in Jesus to lovingly deal with them, and to keep a close watch on my mouth, my mind, and my actions. In Christ, I am called to a life of love and therefore I must make the decision to never be the stumbling block to others… I’ve got some work to do…

Father in Heaven,
Your family is a family of love and love is not to be polluted with selfishness and mindlessness. I ask to be led by the Holy Spirit in every part of my life for He is more that sufficient to guide me and guard me through my relationships with others to keep me from causing others needless pain by what I might think I’m free to do. Help me to be sensitive and obedient to Your leading I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.