Saturday, April 10, 2010

God’s Way


2 Corinthians 10:7 7 Look at what is before your eyes. If anyone is confident that he is Christ’s, let him remind himself that just as he is Christ’s, so also are we. ESV

Paul was reminding the Corinthians that he and they were on the same side. Apparently there were those who didn’t see eye to eye with Paul and for some reason (sin, arrogance, and pride?) were disputing his authority and teachings.

It’s not surprising that this comes up in the Scripture because even today, this happens all the time; those who are appointed, elected, selected, (whatever) into leadership are targets for those who cannot accept who they are or how they lead – that is part and parcel of human nature. It’s wrong, but it’s part of who we are; sad, fallen, and rebellious people who want things our way.

Israel demanded a king (1 Samuel 8-10) and remarkably, God granted their request. Sometimes God says, yes, sometimes He says, no; sometimes He says, maybe, and sometimes He says, if you insist. Paul’s argument and defense was against those who insisted that it was all about them and their way. I think God shakes His head and says with a smile, they’ll learn, they’ll learn.

I’m learning that my way is not the good way and each day I see just how much I insist on my way. But I’m learning. I’m learning and repenting because God’s way, no matter how petty I think it is, is the right way and the right way is why they call it righteousness and that is how I want to live and how I want to be commended by God (see 2 Cor. 10.18).

Father in Heaven,
Your way is the right way and You love is relentless that I learn and live the right way. Help me to shut my mouth and quell my opinions and submit to Your way. May I be commended as righteous and my I bring honor to Your Name (and my belief in Your Name) by how I carry myself in everyday life – in righteousness. Amen.

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