Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spiritually Skilled


Exodus 28.3 You shall speak to all the skillful, whom I have filled with a spirit of skill, that they make Aaron’s garments to consecrate him for my priesthood. ESV

Everybody has something – some are just better at it than others. That’s the truth and that’s the way it is. But that is not the cause for self-pity just bexuase someone is better at something than someone else; all of us are important and needed. God wanted the job done right and He called the ones whom He had gifted to do so.

Some get art. Some get math. Some get language and some get cooking. God isn’t unfair that He calls the artisans to do the creative work – He sure didn’t call Aaron and He sure didn’t call Moses – He called the ones He wanted.

I can (and have) whine about the things I don’t have, but there is a real danger when I do. When I do I judge God for either doing the job right with me or doing it wrong. Anytime I judge God at all I am in danger of hell for calling God for less than He is. So two things I need. 1. I must be careful not to relate to God according to my construct, values, or perceptions. 2. I must routinely, regularly, and righteously come to God and ask, “How may I serve You best?” Or, “What do You have planned?” Or in the time-honored words of many of His people, “Speak Lord, for Your servant listens.” According to 1 Corinthians 12, we are all called, gifted and commissioned.

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for the gifts You give to whomever You give them, and thanks for including me in Your Kingdom. I pray that I would keep the proper perspective with regard to my own gifts and be joyous and celebrate as I see You working in the lives of others through theirs. I pray in Christ’s Name – Whose life and Whose Kingdom I serve – amen.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Little by Little


Exodus 23.29 I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate and the wild beasts multiply against you. 30Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased and possess the land. ESV

Isn’t life mostly little by little anyway? It really is and for the most part we can only handle little by little because too much all at once overwhelms us. And we are severely limited by time and space; we can only do so much and our leverage is only so effective. Life is mostly little by little.

I have great plans but my plans are only accomplished little by little. That is the goodness, patience, and mercy of God. And that is relationship for all eternity – how fast does that need to be?

In a hurry-up, get it all done now, burnout world I am glad the Lord deals with me little by little and gives me the grace to handle up to the measure to which I can handle. God looked out for the welfare of His people then and He does it to this day – little by little.

Father in Heaven,
You are merciful and kind and deal with us gently. Things are to be done in Your time, according to Your schedule – and You seem to prefer little by little. That doesn’t minimize Your promises – it maximizes our effectiveness. Thank You for dealing with me according to this principle – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, January 28, 2010



Acts 4.29,30 29And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, 30while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus." ESV

What do you ask for in prayer? Do you ask God for things He’ll never give, God, give me Pluto; do you ask God for things you already have, God, give me grace and salvation? Here in Acts 4 the disciples were asking for the boldness to speak despite the threats leveled at them by the ruling council of the Jews. And they asked that God would stretch out His hand to heal and that signs and wonders would be performed through the Name of Jesus. Do you ask God for things like this?

My prayers are largely selfish and there aren’t too many times I pray, Lord, look upon their misunderstanding and ignorance of Who You are that I may help them understand their need for You, and all You offer. But today, I am reminded to pray that God’s will be done and that despite the ignorance of men and the willful rejecting of the truth, that I may have boldness in the Holy Spirit’s power to speak and to testify of the truth that people may be convinced and be saved.

Father in Heaven,
And now, Lord, look upon my situation and circumstances, my job, the people with whom I work and among whom I live this day, and grant Your servant the opportunities to speak up for Your truth and to help others see how wonderful and awesome You really are. Give me strength and boldness today, I pray in Jesus’ Name. And if You threw in a miracle, we’d all be blown away! Amen.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Testing – Proving – Making Sure


Exodus 20.20 20 Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin." ESV

Testing, testing, testing; making sure, proving – over and over and over – that is what God does. Instead of causing us to complain, it ought to cause us to look toward heaven where there will be no sickness, sin, or shame. That’s so hard for us to understand because it is so natural to earth. But as the Lord drew the people out of Egypt to be His own, so He is drawing His believers out of the world to be His very own – and His own think and act differently that people who reject Him.

And so the tests come. And come and come. It is not what God thinks of us, but what we think of God. We can either complain and grumble or we can rejoice; but holiness must be formed in us if we are to live in the presence of God one day down the road…

So I live today practicing the presence of God because one day down the road the practice becomes reality and into God’s presence I am for all eternity.

Father God,
You are lovingly, graciously, relentlessly working in my life to fill every nook and cranny with Your life that I may not sin. So God, I yield to the testing and the trials because they are from You for my good and my future. Thank You for helping me again this day – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Acts 2.44 44And all who believed were together and had all things in common. ESV

John the Apostle said, "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." The new community in Acts 2 was about love and togetherness. That is the original intent of God for His creation – togetherness. God intended for men to be together with Him and with each other – you might call it Oneness.

In Acts 2 it says they we all together in one place; not only in proximity but in heart, intention and focus. The minimum threshold was they believed together in Jesus.

But God desires we cross over the threshold of believing in each other as well…warts and all. Together means together; it means together in this life and forever together in the next where warts and all will be seen for what they really are and what they were really intended for – to reveal the glory of God within each of us who are so broken and so in need of redemption. So that’s why John (echoing Jesus) says that in order to be the real deal, we must love one another (who we can see) in serving God (Who we can’t see). That’s the essence of oneness and togetherness. Simply said, I love you too much in Christ to make a big deal about your faults; instead of asking "Oh, why?" I’ll just simply say, "Oh well…".

Loving others is the act of looking beyond whatever may be obvious to what may not be so obvious: Jesus Christ within. And Jesus is worth loving and so are you.

Father in Heaven,
You originally intended for us to be like You are in the Trinity: each one loving and caring for each other in mutual love and respect. You are big enough to set that wheel in motion and see it through, and the resources You provide are there to see it through. I pray that I may see and accept what You’ve given me that I may see and accept those among whom You’ve placed me. May we be one as You are One – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Speak Up


Acts 1:8 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” ESV

So much to do, so little time, and so little power to get it all done – I think that’s the attitude of most people. We humans are inherently accomplishers and doers. But most people long for more power. Like a car that runs poorly, they long to step on the gas-pedal of life and roar off into the next project or conquest; but what they lack is power.

Power is currency among humans and the more one has the more one can do and the more one can control – and that’s the brass ring: control. God however is not a power-broker; He doesn’t give control to the highest bidder; but He gives His power to those who will wait for Him and will do His bidding. And what is that? It’s to live a life of witnessing to His goodness and salvation throughout the earth wherever one happens to be when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. God’s power is for witnesses who will testify of His goodness and mercy, and with that power live a life that matches their testimony. Jesus didn’t call them to anything else except testify to the truth of Who He is and what He’s done.

What power I have, is measured in how much I testify and how I live. If I live to seek God and speak His truth, I am Holy Spirit empowered. If I live to serve my own needs and control others then I am dealing in worldliness and my agenda becomes more important than God’s. God’s power and grace are given to me to seek and to speak: to seek Him for direction and to speak up for His truth.

Father God,
You have measured out power to those who will seek You and speak Your truth. I pray for the Holy Spirit to have His way in my life this day that my words may be godly and my actions may match them. I bow in submission to You – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Proper Attire


Luke 24:49 49 “And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” ESV

There is no sense going into the battle naked. There is no sense in believing one way and acting another. Jesus’ promise to the disciples is the proper attire of power in order to convince them of the presence of God; and to convict those who don’t believe, of the foolishness of not seeing that God is such a big deal. Many believers this day act as if they are naked because they don't recognize they are clothed with power from on high.

In the discussion of power we might think Jesus was talking only of miracles because miracles certainly get people’s attention. But the power we need to display is that of complete devotion to God and complete obedience to His every command. Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35; we must have power from on high in order to love. Paul said we must submit to the authorities (Romans 13.1); we must have power from on high to submit. The great commission was go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of all men and teaching them to obey the commands of the Lord; that doesn’t happen without power from on high.

According to what I read, I am clothed with Power from on high – my life and my body are both residence and temple of God, the Holy Spirit (John 14.16,17; 1 Corinthians 6.19). Therefore I am not to act like an emperor with new clothes; I am to conduct myself as cooperating with the Holy Spirit who clothes me with the power I need from on high to live an effective and productive life for Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Father in Heaven,
You never intended (or intend) for me to wing it or go it alone. You have not summoned me to believe and then not given me the resources to do so; You have clothed me (and every believer) with power from on high. Men need to be convicted and convinced and that isn’t accomplished through façades – may I walk according to Your ways this day and because of the proper attire from on high, may my life be effective and productive for the Kingdom of Christ – I pray in His Name, amen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

God’s Choice


Luke 23:35 35 And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” ESV

It’s interesting to listen to what people really say. It’s amazing by that process to hear what they really think. The rulers of the people were saying the truth – He had saved others; that’s what Jesus came to do. But what they thought was the end of the matter was only really the beginning. His death was not the end, it was the start. He didn’t come to save Himself but to give Himself…

Most people I know are terrified at the thought of dying; to them death is the ultimate end. But that’s because they don’t understand death and don’t know the God of Life. For the believer death has no sting – you cannot sting without a stinger. To the natural man death is fearful and awesome because it is painful and empty; but for the believer death is simply a portal to pass through toward the ultimate Goal: fellowship with God for all eternity.

So what the rulers were saying about Jesus was true, He was the Christ of God [the] Chosen One. They just didn’t understand death and the importance of death to God (cf Psalm 116.15). Jesus Christ was chosen by God not to save His life but to give it as a sacrifice for sin for all mankind for all time – something the rulers of the people could never understand.

I don’t know how my life will end but when it does it will be precious to the Lord who loves me and has given me life. I too, according to the Scripture, have been chosen by the Lord to do His will and that is what I’m about – learning, living and loving just that – His will – that I too make be a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God.

Father in Heaven,
You intend for me to live and learn so that one day through death I may enter into fellowship and live with You for all eternity. Death is not evil, nor is it fearful – it is the portal through which I must go one day on my way home to You. Not fearing death or its timing may I live for You and accomplish in this life what You’ve intended for me all along – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, January 22, 2010



Luke 22:28 28 “You are those who have stayed with me in my trials..." ESV

Jesus was tried and found worthy. He had every opportunity to resist, to turn, to do His own thing; but He stayed with God and was found worthy to accomplish the greatest accomplishment of all history for all mankind: salvation.

Next time we're tempted to think God is being unfair, let’s remember that He Himself did exactly what He calls us to do, and what He chooses to do with us – try us, that we may be found worthy.

I’m glad the roads I drive on are worthy to support my car; I’m glad the building I work in is worthy to stand; I’m worthy that the house I live in is worthy for habitation. And I’m glad that the Savior I trust in is worthy for salvation – amen?

Father God,
You sent Moses to the Israelites in Egypt with the promise that You were worthy and You would save them; You proved Yourself to them over and over. Throughout history You have proved Yourself over and over. And You sent Jesus, who completed His trials, that He would be worthy to save everyone who recognizes His worthiness for all time. He is worthy and I worship Him today - amen.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

To Temper the Goodness


Luke 21:34 34 “But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. ESV

There’s a book on my shelf called The Power of Focus. I’ve never read it but I bought it with the intention of doing so. At the time I thought I needed to focus more on what is important and so I bought it with the intention of reading it and learning perhaps what to pay attention to and what to ignore… Apparently it didn’t work, I got distracted and didn’t read it. Sigh, that’s my life…

Over and over in the Gospels, Jesus speaks of paying attention to the times, the signs and what is truly important. Over and over in the Bible, the emphasis to the reader is to pay attention to God, ourselves, others, and the world around us. But what happens in the midst of this is life – kids, appointments, dreams, plans, debts, investments, pay raises and on and on it goes. If we’re not careful our hearts can be weighed down with unimportant stuff and we’ll forget about the important stuff. Jesus has one word for us: FOCUS.

If there’s one thing I struggle with it’s focus. If there’s one thing I’m distracted with, it’s distractions. I’m lousy at the one, and good at the other. I’m lousy with the important and good and the non-essentials. But every day I try to temper that ‘goodness’ by focusing on my lousy-ness by reading and paying attention to God’s word. It helps. It helps me to see what to pay attention to and what to leave out of the equation.

Father in Heaven,
May my life be one of Focus. May I see what is truly important and grow ever closer to that and may I learn to let the non-essentials be the non-essentials. Help me to stay focused on the Kingdom and the redemption of my fellow man and to not get caught up all weighted down by cares or carelessness. Thank You. Amen.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blown Away


Psalm 8:4 4 “…what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” ESV

It’s a pretty safe bet that David saw things that many others didn’t see. I’m not saying he was the only spiritual person in Israel, but he did have some incredible insight and he did have some influence. He also had his critics. I think there were those around him who really got weary of David’s ‘insight’.

I also think David was a thinker. I think he thought a lot about God and godly things. I think his thinking is what led him to ask the question, “God, what do You care about man? What’s the big deal?” I think David looked upon the Grand Experiment of God that man could come to know Him, and was flatly blown away.

But his asking makes me ask, God why do You care about me? What’s the big deal with my faults, frailties, and failures; my foolishness and folly? Why do You continue to faithfully love me and care for me despite all the dumb things I do?

And here it is: I think God does that because He knows how good He is and knows how blessed I’ll be when I get it. He knows how much I need Him and He knows how far I’ve fallen. Who am I that God cares about me? I am His property and a vessel within whom He has purposed to dwell. Wow! No wonder David was so blown away – I am too.

I know You care and I know Your caring goes infinitely beyond what I can think or imagine. But here’s the deal: Thank You. May I know You better and better. May I respond more and more. And may Your plans, purposes, and promises be mine in this life and in the life to come – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

With My Sword and Bow


Genesis 48:22 22 Moreover, I have given to you rather than to your brothers one mountain slope that I took from the hand of the Amorites with my sword and with my bow.” ESV

I almost feel like saying, “Why Jacob, you old warrior, you! Who knew you even had a sword and a bow?” But let’s not kid ourselves, Jacob and his people knew how to fight and attack and defend; it was a necessity of life back then. Fortunately the Bible doesn’t focus on such exploits but it does drop hints that the patriarchs were not just a bunch of simple shepherds – they were trained fighters; they had to be or else they’d be dead shepherds.

What is worth fighting for in the life of the modern believer? What is worth fighting for and learning how to fight for? What happens if I don’t fight, attack and defend? I wind up being a dead believer, or certainly an ineffective one. The apostle Paul once wrote, “…For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4 ESV) He also wrote, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7 ESV) Paul fought and warred against all that stood opposed to God. The same is required of you and me if we call ourselves believers.

I have two choices only: to be a living (fighting) believer or a dead one. My faith does not come easy nor is it safe from the assault of the world, the flesh and the devil. To win, to finish well, I must fight against all that stands against God and persuade as many who will listen to do the same.

Father God,
You are the warrior King and a battle rages that I mostly do not see. But the attacks are real and the stakes are life and death. Help me to fight, attack, and defend all that is mine in Christ – through Christ – and to teach others to do the same; I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Where When or How


Genesis 45:8 8 So it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt. ESV

Joseph’s story is perhaps one of the most interesting stories in all the Bible and it culminates with an old man being reunited with his long lost son – a son that for many years he thought was dead. What’s important in this story is God is given proper credit for all the circumstances that happened including the changing of some hearts.

Joseph’s story is one that tells of injustice and justice, cruelty and kindness, and hate and love among other things. But the lesson we cannot let go of is that God used all of the circumstances to preserve His people in the midst of earthly trials so that He could maintain His promise to one individual – not Joseph, but Israel. Joseph spoke the truth when he said, “So it was not you who sent me here, but God…” Like it or not, God is in control of all of all our lives and He determines how each of us will be reached, where, when, and how.

Joseph never seemed to lose sight of God’s hand in his life no matter his circumstances and the lesson for me is to do what Joseph did: keep my eyes fixed upon the One who reaching for me and not worry about where, when or how. By doing so my faith is built and God’s plans are carried out.

Father God,
You loved these people and You saw to it they would survive and they did. Joseph spoke the truth when he said what he said and may I have the same kind of faith he did – faith that honors You and trusts You no matter what. Thank You for this story and for what You are doing in my life, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

God Strives


Genesis 43:14b And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. ESV

One of the stellar attributes of the Christian is teachability; to be teachable is worth more than riches or position; it is to be sough with all one’s might.

Jacob had his name changed by God from supplanter, (or he strives) to Israel (or God strives. (see Genesis 35.10)) Jacob was the consummate control freak and the account of his early life shows he did whatever it took to try to control his circumstances and life; and it didn't matter how many bodies were left in his wake. There is nothing wrong with trying to guide one’s life and do the right things but when the right things are only according to one’s own interpretation is when the rub come. Jacob rubbed most people the wrong way because he only saw his way as right. But Jacob became teachable in the long run.

And just because your name gets changed right away doesn’t mean your personality changes right away; the personality is a slow learner. What’s important is that it learns…

As we read through the account of the famine and the buying grain and the consequence of bumping into Joseph whom the brothers had all but forgotten (Genesis 41ff), we see the impact of Israel’s former life and the backwaters of control still present in his life – but this statement in chapter 43 shows that Israel was learning about that which was out of his control, and that God was faithfully seeing to it. It is God who strives in our lives for good and for righteousness; if it weren’t for Him, we’d all be supplanters…

Father in Heaven,
You lovingly, faithfully run us through the ringer over and over again so that we can learn and ‘get it’. We learn that we are not in control and we get it that You are. I pray for mercy but I also pray that I be sorely convicted whenever I scheme to try to get ahead. Help me to be humble and teachable and remember that it is You who strives in my life for my good and for my success in living the Kingdom life; I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Part of the Solution


Genesis 41:37 37 This proposal pleased Pharaoh and all his servants. ESV

It is always better to come to authority with a solution than with a complaint; or if a complaint is coming, bring with it a solution. Leaders seem to like that. They may not do anything with it or they may say, “Wow, what a good idea! You it! Go do it!”

Joseph, I believe was an optimistic, upbeat guy. I think he’d learned how to shine it on. He could’ve sulked about being in prison; he could’ve pouted. I don’t even think he was applying for a job when he gave Pharaoh the proposal; I think he was just being himself – and being Joseph, he was always looking to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

I believe this is the call of God upon His children. I notice God did not change Joseph’s circumstances but was with Joseph through them all. I think He treats us the same way – “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Heb. 13.5)

So I am to imitate and emulate a guy like Joseph whose life is an example to me of someone who wouldn’t be untrue to God or untrue to himself. I like that!

Father in Heaven,
You blessed Your servant Joseph and kept putting him in situations where he glorified You. May I have the grace this day to simply do the same – to remain upbeat, positive, hopeful and faithful; and no matter what happens I will believe that You will never leave me nor forsake me – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, January 15, 2010

God Never Forgets


Luke 15:13 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living. ESV

What sort of expression do you suppose was on the face of the father in this story in Luke 15, the day the younger son loaded up his truck and he moved to Beverly – Hills that is, swimmin’ pools; movie stars…? Was he smiling or sad; was he eager or remorseful? Did anything change in the relationship between him and his son?

I realized in reading this story that the father never forgot who the son was and the father never ceased to consider the son any differently than who he was. The son’s sins were all self-inflicted and yet the father never seemed to notice and never thought of his child any differently than he always was; his son.

God never sees His children any other than what they are: His children. I know that is hard for some to believe – those suffering from the consequences of self-inflicted sins or those who cannot fully embrace God’s leadership in our lives; He is either in complete control and unfazed by our choices or He’s not. If He’s not, He’s not God. If He is, He knows and uses our choices to affect righteousness in our lives – God is not absent in the parable of the lost son…

This story and its truth build my faith and increase my trust in God who deals with the self-inflicted. This helps me to deal with my own children differently and to let (to a degree) whatever happens happen. God never changes His mind about me and has proven over and over that He is for me for my success in living the redeemed life He has promised and purposed. Praise His Name!

Father in Heaven,
You love me despite the mistakes I make and You use those mistakes to teach me, mold me, and help me. Thank You. Thank You that I am, and always will be, Your child and that You are working out Your plan and purpose through Jesus Christ in me every moment of every day. Amen.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Settling for Less


Luke 14:33 33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. ESV

There are hard sayings in the New Testament and Jesus is responsible for more that a few; Luke 14.33 is a hard saying. He warms us up by saying, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” (v.26 ESV) Hate is a hard and powerful word. But Jesus makes this demand.

What does it mean to renounce all we have and be His disciple? It means a total renewal of our mindset towards things of this life and the admission that unless there is a renouncing of all of earth, there will always be some resistance toward all of Heaven. Jesus is trying to protect us from committing to something wonderful and allowing it to erode by settling for less.

And Jesus lived His life on earth but not caught up by earth.

The Lord demands that I give Him every place in my heart along with my secret stashes of sin and desire as well. My life in Christ, is to be a life of total separation from earth while on earth so that I can be totally, effectively connected to Heaven. It is a total renewal of my mind, my values and my beliefs; it’s different than I’ve ever known and it’s the way of Heaven.

Father in Heaven,
You have offered men something eternally different than what they know or are used to; You’ve offered them eternal life. And who believe in You must forsake all that they’ve grown used to here on earth. Disciples are to be on earth, relate to the earth, but to live with their whole hearts in Heaven in order to be effective in living the life of Heaven. This is a hard saying but one I embrace and I ask You to help me live with my whole heart in order to be Christ’s disciple. Amen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Purposes and Promises


Genesis 32:12 12 But you said, ‘I will surely do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’ ESV

Remembering what God said is key to strong faith. Jacob was terrified of meeting his brother Esau after all those years because Jacob knew what a putz he’d been to Esau all those many years ago; and Jacob left without even saying, “Dude, I’m sorry.” How long are grudges supposed to last anyway?

But God said to Jacob, “I will surely do you good and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.” That was a promise Jacob could take to the bank when he heard Esau was on his way with 400 heavily armed bikers on Harley camels.

There are at two lessons for me this morning:
1. There are incredibly painful and scary issues in life because of the damage I have caused.
2. God’s purposes and promises to me are irrevocable despite the damage left in my wake or the uninvited threats in my face.

To call God’s promises to my mind like Jacob did is to surrender control to Him over the situation no matter how desperate it looks or feels. Faith grows by leaps and bounds when I do that. And instead of wallowing in pity I find myself floating peacefully along in the gentle waters of joy! It takes courage to remind God what He’s said but it is courage for me to leave the outcome in His loving and merciful care. That’s what I’m gonna do…

Father God,
What You say is true and trustworthy. May I honor You by believing and keeping what You say no matter how many Hell’s Angels ride up in my life because of what I’ve done or because they want me to believe in You less. God help me, You said You would – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Truth with a Preference


Luke 12:1b “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." ESV

Jesus’ words in most of Luke 12 center on the issue of hypocrisy. I understand hypocrisy; it’s a lifestyle in which I am well versed. Hypocrisy is as common to mankind as dandelions are to our yards in the spring. We all work very hard every day to be and to act different than who we really are.

I realize to make such a broad statement may sound either stupid or unfair, but it is true nonetheless; we humans are all hypocrites. Our sense of value is all messed up, our limitations are way to obvious, and our inner-voice opinion of ourselves is mostly, me first! The Pharisees were world-class hypocrites and Jesus Christ, the Only non-hypocrite who ever lived, pointed that out.

Leaven makes baked bread fluffy. Leaven is yeast, and bread with yeast is more preferable to our pallets than bread without. Unleavened bread is bread with a choice; leavened bread is bread with a preference; what do we choose, what do we prefer?

Hypocrisy is truth with a preference: as long as you are accountable and I only have to appear accountable… that’s our preference. We prefer to be hypocrites because it is easier than self-discipline; it’s a corner to be cut. We prefer to be hypocrites because we can shrug our shoulders and say, ‘well, everyone else is!” We prefer hypocrisy because it excuses our inner struggle and is so natural to our nature.

But we all hate it when we’re left holding the bag of the effect of someone else’s hypocrisy. And when our leaders say, do as we say, not as we do then we howl. Jesus tells me and you to beware; and the implication is, don’t do it!

Father God,
Only through the Spotless one may I be spotless, and that is only because I belong to Him. Help me to beware of my own hypocrisy and in Him, and through Him, and by Him, to stand against it, I pray in His Name, amen.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Who They Say They Are

Luke 11:44 44 Woe to you! For you are like unmarked graves, and people walk over them without knowing it.” ESV

A while back I had a BFTFTD** which went: The best way to approach people is through God’s love; then you know how to deal with those whom you don’t know who you’re dealing with… What protects and presents the disciple of Christ is God’s love.

Jesus made a point that the Pharisees were not who people thought they were and most folks were totally unaware. As believers we are indeed to judge folks by their fruit – if they say they are one thing and yet continually do another, then we can safely assess that they are not who they say they are – at least by their actions. The difficulty is how to deal with them; especially when they pick at you over stupid things and insist that you become like them.

The answer is God’s love. And great patience. And understanding that not everyone is who they say they are.

I want God to know who I am; that means being more concerned about what He thinks of me than what others think, but being careful that I don’t come across as an unmarked grave – presenting myself as one thing while being another. So that means I must live according to God’s directives. And His love. I am to be a reservoir of God love as I am called to be a representative of His Kingdom and His gospel.

Father in Heaven,
Your love o Lord, reaches to the heavens; Your faithfulness stretches to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains and Your justice flows like the ocean’s tide. Father, I think about my big mouth and the big things I said with it yesterday and realize I presented myself one way but acted another. I am sorry. Help me to be the real deal and not to get caught up in the petty squabbles of life, but to humbly walk at Your side. I cannot pray out of one side of my mouth and gossip out of the other – please forgive Your servant. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

**Big Fat Thought for the Day

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Help Wanted


Luke 10:2 2 And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." ESV

I have always wanted to chafe a little under Jesus’ words here; if God is the Lord of the Harvest then why doesn’t He just raise up more workers? Evangelism is something God has delegated to His followers – if they believe in it, they’ll tell others about it. You may not have, but I watched enough of the Wildcard playoff game last night that I will spend time today telling someone about it today…

The key is this verse are the two words, pray earnestly. To pray earnestly means to make it a priority. I confess, it has not been a priority for me. But this morning the words, make it a priority, showed up in my mind and the question now is will I obey?

Our world is evil and getting worse. Everything seems to be all messed up from what we value to issues of conscience, integrity, honor, and just plain old common sense. One casual viewing of the evening news is enough to show anyone that our world is hurtin' for certain. So what are my priorities in the face of all that? Do I whine and moan and groan about the economy and who is now the largest exporter in the world – or do I accept that the harvest Jesus spoke of is the real, true, and only priority with which I am to be concerned?

Today is the day to take Jesus at His word and pray earnestly to God for more help. More help means more converts and more converts means more help. I will quit dissing God’s priority and begin to pray earnestly for more help in the harvest.

Father in Heaven,
You are the Lord of the harvest and it is a priority to You so I will adopt it as my priority and begin to pray earnestly accordingly. Forgive me for not – I repent in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Worth Hanging Onto


Luke 9:25 25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? ESV

Do you work to live or live to work? That’s the question we ask when we want to know if someone is actively leading a productively fulfilled life, or if they’re just being led along paycheck to paycheck. What does it profit a man to put all of his life-energy into occupation and/or possessions never understanding the greater purposes in life like living a God-honoring life and serving the needs of others?

What’s at stake here is losing oneself. And what’s worth hanging onto at all cost is one’s relationship with God for in that is riches beyond measure and a life that is infinitely full and fulfilling.

What’s worth hanging on to for me is God. He’s the Sole Reason I am alive and that I live upon this earth. I can try to work hard to make money to have a nice house and many possessions but that seems to be counter to my relationship with God; and what’s at stake is my soul.

Father in Heaven,
You have blessed me with many things in this life but none as wonderful and valuable as my relationship with You. I don’t want to figure it all out, I simply want to do as You direct and life the fulfilled life that is a result of knowing You. Help me this day – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fearless and Fruitful


Luke 8:13 13 And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away. ESV

What is a plant with no root, but flimsy and fruitless. The plants we’ll buy at the nursery this spring are for the most part untested plants that though they look great fresh from the greenhouses they haven’t been tempered by the elements and when the wind and the rain come they fall down out of weakness.

Testing is essential for the life of the child of God. The ocean of emotion present in a new or immature believer must never be mistaken for strength to endure – only through the pain of testing, disappointment, and failure, can there be the great gain of God’s blessing.

A great way to understand testing is to look at the varied and numerous difficulties of our lives and accept and embrace them as God-ordained to affect righteousness and strengthening within us so that we may be fearless and fruitful. Testing is what God does to get us to grow strong and healthy – temptation is the weakness of the flesh wanting to fall away.

O how many times I have whined and complained at how difficult and pointless my life is not realizing that my difficulties are my teachers to get me to think and respond in a manner that is pleasing to God.

Father God,
You desire for my life is that I become fearless and fruitful. You desire infinite and eternal success for me…but You don’t allow me to dictate or define what that success is because You know I would always settle for less. You know just what I need. Help me again today to accept the difficult people, places, and things in my life as my teachers that help me to grow up strong in grace, well-tested that I may gain Your desire – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Forgiven Much


Luke 7.47b But he who is forgiven little, loves little. ESV

Today, January 7, is the first of two annual reminders for 2010: He who is forgiven little, loves little. He who comes to the Lord for forgiveness and cannot find much to confess is in trouble. We are all sinners and we are all dreadfully so.

There are two issues here, 1. Forgiveness and 2, love. The issue of forgiveness stems partly from what we do but mostly from who we are. We are sinners regardless of our conduct. Every human ever born from Adam on down is a sinner; that is our natural state and there is no changing that reality. But in Christ, and because of God’s great love, every sinner from Adam on down has the opportunity to find forgiveness and when he really does, he really loves; God at that moment of forgiveness frees him from his horrible burden of sin.

The woman at the party (Luke 7) recognized her sin and went to God (Jesus) to find forgiveness – something she was desperate for. And as a result, she loved God much and was saved by faith.

As I said, today 1-7-10 is the first of two annual reminders. I don’t want to be reminded and then forget again until the next one comes around on September 24th. I want to love much between now and then because God has forgiven me much ands continues to do so all the time. So I will call to mind the goodness of God and the dreadfulness of my sin and ask Him to help me live a life of love because He, in His marvelous power and grace, has forgiven me and forgives me every time I come confessing who I really am…

Father in Heaven,
You have offered me salvation not that I may find self-righteousness but that I may find forgiveness, love and life. I pray for Your help today to live rightly and I pray for forgiveness for yesterday when I lived so wrongly. Help me this day I pray in Jesus’ infinite Name, amen.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Never Looked the Same


Genesis 15:5-6 5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness. ESV

I’m not sure if you and I could see how Abram believed but we can be sure that God who sees all things saw that a connection had been made from Heaven into Abram’s being – it was visible to God that Abram believed.

And I think the stars never looked the same again to Abram. I think on those days after whatever issues he had to deal with and disappointments he experienced, he couldn’t wait for the sun to set and the stars to start twinkling on one by one – each one reminding him of the promise of children that would be born. You can almost feel the excitement in Abram’s heart.

I love to gaze at the stars and I think from now on they will be a reminder to me of the promises of God that are mine despite the heartaches, letdowns, and disappointments that I experience. God’s love and promises overcome them all…

Father God,
You have made promises to us all and You always keep Your Word. Sometimes Your word is made to us and carried out in the next generation but You always keep Your word. Thank You for including me in the covenant You made with Abraham back then. I was represented by one of those stars and Your promises to Him are mine as well. The stars will never look the same to me again – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Catching and Convincing


Luke 5:10 10 and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” ESV

What kind of skill does one have to possess to catch men? Probably the easiest way is to offer them something they don’t have. But like fish, men need to be shown they don’t have it and many men think they do have it. So it requires patience and skill to catch them. Fish need to be baited, men need to be convinced.

The word today reminds me of what it is I’m to be about; I’m to live the kind of life that attracts and speak the words that convince. Jesus has a heart not just for some but for all and commands His disciples to live lives of attraction and convincement. (Wow, spell-check took the bait!)

I’m called as Peter was called, as we all are called – to represent the Lord in all we do and to remember that our lives serve a purpose to attract others to Christ and to convince them of the truth.

Father in Heaven,
You created me to be about the business of catching men. Like fish, they don’t want to be caught, but You offer something so grand that once they are convinced they become men catchers themselves. Help me this day to live to catch and convince I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Monday, January 4, 2010

To Pick up the Pieces


Luke 4:12 12 And Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’ ” ESV

As I reflected upon these words today I thought they could be said this way, “You shall not leave the Lord to pick up the pieces.”

The devil dared Jesus to fling Himself off of the pinnacle of the Temple and trust God to catch Him. The ploy was, ‘the Bible says…’ The Bible says a lot of things but we are to be Spirit led as we discern what the Bible actually says to do. And we are never to put God in a place where He has to come as a Servant-Boy to pick up the broken pieces of our foolishness.

That’s not to say God doesn’t and God won’t; it means that we are not to set out to put God into such a position – the results, the consequences of such actions are disastrous.

Yes, God is repairing the broken pieces of my life, but I am the one who is doing the picking up not Him. And I am the one who is learning just how stupid, stupid can be. I am the one who has to live with the consequences of the decisions I have made, not God.

Putting God to the test is callous, harmful, and foolish, and God’s servants are not to treat Him that way. And we do it all the time. I am to live considering my actions and the current state of my affairs (where I am because my choices.) I am to humbly seek God knowing He is rich in mercy and wisdom but knowing He is under no obligation to fix any of the messes I’ve made. So I will trust Him that in whatever condition I find myself because of my own doing, that God will use me in that condition but I have to leave whatever remedy He has to Him. “Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you…” (1 Peter5.7) (and knows the damage you’ve done…)

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for loving me despite every time I have, do, and will, put You to the test. Help me to stop doing that I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vulnerable God


Genesis 6:16 16 Make a roof for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above, and set the door of the ark in its side. Make it with lower, second, and third decks. ESV

Noah surely possessed some measure of skill; he built the ark to God’s specifications. Not only did he build it, but he got on board and the thing floated. Not only did it float, but it remained afloat for six months or so. And not only did it remain afloat, it held an enormous cargo and 8 humans; and as far as we know no one got bitten by a poisonous lizard, snake, or spider…

I marvel at God’s volitional vulnerability. I never cease to be amazed at what God does and by whose hands He does it – mankind; people like you and me. God is the consummate Risk-Taker. He risked it all by creating creation in the first place and then turning man loose with only this prohibition: “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Ge 2:16-17 ESV)

What big thing are we facing this day? We are dealing with the same vulnerable God who said, “Make yourself an ark…”

I am encouraged to go into the fray this day knowing that God has sent me, and I’m to rely on Him to help me get through whatever it is I’m going through. Noah’s ark could’ve fallen apart on its maiden voyage; it could’ve capsized at sea; the animals could’ve eaten Noah and his family – but they didn’t and nothing bad happened because God was in charge and Noah was obedient.

Today vulnerable God is in charge of my life and I will vulnerably obey Him.

Father God,
You know all and see all and have planned for all; and for some of it You have called me. Help me to walk as directed and to obey as commanded in order to watch You come to my rescue as promised, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mary’s Defense


Luke 2:51 51 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.

During the brief moments of time that Mary had been given insider information it helped her to get her perspective as to what was going on with her and with her Son.

Think about it:
An unwed Jewish girl is told by God she’s going to give birth to the Messiah
A brand new mom with her hours old child are greeted with an angelic multitude
A caravan of kings from somewhere show up and shower the child with gifts and blessings
After 8 days this mom presents her child at the temple and is targeted by not one, but two well-known prophets who proclaim amazing things about the baby
When He is twelve, the boy decides He’s to school the teachers of the law and the chief priests at the temple and 4 days later his parents finally find him
The boy is submissive

The Scripture says, “And [Mary] treasured all these things in her heart.” It was her defense against things that were too hard for her to understand. It was her defense when life served her up bitterness and difficulty. It was her defense when she saw and felt the oppression of the Roman government. It was her defense when she was frustrated with her other children, and living in Nazareth, and when she heard others murmuring about her when she walked by.

What do we treasure in our hearts? What do we hold near and dear so that when the abrasive and hurtful parts of life press in to rob us of our joy? Mary treasured all of her thoughts and experiences of Jesus; how about us?

Father in Heaven,
I have not been in Mary’s shoes but I have worn my own and in the toughest parts of my life I have gotten better about what I use to defend myself against what seems senseless, frustrating, and hurtful to me – I treasure You. You are my Hiding Place and my Strong Tower. When I am afraid, I will trust in You. Even in the toughest moments I now can say, the Lord is with me; I may not like what I’m going through, but the Lord is with me and in His Name I will exult! Amen.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Silent and Dumb


Luke 1:20 20 And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” ESV

Today, I’m thinking about a man I heard of who bags garbage for a living in a dump outside the Peruvian city of Trujillo (true-hee-oh). He makes about six bucks a day digging through the rubbish, and who knows what else, to find recyclables to sell. It is tedious and probably terrible work and yet he does it day after day after day. I wonder what his response would be if an angel visibly showed up at the dump and audibly said, “Do not be afraid for I am here to tell you about God and the wondrous freedom that is yours in Him!”

Day after day after day the priest Zechariah did his work at the temple and his life drudged on and on – that is until one day an angel showed up at work and told him he was going to have a son who would be great before the Lord and would make ready a people prepare for their Lord. Zechariah’s response was something like, “Say what!? God doesn’t do stuff like that!”

This is a new year and I am reading a new version of the Scripture and I am listening for the things God is going to say to me throughout the year. I have the choice to listen very carefully or to miss His words and not believe. I want to hear. I want to apply, and I want to see the wonder of the Lord in my life that maybe somehow I can tell that garbage man (or someone like him) about Jesus.

Father God,
You speak and expect us to listen and obey. I don’t want to be like Zechariah, just plodding along. Lord, I want to hear and then tell what the Good Lord has done for me. Help me to hear and help me to speak, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.