Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Difficult but not Impossible


Mk 10:27 27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” ESV

Mark 10 (not unlike the rest of the Scripture) requires careful reading and thoughtfulness of what is being said. Jesus said it was hard for the rich person to enter the Kingdom of God but not impossible. Ask 10 random people and I bet you get a positive response from most of them, if not all, if you ask them if they’d like more money. Money gets things done for us humans. Most all of us recognize the power of money.

And while money can bring much freedom it can also bring much bondage. The difficulty of money is it means nothing in the Kingdom of heaven…except in how one uses it to glorify God and His Kingdom. Money needs to be handled very carefully or it will cause the possessor of it to be possessed by it. But that is where the Spirit of God is needed.

In reading Jesus’ words about money, I realize I need to be very careful with it, very cautious in how I use it and how I feel about it. I like to believe I can handle large sums of money but quickly realize I’ve rarely handled even small sums well. Money can be a snare for me and if God chooses to give me more I must be very careful how I steward it for His Kingdom and glory; it would difficult for me but with the Spirit of Christ, not impossible.

Father in Heaven,
Thank You for what money I do have and the things that it supplies me and my family. Help me to continually give over to Your control, my money and possessions lest they possess me and cause me to forget about You. Thank You for my job and for providing – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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