Sunday, March 21, 2010

This Cesspool – His Home


1 Corinthians 6.20b So glorify God in your body. ESV

Something to do: glorify God in your body. Not just with your body but in your body. Why in and not with? God is to be glorified with our bodies because they are vessels which house our spirits. We are to glorify God with our bodies because with our human bodies, we interact with the world around us and our bodies are our servants to do God’s things and go where God sends.

But why in and not with? In because that is where God has chosen to dwell – not in His entirety but by His Spirit. In John 14 Jesus told His disciples that God would sent the Helper who would be with them and in them. God is not far away, He is up close and personal – our bodies are His temple – singly and corporately; individually and as the Church. Paul said glorify God in our bodies because God (at least in essence) has chosen to reside within our hearts.

So, because God has chose to call this cesspool home, I will glorify God in heaven and God within my heart – that’s where He is…

Father in Heaven,
You have chosen to live in my heart with all its subsequent sin and sliminess. You do so because You know that’s what it takes for me to get it. I want to get it and I want Your law written upon my heart that I may live the way You prescribe – help me God. And thank You for choosing to live in me, amen.

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