Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fulfill Your Ministry


2 Timothy 4:5 5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. New American Standard Bible

Be sober in all things – life is serious because of the plague of sin and so sobriety is called for because this life will be judged because of sin.
Endure hardship – because hardship is one of the best catalysts to break our culture’s grip on us and help us to see just how fleeting and temporary this life truly is.
Do the work of an evangelist – make use of your days to invite others to know this marvelous God we serve who is preparing for a party in eternity that will be completely free of sin, sickness and sadness and will be infinitely acceptable for all those who attend – forever.
Fulfill your ministry – whatever that is. God has no ‘B’ team and benchwarmers need not apply. Everyone has a role to play that is vitally important no matter how it is viewed or perceived. Wherever we are whatever we do, do all to the glory of God.

Was Paul just talking to Timothy or does his letter include instruction for us. Yes and Yes. If the imminent apostle spoke these words to a trusted fellow-servant would he not speak them to you and me? Aren’t we trusted fellow-servants as well?

Today I am not going to dictate to God or anyone else what my ministry is – I’m simply, earnestly, and persistently going to live out my faith in front of those who don’t know that somehow they may know this marvelous God I call my Father who loves me and cares for me and calls me to fulfill my ministry diligently.

Father in Heaven,
You have a plan, place, and purpose for each of Your children. Among us, there are no “B” players; we each serve an infinitely vital role and purpose. And each of us are to be faithful and obedient always. Help me and my fellow-servants to be just that today, and in faith to trust You, to meet our needs, open our doors, and to be shining lights of faith in whatever we do, wherever we are – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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