Tuesday, December 15, 2009



James 1:12 12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. New American Standard Bible

How can you encapsulate the gist of James into one word? You can if you land on the word, approved. Life is an approval process and God is both the Authority for approval and the Tester of all who call themselves children of God. It’s one thing to call oneself a child of God – it’s another to be approved as such.

Trials are for approval and come from God. Temptation is for failure and springs from rebellion and godlessness that abides within us. Trials are meant to build our faith and only come from God; temptation is only for tearing our faith down. The difference is outcome. The difference is intent and the difference is that temptation never comes from God for God who approves cannot at the same time be God who destroys. He is only ever seeking approval and our passing the test.

So James’ letter is full of instruction on how to pass the test to win the approval of God that we are fit and faithful to carry out His will. Recently a friend posed the question, ‘If money was no object, what [present] would you want to find beneath your [Christmas] tree this year?’ I think I want to find the gift of “Approved!”

Father in Heaven,
You are the Authority and the Tester. Only the approval that comes from Your authority and by Your methods means anything at all. Father help me to remember that part of why I live life is to pass the tests and part of passing the tests is to recognize and avoid temptation at all costs. The outcome means life or death. Thank You for Your love and for every good and perfect Gift You give – amen.

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