Sunday, September 27, 2009

Only One Choice


Luke 10:42 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” New American Standard Bible

A wise preacher once said, “How speedily your last night and day will come! Observe that which is lacking in the preparedness of your soul for such a time and seek it without delay.” That is a choice. In today’s reading Haggai the prophet said, “Consider your ways!” (Hag. 1.5,7 NASB); that’s a choice! And in Luke 10 Jesus tells Martha, “Mary has chosen…” Mary chose the presence of the Lord and listening to Him over cooking, cleaning, and whatever else was expected of her. She might’ve had trouble from Martha but she had no trouble from the Lord.

Today is a day that will be filled with choices for me, for you, and really for most everyone (even little babies make choices.) For me, my choice is Mary’s: the Lord. I know I’ll get distracted by this, that, and the other, but I will strive this day for one thing – as a choice – to dwell in the Lord’s temple: His presence; and to do so first thing, to seek Him, not only chronologically, but volitionally, and practically; and then in all things to acknowledge Him; for then, His promise is, He will direct my paths and keep me in righteousness.

Father in Heaven,
You have made us volitional creatures, and in Christ have given us the freedom to choose You, to choose Your ways, and to live in Your presence. I choose this day to ask You for guidance and I choose to acknowledge You in all my activities for then my paths will be straight and then the rest of my choices will be right and the good part, it won’t taken away from me – Thank You God! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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