Monday, September 7, 2009

Deceit Has Its Limits


Revelation 12:9 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. New American Standard Bible

Did you know there once was a king of Judah who was only eight years old who reigned for 3 months and did evil in the sight of the Lord? Some kid. Did you know that there was a pillar outside the Temple in Jerusalem that was so massive and heavy it couldn’t be weighed? Some pillar. Did you know that God used a Persian king to rebuild His Temple in Jerusalem? Some king. Did you know there was war in heaven and deceit in heaven? Deceit? War?

Did you know the only place there isn’t deceit is with God? But did you know wherever there is deceit there is grace and it is boundless, infinite, and saving? Deceit, although it has the power to deceive the whole world is no match for God’s grace which has defeated it and limited it to the realm of men.

God’s grace has been extended to everyone who believes in Him and is given to cause believers to succeed in living a holy life, pleasing to God in every way. That is the magnitude of grace that doesn’t forbid deceit, but renders it harmless. And I can say today I am a recipient of God’s grace. It doesn’t keep me from stinking thinking, but it does help me return to God in repentance and ask for wisdom and understanding.

Father in Heaven,
You took such risk in creating us but You didn’t do it without grace. Yes, there is deceit powerful enough to fool even the whole world, but that deceit is no match for Your favor to those You love. Help me today to remember the grace shown to me and to walk worthy in it. Help me to stand against deceit and to share truth with those who are deceived that somehow they may come to know Your limitless grace – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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