Sunday, January 30, 2011

A God So Present


Exodus 25:8 8 “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. NIV

In those days, gods were far, far away; there wasn’t such thing as an up-close God. And really, other than the Lord (Who made Himself known to them) there weren’t any real gods. Yes, people thought there were gods and went out of their way to invoke them, but the process was that of either trying to get their attention, or trying to appease them somehow; gods (little “g”) could be very annoying and temperamental at times.

So when God removed Israel from Egypt by His mighty hand and outstretched arm, the Israelites still had no real identity with a God so present. Yes, they had their traditions from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but to them, that was their God; much like today, when trying to reach our own kids, God has to become theirs and not just ours.

God promised Abraham that He would bless the world through his descendants but just out of Egypt, He had to teach them who He was and He chose to do that right in the midst of them: “I will dwell among them in the Tent right next door.”

Isn’t that what God wants to do for us – doesn’t He want to be with us in all that we are and do? Doesn't God want us to celebrate His presence in our everyday life; turning the mundane into the miraculous? Doesn’t His presence make every day better no matter the stuff we’re going through? Doesn’t the promise of His companionship bring us peace? He wants to dwell among us – He’s promised to make even our hearts His home. What could be better than that?

Father in Heaven,
You have promised to be with me no matter what. I do celebrate that today. I am sorry that I often take that for granted or simply neglect it – help me not to do that. I welcome Your presence, and my life is infinitely blessed because You are – amen.

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