Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Pack-ed Ten


Exodus 20.1 And God spoke all these words:

God assembled His people and said to them, something like this:

1. I am the Only One, so do yourself a huge favor and focus all of your being on Me; and for your sake, don’t make the mistake of trying to substitute Me for someone, or something else.
2. I am not a Something, I am a Someone –trinkets won’t represent Me and you’ll have unfettered access to Me through love, trust, and relationship.
3. For as much as you reverence your own name; and want to be well thought of, value My Name above all else – My Name means a lot.
4. Take an intentional, regular, and scheduled weekly day off; and use it to build on the relationship between the two of us – just you and Me. You’ll find everything else lines up perfectly when you do.
5. Cherish and remember mom and dad – they are the vessels I chose to bring you into the world and though they are fallen just like you, I used them to bring you into my company. You owe them your life - they are worthy of your lifelong honor and respect.
6. Only I get to set the times of life and death, so truly love one another and by true love, you’ll find each other tolerable enough to live with and let live.
7. In the same way that I desire to have all of your heart, in your marriage, give all of your heart only and always to your spouse. There might be the appearance of something else in someone else, but if you act on it, you’ll only get deep and lasting hurt and lifelong trouble all because someone looked good.
8. Be content with what you have and leave what doesn’t belong to you alone. Follow first, only and always Me, and I will bless you with good things. Really.
9. Use the power I’ve given to you wisely and remember it can be a weapon against those living in peace around you. Your words are powerful and must be used in gentleness, kindness, and love.
10. Respect Me by not buying into the myth that the grass is always greener on the other side – where another lives. Look for Me in all you have (or don’t have) – that’s the best way to live.

We’ve misunderstood the Ten Commandments because they aren’t laws but we so want them to be. We seem to feel better with the don't-do's and the be-sure-to's. But you can’t legislate love – not even God would do that.

Father in Heaven,
You are all about heart. You are all about relationship and You are all about peace between us and our fellow men. Help me to live by love and to give up on the rules – it might be more messy but it will be worth it in the end – amen.

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