Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Visible Sign


Genesis 29:11 11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud. NIV

Anxiety can be a cancer; it care wear on the soul and erode one’s faith. Jacob had just journeyed from Canaan to Aram and along the way I think he had plenty of time to think. When he arrives and sees Rachel, it’s like a mighty wave of relief floods over him and his only response is a flood of tears. Anxiety can be like a rock tied around the neck but when it’s gone there is freedom at last.

Jacob had to come to the point where his relationship with God moved past knowing God secondhand through his dad; God desired to know Jacob firsthand. For him and for all of us, getting to know God involves learning to know Him, how to sense Him; and a whole lot of unlearning of our own habits, customs, and preferences. We are no different than Jacob and his story reveals to us a lot about ourselves.

God has blessed me with a very active imagination. At times it is wonderful and at others it is dreadful; I can think up a catastrophe in the time it takes for a heartbeat. Many times I have imagined the worst only to bump nose-first into a blessing I didn’t recognize or expect. God is good!

Big changes are brewing for me and like Jacob, I need to learn some more about God and unlearn some things in my life. Rachel was a visible sign to Jacob of God’s presence and blessing. In the things I’m going through, I too must look for signs of His presence as well. Anxiety can be a cancer – anticipation in faith is the cure.

Father in Heaven,
Today Lord, I give over all of what’s bothering me to You. I give over the worry about what I cannot see, and I accept in faith that You will provide everything we need and, as usual, will go above and beyond what we expect. Today, as I look up and ask, where does my help come from? I confess my help comes from You – and You care for me. I am blessed. Amen.

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