Saturday, January 9, 2010

Worth Hanging Onto


Luke 9:25 25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? ESV

Do you work to live or live to work? That’s the question we ask when we want to know if someone is actively leading a productively fulfilled life, or if they’re just being led along paycheck to paycheck. What does it profit a man to put all of his life-energy into occupation and/or possessions never understanding the greater purposes in life like living a God-honoring life and serving the needs of others?

What’s at stake here is losing oneself. And what’s worth hanging onto at all cost is one’s relationship with God for in that is riches beyond measure and a life that is infinitely full and fulfilling.

What’s worth hanging on to for me is God. He’s the Sole Reason I am alive and that I live upon this earth. I can try to work hard to make money to have a nice house and many possessions but that seems to be counter to my relationship with God; and what’s at stake is my soul.

Father in Heaven,
You have blessed me with many things in this life but none as wonderful and valuable as my relationship with You. I don’t want to figure it all out, I simply want to do as You direct and life the fulfilled life that is a result of knowing You. Help me this day – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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