Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blown Away


Psalm 8:4 4 “…what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” ESV

It’s a pretty safe bet that David saw things that many others didn’t see. I’m not saying he was the only spiritual person in Israel, but he did have some incredible insight and he did have some influence. He also had his critics. I think there were those around him who really got weary of David’s ‘insight’.

I also think David was a thinker. I think he thought a lot about God and godly things. I think his thinking is what led him to ask the question, “God, what do You care about man? What’s the big deal?” I think David looked upon the Grand Experiment of God that man could come to know Him, and was flatly blown away.

But his asking makes me ask, God why do You care about me? What’s the big deal with my faults, frailties, and failures; my foolishness and folly? Why do You continue to faithfully love me and care for me despite all the dumb things I do?

And here it is: I think God does that because He knows how good He is and knows how blessed I’ll be when I get it. He knows how much I need Him and He knows how far I’ve fallen. Who am I that God cares about me? I am His property and a vessel within whom He has purposed to dwell. Wow! No wonder David was so blown away – I am too.

I know You care and I know Your caring goes infinitely beyond what I can think or imagine. But here’s the deal: Thank You. May I know You better and better. May I respond more and more. And may Your plans, purposes, and promises be mine in this life and in the life to come – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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