Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Testing – Proving – Making Sure


Exodus 20.20 20 Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin." ESV

Testing, testing, testing; making sure, proving – over and over and over – that is what God does. Instead of causing us to complain, it ought to cause us to look toward heaven where there will be no sickness, sin, or shame. That’s so hard for us to understand because it is so natural to earth. But as the Lord drew the people out of Egypt to be His own, so He is drawing His believers out of the world to be His very own – and His own think and act differently that people who reject Him.

And so the tests come. And come and come. It is not what God thinks of us, but what we think of God. We can either complain and grumble or we can rejoice; but holiness must be formed in us if we are to live in the presence of God one day down the road…

So I live today practicing the presence of God because one day down the road the practice becomes reality and into God’s presence I am for all eternity.

Father God,
You are lovingly, graciously, relentlessly working in my life to fill every nook and cranny with Your life that I may not sin. So God, I yield to the testing and the trials because they are from You for my good and my future. Thank You for helping me again this day – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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