Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Resource of Rescue


James 5.19-20 NASB 19My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, 20let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

To turn a sinner from the error of his way means two things: care for God and care for the sinner. It is the care of what God says and who God is. When the mocking question is posed, “Who cares about that (i.e. spiritual things and God’s Kingdom)?”, this person says, “I do!” When the mocking statement is made, “They’re only getting what they deserve!” this person says, “No, they don’t deserve it, they need God to save them!” Care like this only comes from the Spirit of Christ who cares enough about us to dwell in the cesspools known as our hearts.

That is why Jesus put rivers of living waters in me – to cleanse my own cesspool and to enable me to be a resource of rescue to one who has strayed from the truth and needs turned back. The upside is that I am doing what Jesus has called me to do and enabled me to be. The downside is that the one being turned back may become quite uncomfortable and resistive to such an act of love and may not understand or respond in a docile and loving manner - it may be a bloody fight - the flesh doesn't always give up so easy...

Father in Heaven,
By Your Spirit, You have placed rivers of living water within me that I may be a resource to others in the Body of Christ. Father help me to remember that I have been helped by You so that I may love and help my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You for the gifts You give and the love You have for us all – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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