Monday, July 20, 2009

In My Heart


2 Chronicles 29:10 10 “Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that His burning anger may turn away from us.
New American Standard Bible

In his heart, Hezekiah began his reign by repenting of sin and restoring true worship of the Lord at the temple in Jerusalem and throughout Judah. It started in his heart as he looked back over the history of Israel and saw that their troubles began when their hearts began to wander from the Lord and His leadership. So Hezekiah mourned over the sins of his ancestors and decided enough was enough – he would lead a national revival and he would restore true worship in the land.

Restoration, renewal, recovery – all these things begin when a person has their focus redirected to the goodness of God, and compares that view to the evil and wickedness in their own life. When one sees the goodness of God everything else looks pretty lame. A view of God ought to lead us to repentance and to the removal of all the crap that’s in our own hearts so that we may return to God and be restored.

That’s why daily introspective sojourns into the Scriptures are so vital and necessary. That’s why stories like this in 2 Chronicles are so powerful – they get me to thinking about my own life and what my own worship (or lack thereof) looks like. It is all designed to get me to keep the Lord as the Focus of my life in everyday living. So I read and reflect and refocus; I repent and am restored; and in renewal I go back into the battle (see James 4.1) of everyday life and strive to live as God calls me to live. Because great is my reward if I do so (see Hebrews 11.6).

Father in Heaven,
You never said it would be easy but the cleansing and consecration process is so necessary. It starts in my heart when the Holy Spirit begins to reveal what to remove that is offensive and bring in what is holy and pleasing in Your sight – righteousness and true worship. Father give me strength this day to lean upon You and fight the good fight – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Psalm 27.4 - FOCUS!

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