Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple and Straightforward


2 Ch 31:18b ...for they were faithful in keeping themselves holy.

Sounds pretty straightforward to me – they were faithful in keeping themselves holy. Seems there are some basics that need to be followed or adhered to:

1. Know God. Do whatever it takes to know God and to keep knowing Him more and more.
2. Faithfully keep oneself holy. A full-time job
3. Lead one’s family faithfully in godliness – another full-time job.
4. Work one’s job, employment or vocation. A full-time job.
5. Give one’s life to the last breath to serve and exhalt the Lord – a full-time job.

The priests of Hezekiah’s day were inspired by a leader who pointed them to God, reminded them of their calling, and equipped them to serve fully-devoted according to the original intention of the Lord written in their Law.

Christian’s today need to be inspired by their leaders who continually point them to God, remind them of their calling, and equip them to serve in a fully devoted manner according to the lifestyle of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible and the trachings of the New Testament.

It’s really simple and straightforward. Keeping oneself holy is not rocket-science; it’s an attitude of holiness as a response to the love and grace of God.

Father in Heaven,
As they were faithful in keeping themselves holy, so will I. I give over all that I am and have that I may gain all that You are to live and serve You in this world as long as my life lasts – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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