Friday, July 16, 2010

Heed the Word


Hebrews 13:5 5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” ESV

Among the exhortations of Hebrews 13 this one stands out fairly easily. It’s difficult to embrace in this age of affluence even in the midst of a shaky economy. Money brings a measure of power; and power brings a sense of control; and control feeds an attitude of self-sufficiency; and self-sufficiency leads brings on a false freedom that leads one away from God, for that one then has no need for God. I can’t think of one person I know anywhere who isn’t affected in some way with money. Most are more affected with the negative than the plus…

I look at the life I’ve lived thus far and it has been one purchase plan after another. I’ve moved twice in the past year and the task of lugging all of the crap I have from one place to another, is both tiresome and disturbing – Where did ALL THIS STUFF come from!!!? I keep thinking I’m getting better and I realize I’m not. As the Apostle wrote in Romans 7.24, Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Keeping my life free from the love of money is not impossible but it is – at least for me – difficult. I’m surrounded by countless others who are just as enslaved as me; it’s all I hear us talking about as Americans and advertising and enticement is unceasing. It’s time to heed the Word.

Father in Heaven,
You have said that I should keep my life free from the love of money and You know how much I struggle with that; but today I return in humility to Your command and offer all I have back to You. Fill me with love and enthrallment for You that my love and desire for the things of this earth may grow strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace – amen.

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