Sunday, July 25, 2010

Armed and Suffering

1 Peter 4:1 4 Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, ESV

Several years ago I preached through the first epistle of Peter. I have to admit I preached mostly theory, and little practice – at the time I didn’t recognize the magnitude of the mentorship of suffering. I was armed and dangerous with knowledge I had not yet lived out. Today I would preach the letter differently.

Jesus Christ willingly suffered because He saw and understood the true purpose of suffering. Suffering is not for the weak minded or mentally deficient. Suffering is not for the self-centered; one’s suffering is for the benefit of others and is the only sure-fire way to eradicate the nuisance and pestilence of sin and self-centeredness. Suffering with God is supposed to draw us closer to God.

Well, why not be a masochist? It’s because the pain of suffering with God is part of the process of learning to leave the results to God, not just scratching at some internal itch. Like anything else on earth pain can be used as a tool or a toy (or even a weapon) to manipulate and deceive. Suffering at the hands of God (yes, I just said that!) is the truest and most effective way to surrender control to God and walk humbly by His side. If suffering does not drive us to God, either it’s not working or we’re not…

Father in Heaven,
Suffering is not a bad thing – how I must learn that! Suffering is a blessedness that is lost on mankind because mostly our hearts are lost without You! Lord, may I see the true benefit of suffering and embrace its cleansing power on my mind and heart as I deny myself in its midst, take up my cross, and follow You. Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever – amen.

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