Monday, June 22, 2009

Take Pains


1 Timothy 4:15 15 Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.
New American Standard Bible

A Puritan teacher once said, "Impress the young convert from the very beginning with the conviction that God has called him into His kingdom to struggle with the corruptions of his heart." Now one might think God had called the young convert to love, purity, holiness and the like – and God has – but God has called all of His children to take pains with their faith and struggle (war, wrestle, contend) against the sin, weaknesses, and flaws in their own hearts. By doing so their faith will become real and their progress in walking in godliness will be visible to all.

So today, it’s into the fray for me. I will struggle and fight against my natural propensities and inclinations to sin and it won’t be pretty; it won’t be without scaring, wounds, and setback, but it will be worth it, and eventually my progress in the faith will be evident to others and my daily struggle will be pleasing to God…

Father in Heaven,
Your way is worth the pain of going after it. You have called me to fight against the things in me that are opposed to You. So again today, I pick up my shield and sword and put on my helmet and I go back into the battle not in weariness, not in futility, not in frustration, but with intention and diligence to take the pain of fighting against them. Whether others see my progress or not is not important – what is important is victory over my sinful nature. Help me today I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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