Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The New Self


Colossians 3:10 10 and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him—
New American Standard Bible

The royal robe of the family of God is the new self which is being uniquely, individually, and collectively, renewed and conformed to a true knowledge according to the blueprint of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Wow.

Solomon’s extraordinarily dazzling and beautiful temple was covered on the inside with hammered gold; a process that took time, great skill and energy. Gold which is not only of great worth but is also one of earth’s most precious and sought after materials, is a picture of the worth of the life of the child of God because of the process of forming the image of Christ within them.

So in my mind as I read the verse above, I picture my life being hammered through knowledge, situations, and circumstances to fit the image (the pattern or the template) of Christ in the glorious temple of God He calls the Church. That is the new self – being molded, conformed, hammered to fit, the image of Christ in me in whatever situation, that the presence of Jesus and the glory of God may be revealed in me for all to see (not me but Him). My life consists of precious material fit for divine use to reveal the glory of God.

Father in Heaven,
You know what You're doing and You know the process takes time, skill and energy but the outcome of all of this process is glorious. May my trust of You grow as my understanding of what it is You're doing grows and as I continue to recognize who I am in Christ and for what purpose I was created to be like Him. And Father, may I see and value Christ in others as You carry out Your process in them – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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