Wednesday, June 3, 2009

His Good His Edification


Ro 15:2 2 Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification. NASB

Yesterday I noted the massiveness of the theology, insight, and understanding of the apostle Paul – today I am blown away again by what he said in Romans 15: “each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification.” What does that make life look like if we actually do it? I think it makes life look meaningful, intentional and fun. (I realize ‘fun’ is not totally necessary in life but it sure helps take the edge off of the hardness of some of our experiences…)

Paul makes it plain in his words that we are to please our neighbor which makes me think: how can I practically do that? Or what are ways I can please, say, my fellow employees, my family members, the people with whom I go to church or whatever and wherever I find myself in the present of people?

It starts by making my ‘neighbor’ my focus and not me. It starts by paying attention to others and living graciously in response to their quirkiness; and we are all quirky. It starts by controlling (or at least being aware of) my own propensities and preferences and yielding as much as I can so that others may express their own and just be themselves. That may mean swallowing hard at times, and allowing others to live freely from any judgment I may come up with because they don’t match my preconceived pattern for living. But it means living in love with my fellow men because they are God’s creatures and He loves them. It means self-control and replacing ‘saving face’ with giving grace…

Father in Heaven,
You go out of Your way to please Your creatures for their good, to their edification; You see us for who we can be and not for who we are – it’s not too much for me to live like You are, loving and gracious – help me to do that in Jesus’ Name I ask, amen.

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