Friday, June 26, 2009

Honorably Clean


2 Timothy 2:21 21 “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
New American Standard Bible

It really doesn’t matter what kind of dish, cup or utensil; it only matters that it’s clean, and isn’t crusted over with residue of canned dog food; cleanliness goes a long way to establish whether something is useful or not. And whether we are Tupperware or Gibson, Pfaltzgraff or Noritake, isn’t the issue – the issue is that we are clean when the God reaches for us for His use. Paul says the thing that transforms a vessel from dishonor to honor is self-cleansing (my part) and cleanliness (God’s part). That process only comes by the renewing of our minds, and that only comes through spending unhurried time alone with God and the reading and study of His word with openness and un-flexing honesty.

I must learn to take all of my thoughts captive and ruthlessly terminate my faulty thinking and habitual judging. I am to strive to judge my own thinking according to the word of God and to allow Him to direct my thoughts, words, and deeds. It means me taking the next step in surrender of my whole being to the Lordship of Christ. It means applying the divine strength given to me by the Holy Spirit to cleanse myself from sub-standard living and being prepared for every God-directed good work. As I do I might find that I am the old fork in the drawer God keeps reaching for…

Father in Heaven,
You expect Your children to be clean and You expect them to be ready when You choose to use them. You expect them to work at self-cleansing and that comes from spending time with You – the more the better. Help me to guard my schedule to spend time with You that I may be cleaned and be clean. Thank You for the cleanliness that is mine in Christ and by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, amen.

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