Sunday, September 5, 2010

Proclaiming His Name


Revelation 10:11 11 And I was told, “You must again prophesy about many peoples and nations and languages and kings.” ESV

What do people think when prophesies spoken against them come true? What goes through their mind when the destruction and chaos that is foretold begins to happen just as it was foretold? Do they shrug and say, “Oh, well!” Do they howl and weep and moan? Do they run and try to flee? What happens when?

This morning I read the prophesies of Ezekiel against Ammon, Edom, Philistia, Tyre and Sidon. And then I read in Revelation 10 that John is told, “You must again prophesy about many people and nations and languages and kings.” In both prophetic books, Ezekiel and Revelation, it appears cataclysmic changes are happening – Ezekiel’s book is about the overthrow of the nations by great kings and vast armies and John’s is about the overthrow of the globe by God. What happens when? And what am I to do in the meantime?

John might’ve thought he’d seen the end when he was invited into the throne-room of God but he was told essentially, ‘Your work is not yet done!’ Ezekiel’s book ends with these words, “The Lord is there.” It all culminates in God.

In the meantime I am to live a holy life and doing everything in my power to stay connected to God and His people. I haven’t been called specifically to prophesy but if I am then I am to do so. But in the meantime I am to represent the Lord in a holy and steadfast manner and trust that everything He has said will come to pass and that all the nations thereby will know that He is the Lord.

Father in Heaven,
You will bring evil and selfishness to an end; it won’t last forever. Help me to patiently wait for You in these days, to trust You, and to live a holy life. May I hear Your voice and feel Your love. May I proclaim Your Name and spread Your fame. May I do exactly as You direct and command me to do – amen.

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