Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lame Excuses


Luke 1:18 18 And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” ESV

Remember who is speaking here – Zechariah, a priest and he of all people ought to have remembered Abraham, the Father of the Faithful, the Friend of God, who also had a baby born to him as an old man and his wife too was advanced in years. Zechariah had become a product of his culture: given up and given over. Perhaps Zechariah was diligently just going through the priestly motions and when God showed up all he could see were his own motions. Maybe he’d developed an attitude. Maybe he’d become mouthy; maybe that’s why God struck him dumb for a few months – thoughts churning, curiosity burning but no way to express himself. Maybe God was tired of his lame excuses…

I believe Zechariah was a good guy and much beloved by the Lord but I think God brought him up short with the whole mute thing. I think God had to shut up His servant’s objection in order to show His servant His direction. Hmmm. Sometimes I think I too need to just shut up. Sometimes my own excuses are pretty quick and pretty lame.

This story has grace and mercy written all over it and I believe God used some embarrassing silence to show His servant Zechariah to be still and know that He was (and is) God. I too am learning that more often than not everyone else is better off if I just keep my opinions to myself and let them do all the talking. My desire is to do the faithful thing and silently learn to let God do what He’s going to do whether I understand it or not.

Father in Heaven,
Sometimes silence is golden – especially when You’ve proclaimed out loud what You’re about to do. I pray for holy and Spirit-led silence that I may quietly be awed by Your majesty and presence. Help me to listen more than I speak – and to trust You even when to me, it doesn’t all add up – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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