Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When They Really Need a King


John 19:19 19 Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” ESV

In 1 Samuel 8, the people of Israel came to Samuel the prophet demanding a king to rule over them. They said, “Behold, you are old [and no longer useful] and your sons do not walk in your ways [like it was really working anyway]. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations [because it's working so well for them].” Samuel was devastated because they weren’t just asking for a king but were in effect rejecting God. They really wanted things their way. And God never stopped trying to get them to see things His way.

Roughly 1200 years later God once again attempted to woo His people back by sending His Son to represent Him to the people of Israel – the Jews. And now, when they really needed a King, they rejected Him . Funny, it took a despotic Roman ruler named Pilate, with enough sense to make an inscription and put it on the very cross the Jews used to reject their King that read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” God never stopped telling them.

Jesus is still their King because not even death could stop His rulership and lordship over them. But Jesus doesn’t rule over unwilling hearts – at least not yet. When life serves us up dread, disaster, disease and death; and we see that we really need a King, Jesus is there to take His rightful place as our Savior and our Lord. Death could not stop Him and eternal love motivates Him to keep after us because we really need a King. God never quits.

I need a King. I need my King. I lay my life down in order to take up His because He is my King; and I am His subject. King Jesus takes care of His subjects and promises all the resources of Heaven in return. We may suffer death but even death, according to Him, cannot stop us because eternal life is something that just won’t go away.

Father in Heaven,
You have provided Help for me when I really needed a King. Your ways are not my ways but Your love is just what I need and carries me all of my days. Help me today my Sovereign; help me to live subjected to Your rule living safe in relationship with You no matter what happens because You’ve promised eternal life to me – amen.

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