Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Best Thing I Could Ever Receive


John 3:27 27 John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven. ESV

Think about your life and the things in your life – your highs, your lows; your agonies, your ecstasies. If what John says is true then everything that happens in your life is a gift from God or a divine enablement to do His will.

In the context of the discussion (John 3.25-36) John’s disciples were making the point that Jesus was (apparently) gaining in popularity while John’s popularity (apparently) was waning; at least that’s the way they saw it, and they perceived it as a bad thing. But John’s response is crucial because he seems to accept what has been given to him as from heaven and thereby the best he could have…ever.

If what I receive in life, be it popularity or humiliation, is from heaven, then it truly is the best thing I could ever receive as long as I realize and respect where it comes from. I must remember and give glory to Him who controls my every breath because He is infinitely and intimately involved in my entire being that I may accomplish His will for me in my brief span of years. And He relentlessly gives me what I need to succeed – always! For that, all I can say is “Thank You!”

Father in Heaven,
You truly give to each of Your children everything they need to succeed in life; not worldly life, Lord; heaven’s life. Your goal for us is that we be adapted on earth for life in heaven; life there that is dramatically different than what we experience here – O God, help me to get it and to adapt as I ‘watch’ and learn from Your saints in the Scripture and as I learn in Jesus how to receive all the things that are from You – I pray in His Name, amen.

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