Thursday, February 11, 2010

What He Gave


Leviticus 17:11 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life. ESV

I could’ve easily skipped the Old Testament reading today because first on the menu was the part about bodily discharges – I’m sorry, but that’s TMI for me. But it is the whole word of God and I am committed to read the entire thing – cover to cover – each year, bodily discharges and all.

But the narrative changes in chapter 17 and I read this part about life being in the blood. I know of no one who lives without their blood. It is vital (necessary) and it is vital (living). So God made a condition that was to be followed when it comes to blood and other than the fluid that is vital to life, it is also the fluid of atonement. To separate the blood from a creature and offer it to God for the cleansing of sin seems to be the way sin is atoned for. Therefore blood is not to be ingested for enjoyment; it is way too important for that.

I readily admit there are things in Scripture that are way over my head, and this is one of them. I’m not a Jew, I’ve never offered a sacrifice of an animal, and I didn’t live in Moses’ day. I’m sure there is way more to this than what my puny twenty-first century mind can handle – but I do know this: Someone gave His life – His blood – for me; that’s all I need to know. Someone poured out His life on the altar to make atonement for my soul and it was His blood that made atonement by the life. I accept that truth and accept His life given for me.

Father in Heaven,
Maybe it’s just the ramblings of a scrambled, mind but here’s what I think: Thank You for the cross, thank You for His life and thank You for His blood that made atonement for me; in His Name, amen.

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