Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Still Reading


Colossians 4:18 18 I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. ESV

Just the other day, I read Paul’s personal greetings to the Church in Rome (chapter 15-16). In chapter 15 he speaks of visiting them on his way to Spain. He then tells them that he was on his way to Jerusalem to bring needed aid to the saints there – and on that trip everything changed; I’m pretty sure from that point on all Paul spent the rest of his life in prison.

What do we do when our plans get interrupted? What do we do when things suddenly change? How do we handle it when life deals us a hand that seems to hamper our freedom and threaten our effectiveness? One thing’s for sure; Paul didn’t quit thinking about his people and did his best from jail to stay connected. And Paul’s effectiveness and leadership morphed into a prison ministry the likes of which were rarely repeated.

What are the things that are hampering our ministry today? How are those hindrances helping vitalize our vision and cultivate our creativity? Think about this: no one told Paul he couldn’t write letters. Surely somebody could have, but apparently some of the letters got out – amen? Apparently what some overlooked as a pathetic prisoner pitifully penning prose, God saw as a means to keep His message going; and some two thousand years later, we’re still reading Paul’s letters.

God’s plans for our influence and how He uses it are totally under His control and command. My job is to adapt to the situations I find myself in and bloom for Him wherever that may be. We are still reading Paul’s letters…

Father in Heaven,
Your word is not bound by chains or prisons or death or demons or anything else. And Your word goes out from Your heart through Your people wherever they find themselves. I pray for the ability to adapt more and more. I pray to be creative and useful. I pray that rather than kick at my ‘chains’ that I would praise You for Your limitless power to help me share Your truth wherever I am – amen.

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