Saturday, December 18, 2010

Only By You


John 4:49 49 The official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”

This sentence is found in John 4.46-54. A local official of some sort knows Jesus can heal and he sends for Him because his child is deathly ill. But Jesus seems to resist the man’s urging. Jesus, meek and mild, says, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” (v. 48) In other words, “You came here for a service and I'm asking for your heart!” The official [responds] to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus then responds to him: “Go; your son will live.” And the son does and the man believes.

Praying in faith is the heart of this miracle. Asking God to come to my house is not what I need; having faith He’ already here is what I need. It’s all a matter of perspective and persistence. Jesus responded to the man’s persistence, not to his insistence. Jesus is more inclined to help the desperate who come to Him by faith having no other place to turn.

Insisting from God that He do things my way is a hard lesson to learn; because He won’t.  Accepting Him at His word is more often a big pill to swallow; it’s swallowing my pride and in faith, taking the Lord at His word.

Lord Jesus,
You know my every need. You know all things about my life – my strengths, my weaknesses; my victories, my defeats. Today, I give them all over to You – again. I come to You in faith and accept that the resolution to all I think I need will be masterfully and wonderfully provided only by You. Amen.

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