Monday, December 6, 2010

And Let it Begin with Me


Philippians 4:22 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. ESV

There is a vast difference in Paul’s tone between this epistle and say the Epistle to the Galatians or the one to the Corinthians. This seems to be a kinder, gentler letter with the intent to be gently redemptive as well as gently corrective. Maybe the issues weren’t as dramatic in Philippi or maybe prison life helped Paul find a different way to address the issues one finds in local churches. Wherever there are groups of people meeting together as churches, there are going to be personality issues until God by His Spirit through the leadership of the church brings about maturity.

Euodia and Syntyche, both believers, apparently effective helpers, apparently had an inability to get along. Paul gently addressed the issue and solicited the local leader of the church to assist him in helping these two women put aside their differences and work together for the good of the church and for the gospel. Sometimes there has to be someone who comes alongside to make peace between believers even in the church.

So, there are two things here on which I must focus: One is my own ability to get along with those in the church who rub me wrong, and the other is to gently help bring about peace, love, and cooperation when I am aware of issues among others. Divisiveness has no place in the church and can be extremely destructive unless it’s addressed and quenched. I must make sure it has no root in me and must gently, kindly deal with it when I see it in others.

Father in Heaven,
Let there be peace on earth and in our local churches and let it begin with me. I know I judge others needlessly and I pray for the gift of grace to help and not criticize. Thank You for this word today, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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