Thursday, May 11, 2017

O David


2 Samuel 19.4 The king covered his face and cried aloud, “O my son Absalom! O Absalom, my son, my son!”

God chose David to replace king Saul. God said of David: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’(Acts 13) It’s important that we remember what God said of David. Was David perfect? No. Was David often hasty, foolish, and impetuous? Yes.

David, as near as I can tell, was wrong about as many times as he was right. Granted, he did have the then current king, Saul, out to get him. No surprise there, kings don’t take lightly to competition. But when David assumed the throne, he did some pretty weird things: transporting the Ark on a cart; not inquiring of the Lord on numerous occasions, and then having to backtrack and do it right the next time.

And the Bathsheba affair – he should have been stoned for that one. And the Amnon affair with Tamar – Amnon should’ve been stoned for that one. Oh, and the whole Absalom debacle – what a disaster! And so, it isn’t by accident that when Absalom is killed that David mourns: “O my son Absalom! O Absalom, my son, my son!” Everyone was pretty confused by that pity-party.

I think what David was really doing was mourning himself: “O David, God’s son! O David, God’s son, God’s son!” David knew he was God’s choice for the king, but David also had a bit of weird streak and it cost him dearly. David took action when he shouldn’t have, and didn’t take action when he should have. And the price was a heavy toll.

But. There’s a ray of sunshine: God chose David and even though David did some pretty stupid things, he loved God and remained faithful to his calling. Here’s the difference between Saul and David: commitment to God. Not flawless perfection: both men failed there. But David remined steadfastly committed to God and that is why God said: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’ Despite a few costly setbacks…

And so, the question for us is simply: are we committed to God? Are we men and women after God’s own heart, willing to do whatever He wants us to do? I think those are questions that merit serious consideration. But only we, as individuals, can answer them – before God.

God calls us His children – His sons and daughters: that’s our true identity. David was truly identified as one after God’s own heart. We are the children of God. Are we willing to live up to our true identity; living as who we are, as God has declared? 

For sure we’ll screw up. For sure we’ll take action when we shouldn’t, and not take action when we should; and chances are, the price will be a heavy toll. But that doesn’t negate our identity, or God’s love, as long as we don’t buy the lie. Our identity before God is vital and powerful as long as we believe it, and receive it. Apart from Him we can do nothing, and with Him, we can move mountains. Only God’s kids have that right and privilege.

Father, it is a right and a privilege to call You Father because of my belief in Your Son. Thank You for my identity in Him and for the life that is mine through Him. Mistakes and all, I am a child of the Living God - amen

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