Thursday, May 18, 2017

No Deitic Pressure


2 Thessalonians 2.13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. – St. Paul 

Maybe we’re not all ag-oriented – maybe there’re some terms in the Bible that escape our notice or we gloss over because they’re antiquated, or point to an ancient cultural practice that we just don’t do these days; or at least not in the way they did them then. Take the concept, the term: firstfruits. 

Firstfruits, has to do with the first of a harvested crop being set apart to a deity as a way of thanking said deity for the harvest, as an appeasement of sin, and the hope of future harvests. Think of it in the terms of ‘give back’. Here, share some of what You’ve given me. 

God started the world according to His will and purpose, and He was way ahead of the game long before Adam and his wife, Eve ever tasted the forbidden fruit. God did what no one ever in the history of ever, did: He created a perfect race of beings to worship Him in freewill; no deitic pressure. But His creatures failed on their own without Him. They perhaps knew to worship; it seems, they just didn’t want to… 

So, phase two was God’s preplanned plan of redemption to rescue His creatures from the effects of their sin: death. God said, I will be their God, and they will love Me and accept My offer of friendship because they want to…no deitic pressure. And God began, even in those days of sin and separation, to tell them of His plan of redemption through a future Messiah who would come and rescue them with the sacrifice of Himself for their sins, opening the door of relationship with Him because they want to. 

And some looked at the world in all its chaos, and believed God. (One needn’t look far in our world to see the devastating effects of our sin to go it alone without God.) And belief took hold. And those who believed were called: believers. They freely believed God, and they freely believed in God. God chose that some would believe, and some did, and they were called firstfruits. 

Firstfruits were, in ancient practice, always set apart for the deity. In God’s Kingdom, the firstfruits are no different, they are set apart. For God. Forever. God chose for it to be that way – much to the amazement of the rest of heaven watching all of God’s plan, unfold. 

God chose freewill believers as firstfruits (of His plan) to be saved through the (setting apart) work of His Spirit and through their belief in the truth (the truth that He wants men to be His friend, and dwell with Him in eternity). The process is: a journey toward eternity with God, not on our own, but with God, all done in freewill. No deitic pressure. Only love, and the knowledge of God. 

God chose some to be saved, and some were saved just because they, in freewill, believed God, with the help, not the force, of His Holy Spirit. It happens still, to this day. 

Father, Your work of salvation is truly a mystery, but it simply boils down to this: You made a way for me to become Your friend, and all I had to do was believe. With freewill. It happened, it worked and I am part of it – forever. Thank You! Amen

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