Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Less Egg to Fry


1 Corinthians 7:40 40 In my judgment, she is happier if she stays as she is—and I think that I too have the Spirit of God. NIV

Paul was saying to those who thought they were more spiritual than he: “I also have God’s Spirit and here’s what I think He thinks.” Paul understood the widow is happier if she stays as she is and doesn’t remarry. Human relationships are difficult at best. We are people of limited wisdom, limited insight, limited power; and limited resources. The world purports the lie that a person can find true happiness if only they find the right person. I got news for the world: there ain’t no right person. To be sure, there are persons out there who are easier to get along with; but there ain’t no right people.

The person who looks for happiness in another person, better get used to happiness that comes with disagreements, disappointments, and difficulties; and one day, ultimately, death – these are the facts of life. But the person who looks for happiness in the Lord does better.

One less bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
I should be happy
But all I do is cry *

I married for companionship and happened to find a person with whom I have become a life-companion. When I got married there was no Jesus in my life, and so I looked for someone with what I though were the right ingredients. We dated – I proposed – we married – and just celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary. Am I happy? Yes, I am; but I also know that my wife, although she is a lovely and wonderful person, is not the Source of my happiness; only Jesus is that…

Father in Heaven,
You, and only You, are the Source and Supply of my happiness in its truest and purest form. May I always remember that though human relationships can become precious; they always come with humanness attached, and an ultimate price-tag of an end. Lord, by remembering that, may my relationship with You grow ever closer and may I properly relate to those loved ones around me – amen.

*One Less Bell to Answer – 1967, Music and Lyrics: Burt Bacharach, Hal David

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