Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And Things Went On


Deuteronomy 9:19-20 19 I feared the anger and wrath of the Lord, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But again the Lord listened to me. 20 And the Lord was angry enough with Aaron to destroy him, but at that time I prayed for Aaron too. NIV

I don’t think we think too much about God’s wrath these days; God’s wrath is not a popular topic of conversation. But God’s wrath is as real and sure as His love. In Deuteronomy 9, Moses recounts the Golden Calf affair when the people asked Aaron to make an golden calf-idol to which they then bowed down and worshiped and then they threw a big party and all had sex (I hope the kids were at the sitter’s). And God’s wrath burned against them to the point that He was going to wipe them out and start all over again. But Moses (himself fuming with rage) interceded for them and arrested God’s fury; and Moses prayed for the leader, Aaron, too.

This side of heaven will not be without confusion and disappointment – that’s just the way it goes. Heaven is not on earth no matter how hard we try to make it turn out that way. People will disappoint and leaders will fail – that’s reason enough for intercessors interceding – God’s wrath notwithstanding. Moses could’ve sided with God but then he would’ve been left with a huge pile of dead bodies, and a bunch of sheep and cattle to care for. Moses prayed, and God’s wrath subsided, and things went on.

I know I’ve let others down – I’ve disappointed them. Others have let me down and they’ve disappointed me. But rather than criticize or blame, I’m learning to pray for them and leave the results to God. Jesus could’ve played the blame game before Pilate but He didn’t say a thing – I think He was in deep conversation with God up until He said, My God, My God! Why have You forsaken Me!? He didn’t have to; He could’ve called twelve legions of angels. He submitted Himself to God’s wrath and lovingly paid the price for all mankind – and things went on…

Father in Heaven,
You are as right and just in Your wrath as You are in Your love. The pattern of intercession started with the patriarchs and found its consummation in Jesus Christ. May I be a prayer, not a naysayer. Thank You God, that someone interceded for me. May I do the same in His precious Name, amen.

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