Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Wonder...


Acts 13:2-3 2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. ESV

I wonder what difference it would make this year when our seniors graduate if we were to worship and fast with them at the end of the school year and see where God would call them. Then I wonder what would happen if we were to fast and pray and send them off…

Conventional wisdom says we should allow our kids to graduate, throw them a party, give them some gifts and let them go and sow some wild oats; they’ve earned it. Conventional wisdom says we should encourage them to get a job or enroll in college and somehow begin to make their way in life; they now need to grow up and live normal lives. Conventional wisdom says they should do as we did and grow up into adulthood with no clear vision as to what their life is to be about and go and live the best they can; it’s what we’ve all done. Sadly, tragically, millions of kids are just turned loose in life with little or no knowledge of its meaning or purpose or their place in it…

I wonder how many budding pastors and prophets (cf Acts 13.1) there are among us who are never nurtured nor discipled to turn their lives over to God to follow His leading because we just don’t take this part of the church all that seriously. I wonder if we would ever summon the courage to prayerfully and carefully tell them ‘no’ when they set their sights in the wrong direction. I wonder.

Father in Heaven,
I wonder how our lives would change if we began to take our faith more seriously and sought You earnestly not only for our own life’s direction, but also for the direction of our children and young people. May I be part of the change in the way we view our kids that they may effectively and purposefully take the gospel into the next generation.

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