Friday, November 27, 2009

Watching and Praying


Matthew 26:41 41 “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” New American Standard Bible

Jesus had told His men to stay at the task of watching and praying. They may have thought He meant keep watch as if to somehow guard against what was coming. But what was coming? What were all these words about handed over, mistreated, and crucified? Temptation; Jesus what are You talking about!? They were so frustrated and confused.

I don’t think Jesus meant to keep watch in the physical – I think He meant keep watch spiritually. I think He was trying to get them to see a different dimension of what was going on. But like men, weak and frail, they nodded off to sleep.

What’s going on in your life? What trials are you facing that require watching and praying? Whatever it is, whatever the outcome, it is for good and the result is intended for deeper faith and stronger conviction. But it requires watching and praying.

I have fallen asleep many times with my eyes wide open. I have prayed only to have my mind wander off and my thoughts become futile. But after reading this passage today, I see that I am to pray – not pleading with God about the pain or that the circumstances will cease, but that His will be done in my life for greater faith, greater effectiveness and/or greater obedience.

Father in Heaven,
There are many things in life that frustrate and confuse me because they are beyond my control. I cannot pray for those other than to repeatedly hand them over to You and trust Your for the results. I am to pray and I am to keep watch. I am to keep watch by communing with You and remembering that all things in my life are under Your complete control and that You use every circumstance to help me to grow in grace and faith. Prayer is hard work but may I approach it with the assurance that You are with me and will cause all things in my life to work together for my good as I trust You and talk them over with You. Thank You, amen.

1 comment:

hallockd said...

what if they were to keep watch specifically because their flesh would drag them away from sharing with Jesus the most beautiful, wrenching, and profound act of His sacrificial ministry, the tug o war between his desire to do God's will and His desire to not experience the cup He'd have to drink to do that will.