Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Knowing My Limitations


2 Corinthians 10:13 13 But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you. New American Standard Bible

Paul knew his limitations and limits; the Corinthians did not. Knowing one’s limits means knowing one’s God and knowing what God has apportioned. God apportions all of His children and each of us is to be about the apportionment that God gives us. So where are you? God apportioned you there. What church are you a part of? God apportioned you there? Where do you work or go to school? God apportioned you there or there.

What gifts do you have? God apportioned those to you. Who are your neighbors? God apportioned that you live near them. What are your limits? Where do you draw the line and say, God stops me here?

Paul preached the gospel wherever he went but that never got in the way of his care for the churches. Paul was an evangelist but he never forgot he was a shepherd of the churches he planted. Paul knew his limits and limitations and was trying to teach the Corinthians to know the same for themselves.

There is only so much I can do and it appears in this stage of the journey that I am more limited than I used to be. But! That doesn’t let me off the hook for obedience or faithfulness. God expects them both from me. So I look at my apportionment today with encouraged and refreshed eyes that where I am, I am to be; and I am to be faithful and obedient right here – knowing my limitations.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve called me to be holy and to be wholly effective. Help me this day to bloom and grow where I am planted and to be effective right here where I am with what I have – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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