Sunday, November 15, 2009

As the Lord Told Them


Job 42:9 9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job. New American Standard Bible

The people in Job’s story are not evangelicals; they’re not even Christians. They have no knowledge of Jesus, they have no knowledge of the Church and they seem to have no knowledge of the Jews. What they do have is knowledge of God. And just like today’s times, some are on and some are off…

Interestingly, Job is well known to God and is the recipient of God’s favor and blessing. Job is accepted by God and is a man of faith. What really blows me away is that God spoke to Job’s three friends and rebuked them for the idiotic notions they believed. What really flips my switches is that they heard God and obeyed! And God gave them a way out of His wrath…

I will remember that God is speaking to those around me and I will remember that He is offering them a way of escape because He is a God “…who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth...” (1 Tim 2:4 NASB); even those who say stupid things and leap to stupid conclusions.

And Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar were obedient – they accepted the word of the Lord and they obeyed… smart move. I too will obey (or at least try to) – even when it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable – that can’t be nothin’ compared to God’s wrath…

Father in Heaven,
You offered Job’s friends a way of escape because You loved them even though they slandered You. Father, there are many around me today who are doing the same and You are offering them a way of escape as well. Help me to pray for them and to remember the grace You extend not just to Your people, but to Your enemies – for You are a loving, compassionate, and forgiving God. Amen.

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