Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Other Side


Psalm 126.6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

We might ask, what is on the other side? Difficulty in life ought to be viewed at least in that way: what will things be like when this is over? Nothing on earth lasts forever. There are realms of forever, but for now, they are only shadows on this earth.

The ancient Jews had been sent into exile for seventy years. They had been brutally ripped out of their comfort zone and sent into dismal pagan exile. God deemed it necessary for them to experience His divine displeasure for their dalliances with pagan religion and false gods. It seems He said, if that’s what you want I will give it to you… full measure. So they went into exile even they never thought the God they worshipped would do such a thing. We should never underestimate what God will, or won’t do.

It is no wonder, then, that they went out weeping and ultimately came home rejoicing. Say what you will about nationalism and patriotism, they are important. They aren’t to be used as weapons, but they are to be embraced because: home is home. What would happen to us if our culture was to be suddenly removed and replaced by something foreign? It would be a hard thing.

The principle of this psalm is sewing and reaping. That seems to be a common thread in the philosophy of Scripture. They went out (willingly or unwillingly) into exile, sowing tears. They came home rejoicing carrying promise and provision. The other side of what they experienced was joy, peace, and promise fulfilled. God had said He would bring them back.

What about us? Is God in control of our lives or are we just winging it on our own? If God is in control (not because we say He is, but because He is…) then there is always another side to things. Whatever we are facing – even with tears – is going to bring about a harvest of some kind, because it seems, that is the way God works. Whatever He takes from us (yes, God takes) He will restore something else to our benefit.

Now, friend, this isn’t meant to be glib; you may be facing something very difficult in your life; at some point or other, we all do. But it is meant to be an encouragement that God is with those who trust in Him. It may not feel like it (as if feelings were the acceptable litmus test to all the ups and downs of life) but we must come to terms with things that are bigger than we are, and a God who is bigger than all. Tears are seeds to sow because of what grows from them. If the fruit of our tears is growth in our relationship with God then so be it – we’ll be: returning with songs of joy, carrying sheaves!

The other side is what ought to get us going. We ought to wonder: what is the outcome of all this? And can I be patient and curious enough to see it through? Sewing tears; reaping abundance.

Father, in my present perceived problems, I pray for spiritual stamina to wait and see what You will do. I pray to be an encouragement to others and to help them in their weeping. May my weeping become reaping as I watch in wonder as You do the things You do. Thank You for the seeds of tears and the harvest of abundance – Amen.

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