Thursday, October 20, 2016

Earnestly Praying


Acts 12.5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. – St. Luke

What is earnest prayer? What’s the difference between earnest prayer of some other kind of prayer? Perhaps it depends on the situation. Jesus told His men in the garden, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26.41 That was earnest prayer. I tend to think of earnest prayer as battling before the throne when things get tough.

But the need for earnest prayer is not just to get something done; it’s to move the heart of God. God is going to do what He’s going to do, but He listens to His people and responds to them in their need.

My son is three weeks into Basic Military Training; it is something he’s never experienced before and he is uncomfortable. He gets yelled at all the time. He has to live in a barracks full of 30 other men and make his bed, share the shower, march in formation, and do as he is told. His biggest cry? Send me letters of encouragement. Send as many as you can.

I think if ever God cries out to us for anything it’s this: talk to Me! Talk with Me. Tell Me your deepest needs and let Me help you! God loves to hear our voices.

Earnest prayer should be the norm for the believer. If we’re in need, pray earnestly. If we’re praising and thanking God for who He is and what He’s done, pray earnestly. If we’re just conversing with the Almighty, then we’re to put our heart into it. In this life, there are no real small needs when it comes to our lives before God. Earnest prayer is the order of the day.

The one thing King Herod wasn’t counting on was earnest prayer on the part of the Church. An unbeliever cannot fathom communication with God. Very rarely have I asked to pray for someone and been turned down. But on occasion I have, and the disdain for prayer then was almost palpable. Those who don’t let me pray, don’t understand. The soldiers guarding Peter didn’t understand either and suffered the consequences.

What needs do you have today? Are you praying earnestly for them to be met? Is anyone else praying with you? God listens to our voices but He seems to prefer the choral effort in prayer rather than solos.

My take away is this: pray often, pray earnestly. Give God the credit that He hears and acts, and pray accordingly. What in life is it that we are facing that we are choosing to face alone? Pray earnestly. Who needs our help? Pray earnestly.

Father in Heaven, as I think about my prayer life, it seems small and stunted; it seems self-focused and feeble. Help me to pray as I ought. Help me to pray earnestly and to pray often. Thank you for hearing my heart. Amen

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