Monday, November 22, 2010

The Folks in Nazareth


Matthew 13:58 58 And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. ESV

It’s not that Jesus wasn't able to do the miracles, it was because He wasn't sought out for miracles; not many in Nazareth believed He could do ‘mighty works’. It says He didn’t do many – nowadays we want Him to do just one. It’s not that He can’t or won’t; it’s that we don’t (or won’t) seek Him for miracles.

I’m astounded at how pharmacology has made strides in helping people with afflictions they don’t even know they have. I will tell you, as one who suffers from hypertension (high blood pressure), I’m glad for my little daily pill that provides what I need for stabilized blood pressure and a normalized heart-rate. I wish I didn’t have to take it but wishing for something has solved very few of my issues in life… I take it because I’m miserable without it. That doesn’t mean I don’t have faith although there are some who think that’s my issue.

The folks in Nazareth didn’t believe in Jesus – they couldn’t understand why a home-town, home-grown kid could talk the way He did and garner such attention with His mighty works in other places; to them, after all, He was just Jesus. Jesus wasn’t respected where He grew up. He didn’t do mighty works there because not many would humble themselves and approach Him to get one.

These days, the mighty works I need, have more to do with my character, my family, and the economy; stuff like that. I‘d like to grow spiritually. I would like to see my children grow spiritually as well. I’d like to sell a nice house in a very bad market. Or I’d like Jesus to help me find the income to pay for the house I have. But I don’t want to be like the folks in Nazareth who didn’t even come to see Him because they couldn’t accept Him – that’s a very sad place to be.

Father in Heaven,
It’s not that You won’t; it’s mostly because I don’t that’s the issue. It’s not about lack of stuff, it’s mostly because I scheme and dream and little do I scream out to heaven – HELP!!! Father I come to You because I need mighty works in my life and You are the Only One who can help. Help me today I pray – amen.

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