Friday, October 2, 2009

The Silence of the Second Son


Luke 15.31a 31 “And he said to him, ‘Son..." NASB

The parable of the Prodigal Son is both happy and tragic. It’s happy because of the restoration of a selfish sinner; it is tragic because of the loss of a selfish sinner. Both sons are sinners. Both sons are self-focused and want their own way. One rebels and runs; the other sulks in servitude. Apparently one hates the other.

We want the older brother to respond the way the younger one did, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the parable ends leaving us to wonder what happened to the older son and his bitter anger against the father’s decision to lovingly welcome the younger son back. What stands out to me today is the silence of the second son.

I am learning to see things differently but I’ll guarantee you this, mostly I am self-centered and self-focused. I want to smack the older son for having such an attitude, but I find I have the same one, “God! Judge those idiots for being so stupid and for sinning against You!” I am offended by the older son but I must be aware of those tendencies in me and must forgive others the way Jesus has forgiven me. Sometimes it’s stinking hard to do but it’s what pleases God.

Father in Heaven,
The parable leaves me asking, ‘did the older son cool off, warm up, and repent of his attitude?’ I don’t know – but I do know You give grace to the humble and oppose the proud. Help me when I get all self-righteous and judgmental to remember the silence of the second son and repent. I leave the story thinking he didn’t, and I don’t want to be that way. Thanks for helping me in this area of my life – through Jesus I pray, amen.

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