Sunday, April 30, 2017

Quantifiable Faith

(Reading: Matthew 17)

Matthew 17.20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” – Jesus

In Matthew 17, Jesus helped a family whose child was given to seizures. They came to Him asking Him to do something, complaining His disciples couldn’t. So, Jesus, rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. (V. 18) What they saw as seizures, Jesus saw as demonic oppression.

There are many questions that come up in my mind as I read this: how does a child become demon possessed (or oppressed); how much is: ‘so little faith; and, how do you compare faith to the size of a mustard seed? What is quantifiable faith anyway?

The disciples complained that they tried to help the boy, but it didn’t work; and they wondered why. So, Jesus told them: Because you have so little faith. Now, does that mean little faith, or no faith? Or, wrong faith? And is little faith less than faith the size of a mustard seed? How much faith does it take?

My belief is there are no wasted words in life. Certainly, there is wasted breath in speaking idle words, but there are no wasted words. There may be vain words, but our words are important because they reveal to us what is going on in our heart. The disciples asked: “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” And Jesus replied, because you have so little faith. Simple question and answer.

Q & A:

Well, Jesus, how much does it take? Answer: “…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Next question: how do I get such quantifiable faith? Answer: I, God, am going to say things to you that you may not understand, but just because you don’t understand them doesn’t mean you have no faith – it just means you don’t understand. Trust Me, and trust in Me, and it will all work out – even if you need to say to a mountain: Move!, it will have to move because of your faith in Me.

I wonder about my own faith at times. (Today, being one of those times.) But here is the deal: God is not going to allow me to waste my time or my breath trying to drive out opposition or oppression in my life unless I exercise even the smallest amount of faith in Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. And trying to do otherwise is a waste of time and breath.

Lord, however You do it, would You increase my faith – even up to just the size of a mustard seed? I’d like as much as You’ll give me, but I’ll settle for the mustard seed today. Thank You that You are training me to live and believe that life is not about what I make of it, but about what You make of me in life. Increase my faith as I partner with You – amen.

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