Saturday, April 22, 2017

Everyone Eats


Matthew 9.13 "But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” – Jesus

I think if we really want to know the heart of God, we might stop and meditate on the words of Jesus: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I think we moderns ought to quit focusing on the Mosaic Law, by trying to weave its rules into our relationship with God.

Sacrifice was an important part of the Law, but it wasn’t the Law. It was a means God used to test the hearts of His people helping them with issues like greed. But, when it was all said and done, they got to eat the meat cooked on the altar. Not always, but most of the time. And every day at some point or other it smelled like a Texas barbeque out there in the middle of nowhere as they wandered from Egypt toward the Promised Land. Yum!

Even though sacrifice was commanded by the Law, they got to eat it. Hmmm. I think that’s pretty cool from this God we seem to perceive as awesome and powerful but with anger issues… (Here, kid. Have a steak!) Like Mean Joe Greene tossing his jersey to the young fan in the tunnel who offered him a Coke! God’s heart has always been for mercy. Everyone eats.

And God has always led His people to be like Him. Be merciful as I am merciful. Jesus said: Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (Matthew 5.7) He also said: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 5.14-15) Those aren’t stern warnings; they were encouragement for them to be like God: merciful and forgiving.

So, when Jesus calls out the Pharisees for criticizing Him for hanging out with newcomers, He simply replies: mercy boys, mercy, not sacrifice. It’s about love, not about keeping the rules. When we come to know God in His love, we realize what He is really after. If we kill a bull and burn it to ashes, and nobody eats, and God gets all the ‘glory’, we’re still hungry!

If we offer God’s acceptance to people and insist they have to follow the rules in order to get it; what have we given, and what have they gained? It’s no wonder people are disappointed with religion – we’ve made it all about big fire but no food. A lot of effort, just to leave go away on an empty stomach. Or, worse, leaving on a stomach filled with ashes: believing it’s the rules that make us right before God, and being okay with that. But starving, nonetheless.

Mercy gives the ‘offer-er’ something to eat. Mercy gives the one hungering for God, freedom from the rules, then fills them with God’s love and acceptance just the way they are… God’s love takes care of all the rest.

Father, may I apply the words of Jesus anew today. It is about mercy. And Lord, my sacrifice is mercy; getting what I don’t deserve. May I help others in honoring You, but to do so by their mercy, and not their sacrifice. May I and others, be like You – everyone gets to eat. Thank You for Your great love and for asking me just to believe in You. You’ll take care of all the rest… Amen

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