Monday, July 18, 2011



Isaiah 34:16 16 Look in the scroll of the Lord and read: None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate. For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together. NIV

The scene is the throne room of heaven. There is worship, reverence, and millions and millions of angels all attending the King; awaiting His next word. The camera zooms in, and in the frame, all we can see is the mouth of the Lord; and like the sound of mighty thunder He speaks: My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens; see, it descends in judgment on Edom, the people I have totally destroyed. (Isaiah 34:5 NIV) God speaks. God commands and God judges the nations. God saves the faithful and protects the innocent but whatever God does in judgment, He does firmly, and with finality. In Edom, where once was a thriving community of people and villages there was now a haunt for wild birds, jackals, and beasts.

Edom was the people-group descended from Isaac’s son Esau, the wicked twin brother of Jacob, who despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob for a bowl of chili. From Esau came a nation of people who hated the Jews – their cousins. Family squabbles may start small but in time if left unchecked can cause whole nations to hate each other and seek revenge. Such was the case of Edom; a jealous, ruthless nation that took every opportunity to viciously exact revenge on Judah. So much for brotherly love.

God notices those things. And God sees what goes on in my heart when I react to people I’m either threatened by or feel have hurt me. The calling on my life is to let God handle that but sometimes the fear is too great, or the hurt too deep. I have choices at that point – I can either let God handle it, or I can take care of it on my own. Love for God means love for and forgiveness to people – or at least it’s supposed to. The choice is mine whether I choose His way or my own.

The judgment of Edom was irrevocable and the nation of Edom with all its bitterness and jealousy, was completely destroyed just as the Lord commanded; the words came right from His lips. And God summoned (see above) the wild birds and animals to inhabit a land where once people did. When I choose my way over God’s I risk the removal of His hand of protection, and forfeit His wisdom for direction. God always pays back, with interest, on what we invest, be it righteousness, or some other way.

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